C# Class Telerik.Sitefinity.Azure.BlobStorage.AzureBlobStorageProvider

Implements a logic for persisting BLOB data in Azure Blob Storage
Inheritance: CloudBlobStorageProvider
Datei anzeigen Open project: Sitefinity/azure-blob-storage-provider

Public Methods

Method Description
BlobExists ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : bool
Copy ( IBlobContentLocation source, IBlobContentLocation destination ) : void
Delete ( IBlobContentLocation content ) : void
DownloadToStream ( IBlobContent content, Stream target ) : void

Downloads a content to the stream

GetDownloadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream

Gets the download stream.

GetItemUrl ( IBlobContentLocation content ) : string
GetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : IBlobProperties
GetUploadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream

Gets the upload stream.

HasSameLocation ( BlobStorageProvider other ) : bool
Move ( IBlobContentLocation source, IBlobContentLocation destination ) : void
SetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation content, IBlobProperties properties ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateBlobClient ( NameValueCollection config ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobClient

Creates a blob client

InitializeStorage ( NameValueCollection config ) : void

Initializes the storage.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetBlob ( IBlobContentLocation blobLocation ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob
GetBlobPath ( IBlobContentLocation content ) : string
GetOrCreateContainer ( string name ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobContainer

Method Details

BlobExists() public method

public BlobExists ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : bool
location IBlobContentLocation
return bool

Copy() public method

public Copy ( IBlobContentLocation source, IBlobContentLocation destination ) : void
source IBlobContentLocation
destination IBlobContentLocation
return void

CreateBlobClient() protected method

Creates a blob client
protected CreateBlobClient ( NameValueCollection config ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobClient
config System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection The config to use
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobClient

Delete() public method

public Delete ( IBlobContentLocation content ) : void
content IBlobContentLocation
return void

DownloadToStream() public method

Downloads a content to the stream
public DownloadToStream ( IBlobContent content, Stream target ) : void
content IBlobContent The content
target Stream The target stream
return void

GetDownloadStream() public method

Gets the download stream.
public GetDownloadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream
content IBlobContent The content.
return Stream

GetItemUrl() public method

public GetItemUrl ( IBlobContentLocation content ) : string
content IBlobContentLocation
return string

GetProperties() public method

public GetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : IBlobProperties
location IBlobContentLocation
return IBlobProperties

GetUploadStream() public method

Gets the upload stream.
public GetUploadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream
content IBlobContent The content.
return Stream

HasSameLocation() public method

public HasSameLocation ( BlobStorageProvider other ) : bool
other BlobStorageProvider
return bool

InitializeStorage() protected method

Initializes the storage.
protected InitializeStorage ( NameValueCollection config ) : void
config System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection The config.
return void

Move() public method

public Move ( IBlobContentLocation source, IBlobContentLocation destination ) : void
source IBlobContentLocation
destination IBlobContentLocation
return void

SetProperties() public method

public SetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation content, IBlobProperties properties ) : void
content IBlobContentLocation
properties IBlobProperties
return void