Name |
Description |
BoxApplyWatermarkRequest |
BoxAssignmentCounts |
BoxCollaboration |
Box representation of a collaboration |
BoxCollaborationRequest |
A request class for collaboration requests |
BoxCollaborationRoles |
BoxCollection |
BoxCollectionItem |
BoxCollectionMarkerBased |
BoxCollectionsRequest |
Create or update collections request |
BoxCommentRequest |
A request class for making comment requests |
BoxDevicePin |
BoxEmailAlias |
Box representation of email alias |
BoxEmailAliasRequest |
A request class for making email alias requests |
BoxEnterpriseEvent |
BoxEnterpriseMetadataTemplateCollection |
BoxEntity |
Represents the base class for most Box model objects |
BoxEventCollection |
BoxFile |
Box representation of a file |
BoxFileLock |
Box representation of a file |
BoxFileLockRequest |
A request class for making file lock requests |
BoxFileVersionLegalHold |
Box representation of a file version legal hold |
BoxFolder |
Box representation of a folder |
BoxLegalHoldPolicy |
BoxLegalHoldPolicyAssignment |
BoxLegalHoldPolicyAssignmentRequest |
BoxLegalHoldPolicyRequest |
BoxLongPollInfo |
BoxLongPollInfoCollection |
BoxLongPollMessage |
BoxMetadataTemplate |
Box representation of a metadata template |
BoxMetadataTemplateCollection |
BoxMetadataTemplateField |
Box representation of a metadata template field |
BoxMetadataTemplateFieldOption |
Box representation of a metadata template field option |
BoxMetadataTemplateUpdate |
Box representation of a metadata template update |
BoxPreflightCheck |
Box representation of a preflight check response |
BoxPromoteVersionRequest |
A request class for making promote version requests. |
BoxRequestEntity |
a request class for box requests. This is the parent class for most of the request classes |
BoxRestrictedTo |
BoxTask |
BoxTaskAssignment |
Assignment for a given task |
BoxTaskAssignmentRequest |
BoxTaskAssignmentUpdateRequest |
Request to update a task assignment. |
BoxTaskUpdateRequest |
Request for creating a single task for single user on a single file |
BoxUser |
Box representation of a user |
BoxWatermark |
BoxWatermarkInfo |
BoxWatermarkRequest |
BoxWatermarkResponse |
BoxWebLink |
BoxWebLinkRequest |
BoxWebhookCollection |
BoxWebhookRequest |