C# Class openHistorian.Data.Query.GetFrameMethods

Queries a historian database for a set of signals.
Datei anzeigen Open project: GridProtectionAlliance/openHistorian

Public Methods

Method Description
GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this stream ) : FrameData>.SortedList

Gets concentrated frames from the provided stream

GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime stopTime ) : FrameData>.SortedList

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.

GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, SeekFilterBase timestamps ) : FrameData>.SortedList

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.

GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, SeekFilterBase timestamps, HistorianValue>.MatchFilterBase points ) : FrameData>.SortedList

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.

GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, SortedTreeEngineReaderOptions options, SeekFilterBase timestamps, HistorianValue>.MatchFilterBase points ) : FrameData>.SortedList

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.

RoundToTolerance ( FrameData>.this origional, System.TimeSpan tolerance ) : FrameData>.SortedList

Rounds the frame to the nearest level of specified tolerance.

RoundToTolerance ( FrameData>.this origional, int toleranceMilliseconds ) : FrameData>.SortedList

Rounds the frame to the nearest level of specified tolerance.

Private Methods

Method Description
Min ( EnumerableHelper left, EnumerableHelper right ) : EnumerableHelper
Round ( this origional, System.TimeSpan tolerance ) : System.DateTime

Method Details

GetFrames() public static method

Gets concentrated frames from the provided stream
public static GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this stream ) : FrameData>.SortedList
stream HistorianValue>.this the database to use
return FrameData>.SortedList

GetFrames() public static method

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.
public static GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime stopTime ) : FrameData>.SortedList
database HistorianValue>.this the database to use
startTime System.DateTime
stopTime System.DateTime
return FrameData>.SortedList

GetFrames() public static method

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.
public static GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, SeekFilterBase timestamps ) : FrameData>.SortedList
database HistorianValue>.this the database to use
timestamps SeekFilterBase
return FrameData>.SortedList

GetFrames() public static method

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.
public static GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, SeekFilterBase timestamps, HistorianValue>.MatchFilterBase points ) : FrameData>.SortedList
database HistorianValue>.this the database to use
timestamps SeekFilterBase the timestamps to query for
points HistorianValue>.MatchFilterBase the points to query
return FrameData>.SortedList

GetFrames() public static method

Gets frames from the historian as individual frames.
public static GetFrames ( HistorianValue>.this database, SortedTreeEngineReaderOptions options, SeekFilterBase timestamps, HistorianValue>.MatchFilterBase points ) : FrameData>.SortedList
database HistorianValue>.this the database to use
options SortedTreeEngineReaderOptions A list of query options
timestamps SeekFilterBase the timestamps to query for
points HistorianValue>.MatchFilterBase the points to query
return FrameData>.SortedList

RoundToTolerance() public static method

Rounds the frame to the nearest level of specified tolerance.
public static RoundToTolerance ( FrameData>.this origional, System.TimeSpan tolerance ) : FrameData>.SortedList
origional FrameData>.this the frame to round
tolerance System.TimeSpan the timespan to round on.
return FrameData>.SortedList

RoundToTolerance() public static method

Rounds the frame to the nearest level of specified tolerance.
public static RoundToTolerance ( FrameData>.this origional, int toleranceMilliseconds ) : FrameData>.SortedList
origional FrameData>.this the frame to round
toleranceMilliseconds int the timespan in milliseconds.
return FrameData>.SortedList