C# (CSharp) Lucene.Net.Analysis.Fi Namespace


Name Description
FinnishAnalyzer Analyzer for Finnish.
FinnishAnalyzer.DefaultSetHolder Atomically loads the DEFAULT_STOP_SET in a lazy fashion once the outer class accesses the static final set the first time.;
FinnishLightStemFilter A TokenFilter that applies FinnishLightStemmer to stem Finnish words.

To prevent terms from being stemmed use an instance of SetKeywordMarkerFilter or a custom TokenFilter that sets the KeywordAttribute before this TokenStream.

FinnishLightStemmer Light Stemmer for Finnish.

This stemmer implements the algorithm described in: Report on CLEF-2003 Monolingual Tracks Jacques Savoy

TestFinnishLightStemFilterFactory Simple tests to ensure the Finnish light stem factory is working.