C# (CSharp) LiveCharts.Uwp Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AngularGauge The gauge chart is useful to display progress or completion.
Axis An Axis of a chart
AxisSection An Axis section highlights values or ranges in a chart.
CartesianChart The Cartesian chart can plot any series with x and y coordinates
DataPointViewModel Point Data
DefaultGeometries Contains an already defined collection of geometries, useful to set the Series.PointGeomety property
DefaultTooltip The Default Tooltip control, by default any chart that requires a tooltip will create a new instance of this class.
Gauge The gauge chart is useful to display progress or completion.
HeatColorRange Interaction logic for HeatColorRange.xaml
HeatSeries Use a HeatSeries in a cartesian chart to draw heat maps.
LineSeries The line series displays trends between points, you must add this series to a cartesian chart.
OhlcSeries The OHCL series defines a financial series, add this series to a cartesian chart
PieChart The pie chart compares mainly the distribution of the data according to different series.
PieSeries The pie series should be added only in a pie chart.
RowSeries The Row series plots horizontal bars in a cartesian chart
ScatterSeries The Bubble series, draws scatter series, only using X and Y properties or bubble series, if you also use the weight property, this series should be used in a cartesian chart.
Separator Defines an Axis.Separator, this class customizes the separator of an axis.
Series Base WPF and WinForms series, this class is abstract
SeriesViewModel Series Data
StackedAreaSeries The stacked area compares trends and percentage, add this series to a cartesian chart
StackedColumnSeries The stacked column series compares the proportion of every series in a point
StackedRowSeries The stacked row series compares the proportion of every series in a point
StepLineSeries ThesStep line series
TooltipData Contains information about data in a tooltip
VerticalLineSeries The vertical line series is useful to compare trends, this is the inverted version of the LineSeries, this series must be added in a cartesian chart.
VerticalStackedAreaSeries Compares trend and proportion, this series must be added in a cartesian chart.
VisualElement Defines a visual element, a visual element is a UI element that is placed and scaled in the chart.