Name |
Description |
AboutBox |
AppDelegate |
Application |
Approximation |
Summary description for Form1. |
BlobsBrowser |
Canvas |
CefJavascriptExecutor |
CefSampleView |
CefSampleViewModel |
CellWorld |
ConsoleMailboxFilter |
ConsoleMessageStore |
Database |
DefineRegionsControl |
DeltaRuleForm |
FaceForm |
Features |
Global |
HSLFilteringForm |
Summary description for HSLFilteringForm. |
InteractionPoints |
JSObject |
MainForm |
MainForm.Sample |
MainWindow |
Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml |
MatrixControl |
MotionRegionsForm |
MvcApplication |
NetworkDiagram |
NetworkLayer |
OneLayerPerceptronForm |
Optimization |
PerceptronForm |
PerfWindow |
Performance Window View. |
Program |
Sample |
SampleAppBootstrapper |
SampleCamp |
SamplesPage |
Sequence |
SettingsHelper |
SettingsPage |
ShellView |
ShellViewModel |
SiteMaster |
Startup |
StockSample |
Create a sample database containing some stock prices and perform some basic queries. |
TSPChromosome |
The chromosome is to solve TSP task (Travailing Salesman Problem). |
TSPFitnessFunction |
Fitness function for TSP task (Travaling Salasman Problem) |
TableSelectDialog |
TaskExtensions |
TimeSeries |
URLForm |
UserFunction |
VideoCaptureDeviceForm |
VisionForm |
WebSocketSampleView |
Interaction logic for WebSocketSampleView.xaml |
WorldRendererControl |
XorProblem |
_Default |