C# (CSharp) Phun.Security Namespace


Name Description
PhunConfigUtil Config util, copied from: https://github.com/ASP-NET-MVC/aspnetwebstack/blob/master/src/WebMatrix.WebData/ConfigUtil.cs Apache License copyright 2.0 blah blah... and just make it public dang it.
PhunSimpleMembershipProvider Copied from here: https://github.com/ASP-NET-MVC/aspnetwebstack/blob/master/src/WebMatrix.WebData/SimpleMembershipProvider.cs Apache License copyright 2.0 blah blah... to support more database engine. This is one horribly big file. Somebody should be smacked with a large trout. Half way through I feel like a coding monkey, the rest of the CMS feel like it's not even this big. GRRRRR!!!!
PhunSimpleRoleProvider Copied from: https://github.com/ASP-NET-MVC/aspnetwebstack/blob/master/src/WebMatrix.WebData/SimpleRoleProvider.cs Apache License copyright 2.0 blah blah... to support more database engines.
PhunWebSecurity Not trying to be microsoft websecurity which is horrible. Static?