C# Class Universe.Modules.Chat.ChatModule

Inheritance: INonSharedRegionModule, IChatModule, IMuteListModule
Datei anzeigen Open project: Virtual-Universe/Virtual-Universe

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AllChatPlugins List
ChatPlugins IChatPlugin>.Dictionary

Public Methods

Method Description
AddRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
Close ( ) : void
DeliverChatToAvatars ( ChatSourceType sourceType, OSChatMessage c ) : void
FindScenePresence ( UUID avID ) : IScenePresence

Find the presence from all the known sims

GetMutes ( UUID agentID, bool &cached ) : Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.MuteList[]

Get all the mutes from the database

Initialize ( IConfigSource config ) : void
OnChatFromWorld ( object sender, OSChatMessage c ) : void

Send the message from the prim to the avatars in the regions

OnNewClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void
RegionLoaded ( IScene scene ) : void
RegisterChatPlugin ( string main, IChatPlugin plugin ) : void
RemoveMute ( UUID muteID, string muteName, UUID agentID ) : void

Remove the given mute from the user's mute list in the database

RemoveRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
SimChat ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, System.Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent, IScene scene ) : void
SimChat ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, System.Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent, bool broadcast, float range, UUID toAgentID, IScene scene ) : void
SimChatBroadcast ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, System.Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromAgentID, bool fromAgent, UUID toAgentID, IScene scene ) : void

Say this message directly to a single person

TrySendChatMessage ( IScenePresence presence, System.Vector3 fromPos, UUID fromAgentID, string fromName, ChatTypeEnum type, string message, ChatSourceType src, float range ) : void
UpdateMuteList ( UUID muteID, string muteName, int flags, UUID agentID ) : void

Update the mute in the database

Protected Methods

Method Description
FixPositionOfChatMessage ( OSChatMessage c ) : OSChatMessage

Set the correct position for the chat message

OnChatBroadcast ( object sender, OSChatMessage c ) : void
OnChatFromClient ( IClientAPI sender, OSChatMessage c ) : void

New chat message from the client

Private Methods

Method Description
FindChatPlugins ( ) : void
OnClosingClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void
OnInstantMessage ( IClientAPI client, GridInstantMessage im ) : void

If its a message we deal with, pull it from the client here

OnMuteListRemove ( IClientAPI client, UUID muteID, string muteName, UUID agentID ) : void

Remove the mute (from the client)

OnMuteListRequest ( IClientAPI client, uint crc ) : void

Get all the mutes the client has set

OnMuteListUpdate ( IClientAPI client, UUID muteID, string muteName, int flags, UUID agentID ) : void

Update the mute (from the client)

UpdateCachedInfo ( UUID agentID, CachedUserInfo info ) : void

Method Details

AddRegion() public method

public AddRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
return void

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void

DeliverChatToAvatars() public method

public DeliverChatToAvatars ( ChatSourceType sourceType, OSChatMessage c ) : void
sourceType ChatSourceType
c Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.OSChatMessage
return void

FindScenePresence() public method

Find the presence from all the known sims
public FindScenePresence ( UUID avID ) : IScenePresence
return IScenePresence

FixPositionOfChatMessage() protected method

Set the correct position for the chat message
protected FixPositionOfChatMessage ( OSChatMessage c ) : OSChatMessage
c Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.OSChatMessage
return Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.OSChatMessage

GetMutes() public method

Get all the mutes from the database
public GetMutes ( UUID agentID, bool &cached ) : Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.MuteList[]
agentID UUID
cached bool
return Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.MuteList[]

Initialize() public method

public Initialize ( IConfigSource config ) : void
config IConfigSource
return void

OnChatBroadcast() protected method

protected OnChatBroadcast ( object sender, OSChatMessage c ) : void
sender object
c Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.OSChatMessage
return void

OnChatFromClient() protected method

New chat message from the client
protected OnChatFromClient ( IClientAPI sender, OSChatMessage c ) : void
sender IClientAPI
c Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.OSChatMessage
return void

OnChatFromWorld() public method

Send the message from the prim to the avatars in the regions
public OnChatFromWorld ( object sender, OSChatMessage c ) : void
sender object
c Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.OSChatMessage
return void

OnNewClient() public method

public OnNewClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

RegionLoaded() public method

public RegionLoaded ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
return void

RegisterChatPlugin() public method

public RegisterChatPlugin ( string main, IChatPlugin plugin ) : void
main string
plugin IChatPlugin
return void

RemoveMute() public method

Remove the given mute from the user's mute list in the database
public RemoveMute ( UUID muteID, string muteName, UUID agentID ) : void
muteName string
agentID UUID
return void

RemoveRegion() public method

public RemoveRegion ( IScene scene ) : void
scene IScene
return void

SimChat() public method

public SimChat ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, System.Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent, IScene scene ) : void
message string
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
fromPos System.Vector3
fromName string
fromAgent bool
scene IScene
return void

SimChat() public method

public SimChat ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, System.Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent, bool broadcast, float range, UUID toAgentID, IScene scene ) : void
message string
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
fromPos System.Vector3
fromName string
fromAgent bool
broadcast bool
range float
toAgentID UUID
scene IScene
return void

SimChatBroadcast() public method

Say this message directly to a single person
public SimChatBroadcast ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, System.Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromAgentID, bool fromAgent, UUID toAgentID, IScene scene ) : void
message string
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
fromPos System.Vector3
fromName string
fromAgentID UUID
fromAgent bool
toAgentID UUID
scene IScene
return void

TrySendChatMessage() public method

public TrySendChatMessage ( IScenePresence presence, System.Vector3 fromPos, UUID fromAgentID, string fromName, ChatTypeEnum type, string message, ChatSourceType src, float range ) : void
presence IScenePresence
fromPos System.Vector3
fromAgentID UUID
fromName string
type ChatTypeEnum
message string
src ChatSourceType
range float
return void

UpdateMuteList() public method

Update the mute in the database
public UpdateMuteList ( UUID muteID, string muteName, int flags, UUID agentID ) : void
muteName string
flags int
agentID UUID
return void

Property Details

AllChatPlugins public_oe property

public List AllChatPlugins
return List

ChatPlugins public_oe property

public Dictionary ChatPlugins
return IChatPlugin>.Dictionary