C# Class Tao.Sdl.SdlImage

Datei anzeigen Open project: WolfgangSt/axiom Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
IMG_GetError ( ) : string

Get the current error string

This is the same as SDL_GetError, which returns the last error set as a string which you may use to tell the user what happened when an error status has been returned from an SDL_image function call.

Binds to C-function in SDL_image.h char *IMG_GetError()

IMG_Linked_Version ( ) : Tao.Sdl.Sdl.SDL_version

Using this you can compare the runtime version to the version that you compiled with.

Binds to C-function call in SDL_image.h: const SDL_version * IMG_Linked_Version(void)

IMG_SetError ( string message ) : void

Set the current error string

This is the same as SDL_SetError, which sets the error string which may be fetched with IMG_GetError (or SDL_GetError). This functions acts like printf, except that it is limited to SDL_ERRBUFIZE(1024) chars in length. It only accepts the following format types: %s, %d, %f, %p. No variations are supported, like %.2f would not work. For any more specifics read the SDL docs.

Binds to C-function in SDL_image.h void IMG_SetError(const char *fmt, ...)

SDL_IMAGE_VERSION ( ) : Tao.Sdl.Sdl.SDL_version

This method can be used to fill a version structure with the compile-time version of the SDL_image library.

Binds to C-function call in SDL_image.h: //#define SDL_IMAGE_VERSION(X) { (X)->major = SDL_IMAGE_MAJOR_VERSION; (X)->minor = SDL_IMAGE_MINOR_VERSION; (X)->patch = SDL_IMAGE_PATCHLEVEL; }

Private Methods

Method Description
IMG_Linked_VersionInternal ( ) : IntPtr
IMG_Load ( string file ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadBMP_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadGIF_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadJPG_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadLBM_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadPCX_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadPNG_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadPNM_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadTGA_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadTIF_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadTyped_RW ( IntPtr src, int freesrc, string type ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadXCF_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadXPM_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_LoadXV_RW ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_Load_RW ( IntPtr src, int freesrc ) : IntPtr
IMG_ReadXPMFromArray ( string src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isBMP ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isGIF ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isJPG ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isLBM ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isPCX ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isPNG ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isPNM ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isTIF ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isXCF ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isXPM ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr
IMG_isXV ( IntPtr src ) : IntPtr

Method Details

IMG_GetError() public static method

Get the current error string
This is the same as SDL_GetError, which returns the last error set as a string which you may use to tell the user what happened when an error status has been returned from an SDL_image function call.

Binds to C-function in SDL_image.h char *IMG_GetError()

public static IMG_GetError ( ) : string
return string

IMG_Linked_Version() public static method

Using this you can compare the runtime version to the version that you compiled with.

Binds to C-function call in SDL_image.h: const SDL_version * IMG_Linked_Version(void)

public static IMG_Linked_Version ( ) : Tao.Sdl.Sdl.SDL_version
return Tao.Sdl.Sdl.SDL_version

IMG_SetError() public static method

Set the current error string
This is the same as SDL_SetError, which sets the error string which may be fetched with IMG_GetError (or SDL_GetError). This functions acts like printf, except that it is limited to SDL_ERRBUFIZE(1024) chars in length. It only accepts the following format types: %s, %d, %f, %p. No variations are supported, like %.2f would not work. For any more specifics read the SDL docs.

Binds to C-function in SDL_image.h void IMG_SetError(const char *fmt, ...)

public static IMG_SetError ( string message ) : void
message string
return void

SDL_IMAGE_VERSION() public static method

This method can be used to fill a version structure with the compile-time version of the SDL_image library.

Binds to C-function call in SDL_image.h: //#define SDL_IMAGE_VERSION(X) { (X)->major = SDL_IMAGE_MAJOR_VERSION; (X)->minor = SDL_IMAGE_MINOR_VERSION; (X)->patch = SDL_IMAGE_PATCHLEVEL; }

public static SDL_IMAGE_VERSION ( ) : Tao.Sdl.Sdl.SDL_version
return Tao.Sdl.Sdl.SDL_version