C# (CSharp) MvvmValidation Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
NotifyDataErrorInfoAdapter Adapts an instance of ValidationHelper to the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface.
NumberedListValidationResultFormatter An implementation of IValidationResultFormatter that formats the validation result as a numbered list of errors or an empty string if valid.
RuleResultExtensions Contains helper extension methods for working with RuleResult.
ValidationException Represents an exception that occurs during validation
ValidationHelperExtensions Contains extensions methods for ValidationHelper.
ValidationResult Encapsulates result of a validation. Contains a boolean IsValid and a collection of errors ErrorList.
ValidationResultChangedEventArgs Contains arguments for the ValidationHelper.ResultChanged event.
ValidationResultExtensions Contains helper extension methods for working with ValidationResult.
ValidationRuleSettings Represents validation rule settings that control the rule behavior.
ValidationScope Provides a possibility to comibine multiple instances of ValidationHelper into one scope and execute the validation in one go with multiple validators. Useful when validating multiple view models that are not aware of each other and know only about the scope.
ValidationSettings Contains settings that control the behavior of a particular instance of ValidationHelper.