C# (CSharp) OfficeOpenXml Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ExcelAddress Range address with the address property readonly
ExcelAddressBase A range address
ExcelBackgroundImage An image that fills the background of the worksheet.
ExcelCell ExcelCell represents an individual worksheet cell.
ExcelCellAddress A single cell address
ExcelCellBase Base class containing cell address manipulating methods.
ExcelColumn Represents an individual column within the worksheet
ExcelCommentCollection Collection of Excelcomment objects
ExcelHeaderFooter Represents the Header and Footer on an Excel Worksheet
ExcelHeaderFooterText Print header and footer
ExcelHyperLink HyperlinkClass
ExcelNamedRange A named range.
ExcelPackage Represents an Excel 2007 XLSX file package. Opens the file and provides access to all the components (workbook, worksheets, properties etc.).
ExcelRow Represents an individual row in the spreadsheet.
ExcelStyles Containts all shared cell styles for a workbook
ExcelTextFormat Describes how to split a CSV text. Used by the ExcelRange.LoadFromText method
ExcelWorkbook Represents the Excel workbook and provides access to all the document properties and worksheets within the workbook.
OfficeProperties Provides access to the properties bag of any office document (i.e. Word, Excel etc.)
PackUriHelperMonoSafe workaround for wrongly implemented GetRelativeUri in Mono see https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2527 Mono always returns the sourcePartUri.
PackagePartForMono provide a solution for the problem that Microsoft Excel 2010 is not able to open the xlsx file produced on Mono, due to the way the relationship ID is formatted. Mono only produces numbers like 0, 1, 2, etc. Microsoft Office 2010 does not like just a number starting with 0, that Mono would produce see https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mcs/class/WindowsBase/System.IO.Packaging/PackagePart.cs Open XML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool for Microsoft Office error message: Cannot open the file: Die ID "0" ist keine gültige XSD-ID.
XmlHelper Help class containing XML functions. Can be Inherited