C# (CSharp) ExamplesLibrary Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AFConnectionExample This example demonstrates making a connection to an AF Server using an implicit connection and an explicit connection.
CompositeViewVM This examples demonstrates how to compose a view from multiple sub-views that can communicate with each other. The CompositeViewVM is the master view model composed of two subordinate view models, GridViewVM and TreeViewVM. The master view model doesn't have any view, its only purpose is to manage its sub view models, which includes instantiation and enabling the communication through Observer pattern.
CompositeViewVM.LinkedGridViewVM A subclass of GridViewVM that hides the SelectedDetails property from the view.
CompositeViewVM.LinkedTreeViewVM A subclass of TreeViewVM that uses a different binding to expand, and provide a new method to expand and select a particular tree item.
ControlTypesVM This view model demonstrates different types of bindings that can applied to HTML elements. This is by no means comprehensive; for more binding types, see KnockoutJS documentation.
CreateEventFrameExample This example creates 5 event frames of 1 day periods spanning the last 5 days. The primary referenced element for the event frames are set to the Region_0\BoilerA element.
CreatePIPointsExample This example creates a floating and digital PI Point on the server.
FindAttributesByPathExample This example locates an attribute of interest and then get its current value. The target attribute is \\AFServer\NuGreen\NuGreen\Houston\Cracking Process\Equipment\B-210|Process Feedrate. The alternative is traversing down the AF hierarchy, as shown in HierarchyWalkDownExample.
FindElementAttributesExample This example uses FindElementAttributes to return a list of AFAttribute objects to the client.
FindElementsExample Find a collection of elements instantiated from the Boiler template. Print each found element name to the console.
FindEventFramesExample This example retrieves 2 event frames created previously by CreateEventFramesExample.
FindPIPointsExample This example finds PI Points based off of a query and prints the point attributes to the console.
GridViewVM This view model demonstrates how to leverage the two-way data binding on both the server-side view model and the code-behind on the browser to build rich web applications with less efforts and less code complexity.
GridViewVM.EmployeeInfo The class that holds employee info to send to the client. It inherits from Observable because the client can edit the names properties and we would like to be notified of the changes if that happens.
GridViewVM.HeaderInfo This class holds the list header info.
HelloWorldVM This view model demonstrates the two-way data binding between this server-side view model and the browser view.
LoadElementsExample Find and load a collection of elements instantiated from the Boiler template. Print each found element name and attribute count to the console.
PIConnectionExample This example demonstrates making a connection to an PI Data Archive using an implicit connection and an explicit connection.
PartialLoadElementsExample Find and partially load a collection of elements instantiated from the Boiler template. Print the current values of the Water Flow attribute to the console.
ReadFromAFExample Retrieving values from AF Attributes is best done in bulk, in particular, if any of the data is coming from the PI Data Archive. By bulk retrieving the data, the number of round-trips to the PI Data Archive are reduced. This example uses the AFAttributeList to illustrate how to retrieve attribute values in bulk. We will retrieve the current vaues for the Process Feedrate and Steam Flow attributes for all Compressor template elements and print to console. This example is very similar to the PartialLoadElementsExample.
ReadFromPIExample Retrieving values from PIPoints is best done in bulk. By bulk retrieving the data, the number of round-trips to the PI Data Archive are reduced. This example makes a bulk snapshot call for SINUSOID, SINUSOIDU, CDT158, and CDM158 PI Points.
TreeViewVM This view model demonstrates how to do lazy-loading on a deep tree without storing anything in the view model.
TreeViewVM.TreeItem The class that holds a tree item data.
WriteValuesUsingAFExample This example demonstrates how to write values to the PI Data Archive via an AF Server. An example for numeric and digital tags is given.
WriteValuesUsingPIExample This example demonstrates how to write values to the PI Data Archive using the methods in OSIsoft.AF.PI. An example for numeric and digital tags is given.