C# Class System.Xml.Xsl.Qil.QilList

View over a Qil operator having N children.
Don't construct QIL nodes directly; instead, use the QilFactory.
Inheritance: QilNode
Datei anzeigen Open project: gbarnett/shared-source-cli-2.0 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Insert ( int index, QilNode node ) : void
QilList ( QilNodeType nodeType ) : System

Construct a new (empty) QilList

RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
ShallowClone ( QilFactory f ) : QilNode

Override in order to clone the "members" array.

this ( int index ) : QilNode

Method Details

Insert() public method

public Insert ( int index, QilNode node ) : void
index int
node QilNode
return void

QilList() public method

Construct a new (empty) QilList
public QilList ( QilNodeType nodeType ) : System
nodeType QilNodeType
return System

RemoveAt() public method

public RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
index int
return void

ShallowClone() public method

Override in order to clone the "members" array.
public ShallowClone ( QilFactory f ) : QilNode
f QilFactory
return QilNode

this() public method

public this ( int index ) : QilNode
index int
return QilNode