C# Class idTech4.Renderer.View

Datei anzeigen Open project: iainmckay/idtech4.net Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AreaNumber int
ConnectedAreas bool[]
DrawSurfaces List
FloatTime float
Frustum Plane[]
InitialViewAreaOrigin Vector3
IsEditor bool
IsMirror bool
IsSubview bool
IsXraySubview bool
ProjectionMatrix Matrix
RenderView idRenderView
RenderWorld idRenderWorld
Scissor idScreenRect
ViewEntities List
ViewFrustum idTech4.Geometry.idFrustum
ViewPort idScreenRect
WorldSpace ViewEntity

Property Details

AreaNumber public_oe property

public int AreaNumber
return int

ConnectedAreas public_oe property

public bool[] ConnectedAreas
return bool[]

DrawSurfaces public_oe property

DrawSurfs are the visible surfaces of the viewEntities, sorted by the material sort parameter
public List DrawSurfaces
return List

FloatTime public_oe property

public float FloatTime
return float

Frustum public_oe property

public Plane[] Frustum
return Plane[]

InitialViewAreaOrigin public_oe property

Used to find the portalArea that view flooding will take place from. for a normal view, the initialViewOrigin will be renderView.viewOrg, but a mirror may put the projection origin outside of any valid area, or in an unconnected area of the map, so the view area must be based on a point just off the surface of the mirror/subview. It may be possible to get a failed portal pass if the plane of the mirror intersects a portal, and the initialViewAreaOrigin is on a different side than the renderView.viewOrg is.
public Vector3 InitialViewAreaOrigin
return Vector3

IsEditor public_oe property

public bool IsEditor
return bool

IsMirror public_oe property

True if the portal is a mirror, invert the face culling.
public bool IsMirror
return bool

IsSubview public_oe property

True if this view is not the main view.
public bool IsSubview
return bool

IsXraySubview public_oe property

public bool IsXraySubview
return bool

ProjectionMatrix public_oe property

public Matrix ProjectionMatrix
return Matrix

RenderView public_oe property

public idRenderView,idTech4.Renderer RenderView
return idRenderView

RenderWorld public_oe property

public idRenderWorld,idTech4.Renderer RenderWorld
return idRenderWorld

Scissor public_oe property

For scissor clipping, local inside renderView viewport.
Subviews may only be rendering part of the main view these are real physical pixel values, possibly scaled and offset from the renderView x/y/width/height
public idScreenRect,idTech4.Renderer Scissor
return idScreenRect

ViewEntities public_oe property

public List ViewEntities
return List

ViewFrustum public_oe property

public idFrustum,idTech4.Geometry ViewFrustum
return idTech4.Geometry.idFrustum

ViewPort public_oe property

In real pixels and proper Y flip.
public idScreenRect,idTech4.Renderer ViewPort
return idScreenRect

WorldSpace public_oe property

public ViewEntity,idTech4.Renderer WorldSpace
return ViewEntity