C# (CSharp) Apache.NMS.Util Namespace


Name Description
MessagePropertyIntercepter Utility class used to set NMS properties via introspection for IMessage derived instances. This class allows IMessage classes to define Message specific properties that can be accessed using the standard property get / set semantics. This is especially useful for NMSX type properties which can vary by provider and are obtianed via a call to IConnectionMetaData.NMSXPropertyNames. The client can set the properties on an IMessage instance without a direct cast to the providers specific Message types. Properties accessed in this way are treated as NMS Message headers which are never read-only therefore there is no exception thrown if the message itself is in the read-only property mode.
PrimitiveMap A default implementation of IPrimitiveMap
PrimitiveMapInterceptor This class provides a mechanism to intercept calls to a IPrimitiveMap instance and perform validation, handle type conversion, or some other function necessary to use the PrimitiveMap in a Message or other NMS object. Be default this class enforces the standard conversion policy for primitive types in NMS shown in the table below: | | boolean byte short char int long float double String byte[] |---------------------------------------------------------------------- |boolean | X X |byte | X X X X X |short | X X X X |char | X X |int | X X X |long | X X |float | X X X |double | X X |String | X X X X X X X X |byte[] | X |----------------------------------------------------------------------
SessionUtil Class to provide support for working with Session objects.
URISupport Class to provide support for Uri query parameters which uses .Net reflection to identify and set properties.
XmlUtil Class to provide support for working with Xml objects.