C# Class TelAPI.InboundXML.Element.Dial

Inheritance: ELement
Datei anzeigen Open project: TelAPI/telapi-dotnet Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
Conference ( string conferenceName ) : Dial

The Conference element allows the ongoing call to connect to a conference room.

Conference ( string conferenceName, bool muted, bool beep, bool startConferenceOnEnter, bool endConferenceOnExit, long maxParticipants, string waitUrl, HttpMethod waitMethod, bool hangupOnStar, string callbackUrl, HttpMethod callbackMethod, string waitSound, HttpMethod waitSoundMethod, string digitsMatch, bool stayAlone ) : Dial

The Conference element allows the ongoing call to connect to a conference room.

Create ( DialOptions dialOptions ) : Dial
Create ( string number ) : Dial

The Dial element starts an outgoing dial from the current call.

Create ( string number, string action, HttpMethod method, long timeout, bool hangupOnStar, long timeLimit, string callerId, bool hideCallerId, string dialMusic, string callbackUrl, HttpMethod callbackMethod, bool confirmSound, string digitsMatch, bool straightToVm, string heartbeatUrl, HttpMethod heartbeatMethod, string forwardedFrom ) : Dial

The Dial element starts an outgoing dial from the current call.

Dial ( ) : System
Number ( string number, string sendDigits, string url, HttpMethod callbackMethod ) : Dial

It can be used to send DTFM tones or redirect to InboundXML

Sip ( string sipAddress ) : Dial

Used to call to sip addresses

Sip ( string sipAddress, string sendDigits, string url, HttpMethod method ) : Dial

Used to call to sip addresses

Method Details

Conference() public method

The Conference element allows the ongoing call to connect to a conference room.
public Conference ( string conferenceName ) : Dial
conferenceName string Name of the conference
return Dial

Conference() public method

The Conference element allows the ongoing call to connect to a conference room.
public Conference ( string conferenceName, bool muted, bool beep, bool startConferenceOnEnter, bool endConferenceOnExit, long maxParticipants, string waitUrl, HttpMethod waitMethod, bool hangupOnStar, string callbackUrl, HttpMethod callbackMethod, string waitSound, HttpMethod waitSoundMethod, string digitsMatch, bool stayAlone ) : Dial
conferenceName string Name of the conference
muted bool Boolean value specifying if the conference should be muted.
beep bool Boolean value specifying if a beep should play upon entrance to conference.
startConferenceOnEnter bool Boolean value specifying if conference should begin upon entrance.
endConferenceOnExit bool Boolean value specifying if conference should begin upon exit.
maxParticipants long The maximum number of participants allowed in the conference call.
waitUrl string URL conference participants can be sent to while they wait for entrance into the conference.
waitMethod HttpMethod Method used to request waitUrl.
hangupOnStar bool Boolean value specifying if pressing * should end the conference.
callbackUrl string URL where some parameters specific to will be sent once it is completed.
callbackMethod HttpMethod Method used to request the callback URL.
waitSound string URL to sound that can be played while waiting to enter the conference.
waitSoundMethod HttpMethod Method used to request the waitsound URL.
digitsMatch string Specifies digits that TelAPI should listen for and send to the callbackUrl if a caller inputs them. Seperate additional digits or digit patterns with a comma.
stayAlone bool Boolean value specifying if the caller should stay alone in the conference call.
return Dial

Create() public static method

public static Create ( DialOptions dialOptions ) : Dial
dialOptions TelAPI.InboundXML.Option.DialOptions
return Dial

Create() public static method

The Dial element starts an outgoing dial from the current call.
public static Create ( string number ) : Dial
number string Number to dial
return Dial

Create() public static method

The Dial element starts an outgoing dial from the current call.
public static Create ( string number, string action, HttpMethod method, long timeout, bool hangupOnStar, long timeLimit, string callerId, bool hideCallerId, string dialMusic, string callbackUrl, HttpMethod callbackMethod, bool confirmSound, string digitsMatch, bool straightToVm, string heartbeatUrl, HttpMethod heartbeatMethod, string forwardedFrom ) : Dial
number string Number to dial
action string URL where some parameters specific to will be sent for further processing. The calling party can be redirected here upon the hangup of the B leg caller.
method HttpMethod Method used to request the action URL.
timeout long The number of seconds calls made with are allowed silence before ending.
hangupOnStar bool Boolean value specifying if pressing * should end the dial.
timeLimit long The duration in seconds a call made through should occur for before ending.
callerId string Number to display as calling. Defaults to the ID of phone being used.
hideCallerId bool Boolean value specifying if the caller ID should be hidden or not.
dialMusic string URL containing an audio file that can be played during the dial.
callbackUrl string URL requested once the dialed call connects.
callbackMethod HttpMethod Method used to request the callback URL.
confirmSound bool Boolean value specifying if a sound should play when dial is successful.
digitsMatch string Specifies digits that TelAPI should listen for and send to the callbackUrl if a caller inputs them. Seperate additional digits or digit patterns with a comma.
straightToVm bool Boolean value specifying if call should be redirected to voicemail imediately.
heartbeatUrl string A URL TelAPI can request every 60 seconds during the call to notify of elapsed time and pass other general information.
heartbeatMethod HttpMethod Method used to request the heartbeat URL.
forwardedFrom string Specifies the number to list the call as forwarded from.
return Dial

Dial() public method

public Dial ( ) : System
return System

Number() public method

It can be used to send DTFM tones or redirect to InboundXML
public Number ( string number, string sendDigits, string url, HttpMethod callbackMethod ) : Dial
number string Number to send
sendDigits string Specifies which DTFM tones to play to the called party. w indicates a half second pause.
url string URL that the called party can be directed to before the call beings.
callbackMethod HttpMethod method used to request the url.
return Dial

Sip() public method

Used to call to sip addresses
public Sip ( string sipAddress ) : Dial
sipAddress string Address of the SIP
return Dial

Sip() public method

Used to call to sip addresses
public Sip ( string sipAddress, string sendDigits, string url, HttpMethod method ) : Dial
sipAddress string Address of the SIP
sendDigits string Specifies which DTFM tones to play to the called party. w indicates a half second pause.
url string URL that the called party can be directed to before the call beings.
method HttpMethod method used to request the url.
return Dial