Name |
Description |
AddCnvtrDlg |
The dialog for adding/configuring encoding converters |
AdvancedEncProps |
Summary description for AdvancedEncProps. |
ArchiveWithRamp |
BackupProjectSettings |
Settings that specify how to back up a project. Passed to the backup project presenter to initialize it and the dialog, and also passed to the backup service. |
CharContextCtrl |
Class to support displaying the context(s) for a character string. |
CharacterInventoryRow |
Class for a single row in the character inventory grid. |
ChooseLangProjectDialog |
CnvtrPropertiesCtrl |
Summary description for CnvtrPropertiesCtrl. |
ContextGrid |
Subclass the grid so we can make it double-buffered. |
ContextInfo |
Class that enables the context grid to get the text before and after the character being displayed. |
ConverterTest |
ConverterTest class. |
DeleteWritingSystemWarningDialog |
A warning dialog that we can't quite do with MessageBox because custom text is required for the "Yes" button. |
DummyFwFindReplaceDlg |
Dummy find dialog |
DummyFwNewLangProject |
Subclass of FwNewLangProject core dialog for testing purposes. |
DummyValidCharactersDlg |
DummyValidCharsGridMngr |
Override of a ValidCharsGridsManager for testing. |
DummyWritingSystemPropertiesDialog |
EncoderInfo |
ErrorMessageHandler |
Handles error messages and how to present them to the user via GUI |
FindCollectorEnv |
Handles finding text |
FindReplaceCollectorEnvBase |
Base class for specialized find and replace collector classes |
FwCoreDlgs |
FwFindReplaceDlg |
FwFindReplaceDlgBaseTests |
Summary description for FwFindReplaceDlgBaseTests. |
FwFindReplaceDlgTests |
FwFindReplaceDlgWithLiteralStringsTests |
FwFindReplaceDlgWithObjectsRepeatedInDisplayTests |
FwHelpAbout |
FwNewLangProject |
FwNewLangProjectTests |
FwProjPropertiesDlg |
FwProjPropertiesDlg.WsMenuItem |
We subclass the menu item so we can store a NamedWritingSystem for each menu item in the Add writing system popup list. |
FwUpdateReportDlg |
Base class for displaying somewhat "techie" information to report on changes that were applied automatically to a project but which the user might need to review. |
HelperMenu |
Context menu to help build text expressions. Subclassed to provide regex and morpheme break building help |
MergeWritingSystemDlg |
The merge writing systems dialog. |
MorphBreakHelperMenu |
Context menu to help build morpheme breaks |
MoveOrCopyFilesController |
Used to move or copy media files when they are linked to a FieldWorks project |
MoveOrCopyFilesDlg |
This dialog is used whenever LangProject.LinkedFilesRootDir is changed, to find out what the user wants to do with the files that exist in the old location, and whenever a file from outside LangProject.LinkedFilesRootDir is linked from this project to find out whether the user wants to move or copy into LangProject.LinkedFilesRootDir or to leave the file where it is. |
PicturePropertiesDialog |
Dialog for editing picture properties |
PunctuationDlg |
RegexHelperMenu |
Context menu to help build regular expressions. To be used in Find dialog boxes with regex support. |
ReplaceAllCollectorEnv |
Handles replacing text |
ReverseFindCollectorEnv |
SampleVc |
SampleView |
SearchKiller |
Implements a search killer |
SharedBackendServicesHelper |
Provides a common place for calls which utilize FDO's SharedBackendServices |
ValidCharactersDlg |
Dialog for specifying the valid characters for a FieldWorks writing system |
ValidCharactersDlg.ValidCharGridsManager |
ValidCharactersDlgTests |
ValidCharactersDlgTests.DummyWritingSystem |
ValidCharactersDlgTests.DummyWritingSystemContainer |
ValidCharactersDlgTests.Fwr3660ValidCharactersDlg |
VwPatternSerializableSettings |
Wrapper to serialize/deserialize basic settings for VwPattern |
WarningNotUsingDefaultLinkedFilesLocation |
WritingSystemPropertiesDialog |
WritingSystemPropertiesDialogTests |