C# Class SystranClientGeographicApiLib.Api.DestinationsApi

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Inheritance: IDestinationsApi
Datei anzeigen Open project: SYSTRAN/geographic-api-csharp-client Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
DestinationsApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : RestSharp

Initializes a new instance of the DestinationsApi class.

DestinationsApi ( String basePath ) : RestSharp

Initializes a new instance of the DestinationsApi class.

GeographicDestinationsGetGet ( string Id, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : DestinationDetailsResponse

Get specific destination Get a specific `Destination`.

GeographicDestinationsGetGetAsync ( string Id, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : Task

Get specific destination Get a specific `Destination`.

GeographicDestinationsListGet ( double Latitude, double Longitude, double Radius, string Address, string Country, string State, string County, string City, string PostalCode, int Limit, int Offset, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : DestinationResponse

List destinations Get a list of `Destinations`.\n\nThe main criteria can be:\n* a position and a radius\n* a textual search\n\nAdditional critera can be added.\n

GeographicDestinationsListGetAsync ( double Latitude, double Longitude, double Radius, string Address, string Country, string State, string County, string City, string PostalCode, int Limit, int Offset, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : Task

List destinations Get a list of `Destinations`.\n\nThe main criteria can be:\n* a position and a radius\n* a textual search\n\nAdditional critera can be added.\n

GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String

Gets the base path of the API client.

SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void

Sets the base path of the API client.

Method Details

DestinationsApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the DestinationsApi class.
public DestinationsApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : RestSharp
apiClient Systran.GeographicClientLib.Client.ApiClient
return RestSharp

DestinationsApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the DestinationsApi class.
public DestinationsApi ( String basePath ) : RestSharp
basePath String
return RestSharp

GeographicDestinationsGetGet() public method

Get specific destination Get a specific `Destination`.
public GeographicDestinationsGetGet ( string Id, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : DestinationDetailsResponse
Id string Destination identifier
AcceptLanguage string Preferred languages for response localization.\n\nSee [Accept-Language header specification for HTTP\n1.1](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4)\n
Callback string Javascript callback function name for JSONP Support\n
return Systran.GeographicClientLib.Model.DestinationDetailsResponse

GeographicDestinationsGetGetAsync() public method

Get specific destination Get a specific `Destination`.
public GeographicDestinationsGetGetAsync ( string Id, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : Task
Id string Destination identifier
AcceptLanguage string Preferred languages for response localization.\n\nSee [Accept-Language header specification for HTTP\n1.1](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4)\n
Callback string Javascript callback function name for JSONP Support\n
return Task

GeographicDestinationsListGet() public method

List destinations Get a list of `Destinations`.\n\nThe main criteria can be:\n* a position and a radius\n* a textual search\n\nAdditional critera can be added.\n
public GeographicDestinationsListGet ( double Latitude, double Longitude, double Radius, string Address, string Country, string State, string County, string City, string PostalCode, int Limit, int Offset, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : DestinationResponse
Latitude double Latitude location. Musts be used together with `longitude` and `radius` parameters.
Longitude double Longitude location. Musts be used together with `latitude` and `radius` parameters.
Radius double Radius in meters. Musts be used together with `latitude` and `longitude` parameters.
Address string Address
Country string Country
State string State
County string County
City string City
PostalCode string Postal Code
Limit int Pagination limit
Offset int Pagination offset
AcceptLanguage string Preferred languages for response localization.\n\nSee [Accept-Language header specification for HTTP\n1.1](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4)\n
Callback string Javascript callback function name for JSONP Support\n
return Systran.GeographicClientLib.Model.DestinationResponse

GeographicDestinationsListGetAsync() public method

List destinations Get a list of `Destinations`.\n\nThe main criteria can be:\n* a position and a radius\n* a textual search\n\nAdditional critera can be added.\n
public GeographicDestinationsListGetAsync ( double Latitude, double Longitude, double Radius, string Address, string Country, string State, string County, string City, string PostalCode, int Limit, int Offset, string AcceptLanguage, string Callback ) : Task
Latitude double Latitude location. Musts be used together with `longitude` and `radius` parameters.
Longitude double Longitude location. Musts be used together with `latitude` and `radius` parameters.
Radius double Radius in meters. Musts be used together with `latitude` and `longitude` parameters.
Address string Address
Country string Country
State string State
County string County
City string City
PostalCode string Postal Code
Limit int Pagination limit
Offset int Pagination offset
AcceptLanguage string Preferred languages for response localization.\n\nSee [Accept-Language header specification for HTTP\n1.1](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4)\n
Callback string Javascript callback function name for JSONP Support\n
return Task

GetBasePath() public method

Gets the base path of the API client.
public GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String
basePath String
return String

SetBasePath() public method

Sets the base path of the API client.
public SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void
basePath String
return void