C# Class org.GraphDefined.Vanaheimr.Illias.CommandLineParser

A command line parser.
Datei anzeigen Open project: Vanaheimr/Illias Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddLongOption ( String LongOption ) : CommandLineParserOption

Create a new fluent interface to create command line parser options.

AddOption ( Char ShortOption, Action Delegate, String Verification = null ) : CommandLineParser

Add the given action for the given character, e.g. "o" for a "-o" command line option.

AddOption ( Char ShortOption, String LongOption, Action Delegate, String Verification = null ) : CommandLineParser

Add the given action for the given character and string, e.g. "o" and "output" for a "-o" and "--output" command line option.

AddOption ( String LongOption, Action Delegate, String Verification = null ) : CommandLineParser

Add the given action for the given string, e.g. "output" for a "--output" command line option.

AddOption ( ) : CommandLineParserOption

Create a new fluent interface to create command line parser options.

AddShortOption ( Char ShortOption ) : CommandLineParserOption

Create a new fluent interface to create command line parser options.

CommandLineParser ( ) : System

Create a new command line parser.

Parse ( String Arguments ) : CommandLineParser

Parse the given array of arguments.

Method Details

AddLongOption() public method

Create a new fluent interface to create command line parser options.
public AddLongOption ( String LongOption ) : CommandLineParserOption
LongOption String Add a long option.
return CommandLineParserOption

AddOption() public method

Add the given action for the given character, e.g. "o" for a "-o" command line option.
public AddOption ( Char ShortOption, Action Delegate, String Verification = null ) : CommandLineParser
ShortOption Char A short option.
Delegate Action What to do with the value of the character option.
Verification String An optional regular expression for verification.
return CommandLineParser

AddOption() public method

Add the given action for the given character and string, e.g. "o" and "output" for a "-o" and "--output" command line option.
public AddOption ( Char ShortOption, String LongOption, Action Delegate, String Verification = null ) : CommandLineParser
ShortOption Char A short option.
LongOption String A long option.
Delegate Action What to do with the value of the short and/or long option.
Verification String An optional regular expression for verification.
return CommandLineParser

AddOption() public method

Add the given action for the given string, e.g. "output" for a "--output" command line option.
public AddOption ( String LongOption, Action Delegate, String Verification = null ) : CommandLineParser
LongOption String A long option.
Delegate Action What to do with the value of the string option.
Verification String An optional regular expression for verification.
return CommandLineParser

AddOption() public method

Create a new fluent interface to create command line parser options.
public AddOption ( ) : CommandLineParserOption
return CommandLineParserOption

AddShortOption() public method

Create a new fluent interface to create command line parser options.
public AddShortOption ( Char ShortOption ) : CommandLineParserOption
ShortOption Char Add a short option.
return CommandLineParserOption

CommandLineParser() public method

Create a new command line parser.
public CommandLineParser ( ) : System
return System

Parse() public method

Parse the given array of arguments.
public Parse ( String Arguments ) : CommandLineParser
Arguments String An array of arguments.
return CommandLineParser