C# (CSharp) CallfireApiClient Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AccessForbiddenException Exception thrown in case if platform returns HTTP code 403 - Forbidden, insufficient permissions
CallfireClient Callfire API v2 .NET client use your API login and password to create client instance object
CallfireClientException Exception thrown in case error has occurred in client.
CallfireContractResolver Custom ContactResolver is used for: 1. Populate properties with private modifiers. 2. Serialize properties using camelCase names. 3. Skip serialization of empty collections. 4. Base class properties go first on serialization.
ClientConstants Client constants
InternalServerErrorException Exception thrown in case if platform returns HTTP code 500 - Internal Server Error
Logger Simple logging wrapper around TraceSource
ModelValidationException Exception is used by Callfire model validation methods
ResourceNotFoundException Exception thrown in case if platform returns HTTP code 404 - NOT FOUND, the resource requested does not exist
UnauthorizedException Exception thrown in case if platform returns HTTP code 401 - Unauthorized, API Key missing or invalid
UnixTimeJsonConverter Custom DateTime converter to convert incoming Unix UTC time to C# DateTime