C# (CSharp) ModularityWithNinject.Desktop Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AggregateModuleCatalog A basic aggregation of IModuleCatalogs for quickstart purposes.
App Interaction logic for App.xaml
CallbackLogger A logger that holds on to log entries until a callback delegate is set, then plays back log entries and sends new log entries.
ModuleA A module for the quickstart.
ModuleC A module for the quickstart.
ModuleControl Interaction logic for ModuleControl.xaml
ModuleTracker Provides tracking of modules for the quickstart.
ModuleTrackingState Provides tracking of a module's state for the quickstart.
ModuleTrackingState.PropertyNames Property names used with INotifyPropertyChanged.
QuickStartBootstrapper Initializes Prism to start this quickstart Prism application to use Ninject.
Shell Interaction logic for Shell.xaml
WellKnownModuleNames A set of well-known module names for communication with IModuleTracker.