C# (CSharp) DataAccessFramework.Querying Namespace


Name Description
AndClause Represents an AND clause in a query
BoolConstant Where part containing an boolean constant.
BuildSqlContext Context for generating SQL. This contains all the data that is build up when generating SQL for a Query
DateTimeConstant A where part that represents a string constant. Will be converted to a parameter.
EqualsClause Where clause for an equals operator.
FieldReference A part in a where clause that references a field in one of the included tables.
FullTextClause A where part representing a full text search.
IntConstant Where part containing an integer constant.
IsNullClause A where clause for specifying that a column should be null.
LessThanClause Where clause for a less-than operator , i.e. <
LikeClause A where clause for a LIKE statement
LongConstant Where part containing an 64bit integer constant.
OperatorClause A simple case class for creating AND and OR operators.
OrClause Represents an OR clause in a query.
Query An object that represents a general SQL query, can be either a select, insert, or an update query.
QueryTable Represents a table used in a query.
SelectQuery An object that represents an SQL select, containing references to the tables to join, and the where clauses.
SortExpression Represents an expression for specifying sorting in the data query.
StartsWithClause Where clause for a string field that starts with a specific string
StringConstant A where part that represents a string constant. Will be converted to a parameter.
WherePart Represents a part in where part of an sql query.