C# Class WinRTXamlToolkit.Imaging.WriteableBitmapFromBitmapImageExtension

WriteableBitmap extensions for creating or populating a WriteableBitmap from a BitmapImage (or rather the source Uri of the image).
Datei anzeigen Open project: xyzzer/WinRTXamlToolkit

Public Methods

Method Description
LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( BitmapImage source ) : Task

Creates a new WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage.

LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( BitmapImage source, uint decodePixelWidth, uint decodePixelHeight ) : Task

Creates a new WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage.

LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( this target, BitmapImage source ) : Task

Loads the WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage

LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( this target, BitmapImage source, uint decodePixelWidth, uint decodePixelHeight ) : Task

Loads the WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage

Method Details

LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync() public static method

Creates a new WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage.
public static LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( BitmapImage source ) : Task
source Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage The source BitmapImage.
return Task

LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync() public static method

Creates a new WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage.
public static LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( BitmapImage source, uint decodePixelWidth, uint decodePixelHeight ) : Task
source Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage The source BitmapImage.
decodePixelWidth uint Width to decode to.
decodePixelHeight uint Height to decode to.
return Task

LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync() public static method

Loads the WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage
public static LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( this target, BitmapImage source ) : Task
target this The target WriteableBitmap.
source Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage The source BitmapImage.
return Task

LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync() public static method

Loads the WriteableBitmap from the source URI of the given BitmapImage
public static LoadFromBitmapImageSourceAsync ( this target, BitmapImage source, uint decodePixelWidth, uint decodePixelHeight ) : Task
target this The target WriteableBitmap.
source Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage The source BitmapImage.
decodePixelWidth uint Width to decode to.
decodePixelHeight uint Height to decode to.
return Task