C# (CSharp) BB.Caching.Redis Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BloomFilter Bloom filter class using redis.
BloomFilter.BFOptions The bloom filter options.
ConnectionGroup A group of connections for Redis. Used to group a master-slave setup so that we can treat the master as the single write connection (/ read connection) and the slave(s) as the read connection(s).
PubSub Manages all pub-sub related workflows.
PubSub.PubSubSingleton A singleton to hold open a pub sub instance.
RateLimiter Used to limit the rate at which actions can be performed. This class uses redis to track the current usage and the throttling limit for a particular action.
Statistics Statistics class to track basic statistics across multiple servers using redis.
Statistics.Stats A class to calculate various statistics and give access to some statistical information.