C# Class SwarmOps.ProblemIndex

Used for sorting optimization problems so that those hardest to optimize are tried first. This is used in the MetaFitness class where Pre-emptive Fitness Evaluation seeks to abort the meta-fitness evaluation as early as possible.
Datei anzeigen Open project: DanWBR/dwsim3 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetProblem ( int i ) : Problem

Return the i'th optimization problem, sorted so that the problems with the worst fitness have lowest indices.

GetWeight ( int i ) : double

Return the weight associated with the i'th problem.

ProblemIndex ( Problem problems ) : System.Collections.Generic

Construct the ProblemIndex-object.

ProblemIndex ( WeightedProblem weightedProblems ) : System.Collections.Generic

Construct the ProblemIndex-object.

SetFitness ( int i, double fitness ) : void

Set the fitness associated with the i'th problem.

Sort ( ) : void

Sort the optimization problems according to their associated fitness.

Method Details

GetProblem() public method

Return the i'th optimization problem, sorted so that the problems with the worst fitness have lowest indices.
public GetProblem ( int i ) : Problem
i int
return Problem

GetWeight() public method

Return the weight associated with the i'th problem.
public GetWeight ( int i ) : double
i int
return double

ProblemIndex() public method

Construct the ProblemIndex-object.
public ProblemIndex ( Problem problems ) : System.Collections.Generic
problems Problem The problems to be indexed.
return System.Collections.Generic

ProblemIndex() public method

Construct the ProblemIndex-object.
public ProblemIndex ( WeightedProblem weightedProblems ) : System.Collections.Generic
weightedProblems WeightedProblem The problems to be indexed.
return System.Collections.Generic

SetFitness() public method

Set the fitness associated with the i'th problem.
public SetFitness ( int i, double fitness ) : void
i int
fitness double
return void

Sort() public method

Sort the optimization problems according to their associated fitness.
public Sort ( ) : void
return void