C# Class THREE.Mesh

Inheritance: Object3D
Datei anzeigen Open project: guidovanhilst/SharpThreejs Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
currentHex double
customDepthMaterial Material
geometry Geometry
material Material
morphTargetInfluences double[]
point Vector3

Public Methods

Method Description
Mesh ( Geometry geometry, Material material ) : System

Method Details

Mesh() public method

public Mesh ( Geometry geometry, Material material ) : System
geometry Geometry
material Material
return System

Property Details

currentHex public_oe property

public double currentHex
return double

customDepthMaterial public_oe property

public Material,THREE customDepthMaterial
return Material

geometry public_oe property

public Geometry,THREE geometry
return Geometry

material public_oe property

public Material,THREE material
return Material

morphTargetInfluences public_oe property

An array of weights typically from 0-1 that specify how much of the morph is applied. Undefined by default, but reset to a blank array by updateMorphTargets.
public double[] morphTargetInfluences
return double[]

point public_oe property

public Vector3 point
return Vector3