C# Class System.Drawing.GeomUtilities

Datei anzeigen Open project: mono/sysdrawing-coregraphics Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Method Description
ComputeOrientationLine ( RectangleF rect, float angle, PointF &start, PointF &end ) : void
CreateGeometricTransform ( RectangleF rect, Point points ) : CGAffineTransform

This method initializes the new CGAffineTransform such that it represents the geometric transform that maps the rectangle specified by the rect parameter to the parallelogram defined by the three points in the plgpts parameter. The upper-left corner of the rectangle is mapped to the first point in the plgpts array, the upper-right corner is mapped to the second point, and the lower-left corner is mapped to the third point. The lower-right point of the parallelogram is implied by the first three.

CreateGeometricTransform ( RectangleF rect, PointF points ) : CGAffineTransform

This method initializes the new CGAffineTransform such that it represents the geometric transform that maps the rectangle specified by the rect parameter to the parallelogram defined by the three points in the plgpts parameter. The upper-left corner of the rectangle is mapped to the first point in the plgpts array, the upper-right corner is mapped to the second point, and the lower-left corner is mapped to the third point. The lower-right point of the parallelogram is implied by the first three.

CreateRotateFlipTransform ( int &width, int &height, float angle, bool flipX, bool flipY ) : CGAffineTransform

Creates the rotate flip transform given the input parameters

CrossProduct ( PointF v1, PointF v2 ) : float
DotProduct ( PointF u, PointF v ) : float
Erf ( double x ) : double
GetCurveTangents ( int terms, PointF points, int count, float tension, CurveType type ) : System.Drawing.PointF[]
Lerp ( float value1, float value2, float amount ) : float
Normal ( Point v ) : float
Phi ( double x ) : double
PolygonArea ( PointF points ) : double
PolygonBoundingBox ( PointF points ) : RectangleF
PolygonCentroid ( PointF points ) : PointF
QuadraticToCubic ( PointF start, PointF controlPoint, PointF end, PointF &controlPoint1, PointF &controlPoint2 ) : void
SigmaBellShape ( float focus, float scale ) : System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Blend
Transform ( this rectangle, Matrix matrix ) : RectangleF

Transform the specified Rectangle by the matrix that is passed.

TransformRectangle ( RectangleF &rectangle, Matrix matrix ) : void
TriangleBoundingBox ( PointF points ) : RectangleF