C# Class SobekCM.Engine_Library.Database.Engine_Database

Database gateway for the engine library, used for all database calls
Datei anzeigen Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application

Public Methods

Method Description
Aggregate_Statistics ( int Year, int Month, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : string

Aggregate all the item-level and item group-level hits up the hierarchy to the aggregations

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Aggregate' stored procedure

Builder_Delete_Incoming_Folder ( int FolderID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Deletes an existing builder incoming folder from the table

This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Incoming_Folder_Delete' stored procedure

Builder_Edit_Incoming_Folder ( int FolderID, string Folder_Name, string Network_Folder, string Error_Folder, string Processing_Folder, bool Perform_Checksum, bool Archive_TIFF, bool Archive_All_Files, bool Allow_Deletes, bool Allow_Folders_No_Metadata, string BibID_Roots_Restrictions, int ModuleSetID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Edits an existing builder incoming folder or adds a new folder

This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Incoming_Folder_Edit' stored procedure

Builder_Get_Folder_Module_Sets ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List

Gets the most recent updates for the builder including the builder settings and scheduled tasks

Builder_Get_Incoming_Folder ( int FolderID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Builder_Source_Folder

Gets the latest information about a builder source folder, by primary key

This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Get_Incoming_Folder' stored procedure

Builder_Get_Recent_Updates ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Builder_Status

Gets the most recent updates for the builder including the builder settings and scheduled tasks

Builder_Log_Search ( System.DateTime StartDate, System.DateTime EndDate, string BibVidFilter, bool IncludeNoWorkFlag, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the matching builder logs, including a possible restriction by date range or bibid/vid

DataTable_to_Extensions ( DataTable Source ) : List

Takes a datatable from the database holding extension information and converts it into a list of ExtensionInfo objects.

Delete_Thematic_Heading ( int ThematicHeadingID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Deletes a thematic heading from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Delete_Thematic_Heading' stored procedure

Edit_Thematic_Heading ( int ThematicHeadingID, int ThemeOrder, string ThemeName, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : int

Saves a new thematic heading or updates an existing thematic heading

This calls the 'SobekCM_Edit_Thematic_Heading' stored procedure

Get_Aggregation_Hierarchies ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Method used to get the hierarchical relationship between all aggregationPermissions, to be displayed in the 'aggregationPermissions' tab in the internal screen

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Collection_Hierarchies' stored procedure

This is used by the Internal_HtmlSubwriter class

Get_All_Browse_Paged ( bool OnlyNewItems, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Gets the collection of all (public) items in the library

This calls either the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Browse_Paged' stored procedure

Get_All_Browse_Paged ( string SinceDate, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Gets the collection of all (public) items in the library

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Browse_Paged2' stored procedure

Get_All_Coordinate_Points_By_Aggregation ( string AggregationCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the list of unique coordinate points and associated bibid and group title for a single item aggregation

This calls the 'SobekCM_Coordinate_Points_By_Aggregation' stored procedure

Get_All_Template_DefaultMetadatas ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the dataset with all default metadata and all templates

This calls the 'mySobek_Get_All_Template_DefaultMetadatas' stored procedure

Get_All_User_Groups ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List

Gets the list of all user groups

This calls the 'mySobek_Get_All_User_Groups' stored procedure

Get_All_Web_Skins ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Datatable with the information for every html skin from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Web_Skins' stored procedure

Get_Builder_Settings ( bool IncludeDisabled, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the list of modules and incoming folders for the builder

This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Get_Settings' stored procedure

Get_Codes_Item_Aggregations ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the datatable of all item aggregation codes

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Codes' stored procedure

Get_GroupID_From_BibID ( string BibID ) : int

Returns the primary key for this item group, identified by bibliographic identifier

This calls the 'SobekCM_Manager_GroupID_From_BibID' stored procedure

Get_IP_Restriction_Ranges ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the list of all the IP ranges for restriction, including each single IP information in those ranges

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_IP_Restrictions' stored procedure

Get_Item_Aggregation ( string Code, bool IncludeCounts, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Complete_Item_Aggregation

Gets the database information about a single item aggregation

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation2'.

Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse_Paged ( string AggregationCode, bool OnlyNewItems, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Gets the collection of all (public) items linked to an item aggregation

This calls either the 'SobekCM_Get_Aggregation_Browse_Paged' stored procedure

Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse_Paged ( string AggregationCode, string SinceDate, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Gets the collection of all (public) items linked to an item aggregation

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Aggregation_Browse_Paged2' stored procedure

Get_Item_Aggregation_Counts ( Complete_Item_Aggregation Aggregation, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Adds the title, item, and page counts to this item aggregation object

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation2'.

Get_Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse ( string AggregationCode, string MetadataCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List

Gets the list of all data for a particular metadata field in a particular aggregation

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Metadata_Browse' stored procedure

Get_Item_Details ( string BibID, string Vid, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets some basic information about an item before displaying it, such as the descriptive notes from the database, ability to add notes, etc..

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Details2' stored procedure

Get_Item_Group_Details ( string BibID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets some basic information about an item group before displaying it, such as the descriptive notes from the database, ability to add notes, etc..

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Details2' stored procedure, passing in NULL for the volume id

Get_Item_Information ( string BibID, string Vid, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataRow

Gets brief information for an item which may be missing from the complete list of items

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Brief_Info' stored procedure

Get_Item_Information ( string BibID, string Vid, bool IncludeAggregations, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets complete information for an item which may be missing from the complete list of items

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Brief_Info' stored procedure

Get_Item_Statistics_History ( string BibID, string VID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List

Returns the month-by-month usage statistics details by item and item group

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Statistics' stored procedure

Get_Item_Tracking_Work_History ( string BibID, string VID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Item_Tracking_Details

Returns list of individual work history events and milestones for a single item

This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Work_History' stored procedure

Get_Item_Viewers ( string BibID, string Vid, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the current list of item viewers, from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Viewers' stored procedure

Get_Items_By_Coordinates ( string AggregationCode, double Latitude1, double Longitude1, double Latitude2, double Longitude2, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Performs geographic search for items within provided rectangular bounding box and linked to item aggregation of interest

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Items_By_Coordinates' stored procedure

Get_Main_Aggregation ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Complete_Item_Aggregation

Gets the database information about the main aggregation, representing the entire web page

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Get_All_Groups'.

Get_Metadata_Fields ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the list of metadata fields searchable in the database, along with field number

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Metadata_Fields' stored procedure

Get_Multiple_Volumes ( string BibID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List

Gets the list of all items within this item group, indicated by BibID

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Multiple_Volumes' stored procedure

Get_Public_Folder_Browse ( int UserFolderID, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Single_Paged_Results_Args

Get a browse of all items in a user's public folder

This calls the 'mySobek_Get_Public_Folder_Browse' stored procedure

Get_Random_Item ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : string>.Tuple

Gets a random item from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Random_Item' stored procedure

Get_Settings_Complete ( bool IncludeAdminViewInfo, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets all the setting information necessary for SobekCM

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Settings' stored procedure

Get_Statistics_Lookup_Tables ( ) : DataSet

Gets all the tables ued during the process of reading the statistics from the web iis logs and creating the associated commands

Get_User ( int UserID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : User_Object

Gets basic user information by UserID

This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_By_UserID' stored procedure

This is called when a user's cookie exists in a web request

Get_User ( string ShibbolethID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : User_Object

Gets basic user information by the Shibboleth-provided user identifier

This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_By_UFID' stored procedure

This method is called when user's logon through the Gatorlink Shibboleth service

Get_User ( string UserName, string Password, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : User_Object

Gets basic user information by Username (or email) and Password

This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_By_UserName_Password' stored procedure

This is used when a user logs on through the mySobek authentication

Get_User_Folder_Browse ( int UserID, string FolderName, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Single_Paged_Results_Args

Get a browse of all items in a user's folder

This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_Folder_Browse' stored procedure

Get_User_Linked_Items_Stats ( int UserID, int Month, int Year, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the basic usage statistics for all items linked to a user

This calls the 'SobekCM_Stats_Get_User_Linked_Items_Stats' stored procedure

Get_Users_Linked_To_Items ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the list of all users that are linked to items which may have usage statistics

This calls the 'SobekCM_Stats_Get_Users_Linked_To_Items' stored procedure

Item_List ( bool IncludePrivate, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the item dataset, usually used to populate the item list

This calls the 'SobekCM_Item_List_Web' stored procedure

Items_By_ALEPH_Number ( int AlephNumber, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int Sort, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given ALEPH number

This calls the 'SobekCM_Items_By_ALEPH' stored procedure

Items_By_OCLC_Number ( long OclcNumber, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int Sort, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given OCLC number

This calls the 'SobekCM_Items_By_OCLC' stored procedure

Log_Sent_Email ( string Sender, string RecipientList, string SubjectLine, string EmailBody, bool IsHtml, bool IsContactUs, int ReplyToEmailID ) : bool

Log the fact an email was sent via a different system than the databse mail

This calls the 'SobekCM_Log_Email' stored procedure.

Online_Archived_Space ( string AggregationCode1, string AggregationCode2, short OnlineStatsType, short ArchivalStatsType ) : DataSet

Gets the size of the online files and the size of the archived files, by aggregation

If two codes are passed in, then the values returned is the size of all items which exist in both the provided aggregationPermissions. Otherwise, it is just the size of all items in the primary aggregation.

This calls the 'SobekCM_Online_Archived_Space' stored procedure

Perform_Metadata_Exact_Search_Paged ( string SearchTerm, int FieldID, bool IncludePrivateItems, string AggregationCode, long DateRangeStart, long DateRangeEnd, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Performs a metadata search for a piece of metadata that EXACTLY matches the provided search term and return one page of results

This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Exact_Search_Paged2' stored procedure

Perform_Metadata_Search_Paged ( int Link1, string Term1, int Field1, int Link2, string Term2, int Field2, int Link3, string Term3, int Field3, int Link4, string Term4, int Field4, int Link5, string Term5, int Field5, int Link6, string Term6, int Field6, int Link7, string Term7, int Field7, int Link8, string Term8, int Field8, int Link9, string Term9, int Field9, int Link10, string Term10, int Field10, bool IncludePrivateItems, string AggregationCode, long DateRangeStart, long DateRangeEnd, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Perform a metadata search against items in the database and return one page of results

This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Search_Paged' stored procedure

Perform_Metadata_Search_Paged ( string SearchCondition, bool IncludePrivateItems, string AggregationCode, long DateRangeStart, long DateRangeEnd, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Performs a basic metadata search over the entire citation, given a search condition, and returns one page of results

This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Basic_Search_Paged' stored procedure

Plugin_Add_Update ( string Code, string Name, string CurrentVersion, string LicenseKey, string UpgradeUrl, string LatestVersion, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Add or update information about a plug-in that exists in this system (but may not be enabled)

This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Add_Update' stored procedure

Plugin_Get_All ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List

Gets the list of all the plug-ins from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Get_All' stored procedure

Plugin_Remove ( string Code, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Remove information about a (previously) installed plug-in

This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Remove' stored procedure

Plugin_Set_Enabled_Flag ( string Code, bool NewEnabledFlag, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : string

Changes whether a plug-in is enabled or not within this system

This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Set_Enable' stored procedure

Populate_Aggregation_Aliases ( string>.Dictionary AggregationAliasList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the lookup tables for aliases which point to live aggregationPermissions

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation_Aliases' stored procedure

Populate_Code_Manager ( Aggregation_Code_Manager Codes, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the code manager object for translating SobekCM codes to greenstone collection codes

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation_AllCodes' stored procedure

Populate_Icon_List ( Wordmark_Icon>.Dictionary IconList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the dictionary of all icons from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Icon_List' stored procedure

The lookup values in this dictionary are the icon code uppercased.

Populate_Item_Lookup_Object ( bool IncludePrivate, SobekCM.Engine_Library.ApplicationState.Item_Lookup_Object ItemLookupObject, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the item lookup object with all the valid bibids and vids in the system

This calls the 'SobekCM_Item_List_Web' stored procedure

Populate_MIME_List ( Mime_Type_Info>.Dictionary MimeList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the dictionary of all files and MIME types from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Mime_Types' stored procedure

The lookup values in this dictionary are the file extensions in lower case.

Populate_Statistics_Dates ( Statistics_Dates StatsDateObject, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the date range from the database for which statistical information exists

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_By_Date_Range' stored procedure

This is used by the Statistics_HtmlSubwriter class

Populate_Thematic_Headings ( List ThematicHeadingList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the collection of the thematic headings for the main home page

This calls the 'SobekCM_Manager_Get_Thematic_Headings' stored procedure

Populate_Translations ( Language_Support_Info Translations, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the translation / language support object for translating common UI terms

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Translation' stored procedure

Populate_URL_Portals ( Portal_List Portals, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Populates the collection of possible portals from the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Portals' stored procedure

Save_Aggregation_Statistics ( int AggregationID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, int HomePageViews, int BrowseViews, int AdvancedSearchViews, int SearchResultViews, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save usage statistics for the aggregation-level web pages

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Aggregation' stored procedure

Save_Item_Aggregation ( int AggregationID, string Code, string Name, string ShortName, string Description, SobekCM.Core.Aggregations.Thematic_Heading ThematicHeading, string Type, bool IsActive, bool IsHidden, string DisplayOptions, int MapSearch, int MapSearchBeta, int MapDisplay, int MapDisplayBeta, bool OaiFlag, string OaiMetadata, string ContactEmail, string DefaultInterface, string ExternalLink, int ParentID, string Username, string LanguageVariants, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save a new item aggregation or edit an existing item aggregation in the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Aggregation' stored procedure in the SobekCM database

Save_Item_Aggregation ( string Code, string Name, string ShortName, string Description, int ThematicHeadingID, string Type, bool IsActive, bool IsHidden, string ExternalLink, int ParentID, string Username, string LanguageVariants, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save a new item aggregation with the basic details provided in the new aggregation form

This calls the 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Aggregation' stored procedure in the SobekCM database

Save_Item_Group_Statistics ( int GroupID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save usage statistics at the item level (BibID) level

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Item_Group' stored procedure

Save_Item_Statistics ( int ItemID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, int JpegViews, int ZoomableViews, int CitationViews, int ThumbnailViews, int TextSearchViews, int FlashViews, int GoogleMapViews, int DownloadViews, int StaticViews, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save the item-level usage statistics

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Item' stored procedure

Save_New_Tracking_Box ( int ItemID, string Tracking_Box ) : bool

Saves the tracking box information for a single item

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Tracking_Box'.

Save_Portal_Statistics ( int PortalID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save the usage statistics for a single URL portal

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Portal' stored procedure

Save_TopLevel_Statistics ( int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, int RobotHits, int XmlHits, int OaiHits, int JsonHits, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save the top-level usage statistics for this instance for a single month

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_TopLevel' stored procedure

Save_WebContent_Statistics ( int Year, int Month, int Hits, int HitsComplete, string Level1, string Level2, string Level3, string Level4, string Level5, string Level6, string Level7, string Level8, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Save usage statistics for top-level web content pages

This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_WebContent' stored procedure

Search_Stop_Words ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List

Gets the list of all search stop words which are ignored during searching ( such as 'The', 'A', etc.. )

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Search_Stop_Words' stored procedure

Send_Database_Email ( string RecipientList, string SubjectLine, string EmailBody, string FromAddress, string ReplyTo, bool IsHtml, bool IsContactUs, int ReplyToEmailID, int UserID ) : bool

Send an email using database mail through the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Send_Email' stored procedure to send and log this email.

Simple_Item_List ( string AggregationCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the simple list of items for a single item aggregation, or the list of all items in the library

This calls the 'SobekCM_Simple_Item_List' stored procedure

Test_Connection ( ) : bool

Tests this instance.

Test connectivity to the database

Test_Connection ( string TestConnectionString ) : bool

Test connectivity to the database

Tivoli_Add_File_Archive_Log ( string BibID, string Vid, string Folder, string FileName, long FileSize, System.DateTime LastWriteDate, int ItemID ) : bool

Add information about a single file to the archived TIVOLI

This calls the 'Tivoli_Add_File_Archive_Log' stored procedure

Tivoli_Archive_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool

Adds a worklog that items were archived (tivoli)'d for a specific item

This calls the 'Tracking_Archive_Complete' stored procedure

Tivoli_Complete_File_Request ( int TivoliRequestID, string EmailBody, string EmailSubject, bool IsFailure ) : bool

Completes a given archive tivoli file request in the database

This calls the 'Tracking_Archive_Complete' stored procedure

Tivoli_Get_Archived_Files ( string BibID, string Vid ) : DataTable

Get the list of all archived TIVOLI files by BibID and VID

This calls the 'Tivoli_Get_File_By_Bib_VID' stored procedure

Tivoli_Outstanding_File_Requests ( ) : DataTable

Gets the list of outstanding archive (tivoli) file requests

This calls the 'Tivoli_Outstanding_File_Requests' stored procedure

Tivoli_Request_File ( string BibID, string Vid, string Files, string UserName, string EmailAddress, string RequestNote ) : bool

Requests a package or file from the archives/tivoli

This calls the 'Tivoli_Request_File' stored procedure

Tracking_Digital_Acquisition_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string Location, System.DateTime Date ) : bool

Marks an item as been digitally acquired

This calls the 'Tracking_Digital_Acquisition_Complete' stored procedure.

Tracking_Get_Aggregation_Private_Items ( string AggregationCode, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Private_Items_List

Gets the list of all private and dark items linked to an item aggregation

This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Aggregation_Privates' stored procedure.

Tracking_Get_History_Archives ( int ItemID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the history and archive information about a single item from the tracking database

This calls the 'Tracking_Get_History_Archives' stored procedure.

Tracking_Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse ( string AggregationCode ) : DataSet

Gets the collection of all items linked to an item aggregation

This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Aggregation_Browse' stored procedure.

Tracking_Get_Milestone_Report ( string AggregationCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the high level report of which items exist in which milestone for an aggregation

This calls the 'Tracking_Item_Milestone_Report' stored procedure.

Tracking_Image_Processing_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string Location, System.DateTime Date ) : bool

Marks an item as been image processed

This calls the 'Tracking_Image_Processing_Complete' stored procedure.

Tracking_Items_By_ALEPH_Number ( int AlephNumber, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given ALEPH number

This calls the 'Tracking_Items_By_ALEPH' stored procedure.

This is very similar to the Engine_Database.Items_By_ALEPH_Number method, except it returns more information, since the tracking application does not have basic information about each item/title in its cache, unlike the web server application, which does cache this information.

Tracking_Items_By_OCLC_Number ( long OclcNumber, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given OCLC number

This calls the 'Tracking_Items_By_OCLC' stored procedure

This is very similar to the Engine_Database.Items_By_OCLC_Number method, except it returns more information, since the tracking application does not have basic information about each item/title in its cache, unlike the web server application, which does cache this information.

Tracking_Load_Metadata_Update_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool

Marks an item as having a metadata update loaded by the bulk loader

This calls the 'Tracking_Load_Metadata_Update_Complete' stored procedure.

Tracking_Load_New_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool

Marks an item as having been loaded as a new item by the bulk loader

This calls the 'Tracking_Load_New_Complete' stored procedure.

Tracking_Load_Replacement_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool

Marks an item as having been loaded as a replacement item by the bulk loader

This calls the 'Tracking_Load_Replacement_Complete' stored procedure.

Tracking_Metadata_Exact_Search ( string SearchTerm, int FieldID, string AggregationCode ) : DataSet

Performs a metadata search for a piece of metadata that EXACTLY matches the provided search term

This calls the 'Tracking_Metadata_Exact_Search' stored procedure.

Tracking_Metadata_Search ( string Term1, int Field1, int Link2, string Term2, int Field2, int Link3, string Term3, int Field3, int Link4, string Term4, int Field4, int Link5, string Term5, int Field5, int Link6, string Term6, int Field6, int Link7, string Term7, int Field7, int Link8, string Term8, int Field8, int Link9, string Term9, int Field9, int Link10, string Term10, int Field10, string AggregationCode ) : DataSet

Perform a metadata search against items in the database

This calls the 'Tracking_Metadata_Search' stored procedure.

Tracking_Metadata_Search ( string SearchCondition, string AggregationCode ) : DataSet

Performs a basic metadata search over the entire citation, given a search condition

This calls the 'Tracking_Metadata_Basic_Search' stored procedure.

Tracking_Multiple_Volumes ( string BibID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Items.SobekCM_Items_In_Title

Gets the list of all items within this item group, indicated by BibID, including additional information for the SMaRT tracking application

This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Multiple_Volumes' stored procedure

This is very similar to the Engine_Database.Get_Multiple_Volumes method, except it returns more information, since the tracking application does not have basic information about each item/title in its cache, unlike the web server application, which does cache this information.

Tracking_Online_Edit_Complete ( int ItemID, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool

Marks an item as been editing online through the web interface

This calls the 'Tracking_Online_Edit_Complete' stored procedure.

Tracking_Online_Submit_Complete ( int ItemID, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool

Marks an item as having been submitted online

This calls the 'Tracking_Online_Submit_Complete' stored procedure.

Tracking_Update_List ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable

Gets the list of all items which have been modified in this library from the history/workflow information over the last week

This calls the 'Tracking_Update_List' stored procedure.

URL_Portals_DataSet ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Returns the URL portals dataset

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Portals' stored procedure

WebContent_Add_Milestone ( int WebContentID, string Milestone, string MilestoneUser, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Add a new milestone to an existing web content page

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Add_Milestone' stored procedure

WebContent_Add_Page ( string Level1, string Level2, string Level3, string Level4, string Level5, string Level6, string Level7, string Level8, string Username, string Title, string Summary, string Redirect, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : int

Add a new web content page

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Add' stored procedure

WebContent_Delete_Page ( int WebContentID, string Reason, string MilestoneUser, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Delete an existing web content page (and mark in the milestones)

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Delete' stored procedure

WebContent_Edit_Page ( int WebContentID, string Title, string Summary, string Redirect, string User, string MilestoneText, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Edit an existing web content page

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Edit' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_All ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the dataset of all global content pages AND redirects

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_All_Pages ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the dataset of all global content pages (excluding redirects)

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All_Pages' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_All_Redirects ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the dataset of all global redirects

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All_Redirects' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_Milestones ( int WebContentID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.Single.Single_WebContent_Change_Report

Get the milestones / history for a single web content page

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Milestones' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_Page ( int WebContentID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.WebContent_Basic_Info

Gets the basic information about a web content page, by primary key

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Page_ID' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_Page ( string Level1, string Level2, string Level3, string Level4, string Level5, string Level6, string Level7, string Level8, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.WebContent_Basic_Info

Gets the basic information about a web content page, by the URL segments

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Page' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_Recent_Changes ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Get the global milestones of all changes to all top-level static html pages

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Recent_Changes' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_Usage ( int WebContentID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.Single.Single_WebContent_Usage_Report

Get the usage statistics for a single web content page

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Usage' stored procedure

WebContent_Get_Usage_Report ( int Year1, int Month1, int Year2, int Month2, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet

Gets the usage report for all top-level web content pages between two dates

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Usage_Report' stored procedure

WebContent_Has_Usage ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Flag indicates if there is usage logged for web content pages within the system

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Usage_Report' stored procedure

WebContent_Populate_All_Hierarchy ( WebContent_Hierarchy ReturnValue, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Gets the hierarchy of all global content pages AND redirects, used for looking for a match from a requested URL

This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All_Brief' stored procedure

Private Methods

Method Description
DataReader_To_Private_Items_List ( System.Data.Common.DbDataReader Reader ) : List
DataReader_To_Result_List_With_LookAhead2 ( System.Data.Common.DbDataReader Reader, int ResultsPerPage, List MetadataFieldNames ) : List>
DataReader_To_Simple_Result_List2 ( System.Data.Common.DbDataReader Reader, List MetadataFieldNames ) : List
Engine_Database ( ) : System

Static constructor for this class

Verify_Item_Lookup_Object ( bool AlwaysRefresh, bool IncludePrivate, SobekCM.Engine_Library.ApplicationState.Item_Lookup_Object ItemLookupObject, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool

Verified the item lookup object is filled, or populates the item lookup object with all the valid bibids and vids in the system

This calls the 'SobekCM_Item_List_Web' stored procedure

add_advanced_terms ( Complete_Item_Aggregation AggrInfo, DataTable SearchTermsTable ) : void

Adds the search terms to display under advanced search from the datatable extracted from the database and also the list of browseable fields for this collection

add_children ( Complete_Item_Aggregation AggrInfo, DataTable ChildInfo ) : void

Adds the child information to the item aggregation object from the datatable extracted from the database

add_counts ( Complete_Item_Aggregation AggrInfo, DataTable CountInfo ) : void

Adds the page count, item count, and title count to the item aggregation object from the datatable extracted from the database

add_parents ( Complete_Item_Aggregation AggrInfo, DataTable ParentInfo ) : void

Adds the child information to the item aggregation object from the datatable extracted from the database

build_user_object_from_dataset ( DataSet ResultSet ) : User_Object
create_basic_aggregation_from_datatable ( DataTable BasicInfo ) : Complete_Item_Aggregation

Creates the item aggregation object from the datatable extracted from the database

The child and parent information is not yet added to the returned object

Method Details

Aggregate_Statistics() public static method

Aggregate all the item-level and item group-level hits up the hierarchy to the aggregations
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Aggregate' stored procedure
public static Aggregate_Statistics ( int Year, int Month, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : string
Year int Year of this usage
Month int Month of this usage
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return string

Builder_Delete_Incoming_Folder() public static method

Deletes an existing builder incoming folder from the table
This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Incoming_Folder_Delete' stored procedure
public static Builder_Delete_Incoming_Folder ( int FolderID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
FolderID int Primary key for the builder incoming folder to delete
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Builder_Edit_Incoming_Folder() public static method

Edits an existing builder incoming folder or adds a new folder
This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Incoming_Folder_Edit' stored procedure
public static Builder_Edit_Incoming_Folder ( int FolderID, string Folder_Name, string Network_Folder, string Error_Folder, string Processing_Folder, bool Perform_Checksum, bool Archive_TIFF, bool Archive_All_Files, bool Allow_Deletes, bool Allow_Folders_No_Metadata, string BibID_Roots_Restrictions, int ModuleSetID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
FolderID int Primary key for the builder incoming folder to edit
Folder_Name string Name of this folder (human friendly)
Network_Folder string Directory for this incoming folder on the network
Error_Folder string Directory for the error folder for this incoming folder on the network
Processing_Folder string Directory for the processing folder for this incoming folder on the network
Perform_Checksum bool Flag indicates if a checksum check should occur on incoming resources
Archive_TIFF bool Flag indicates if TIFF files should be archived
Archive_All_Files bool Flag indicates if all files should be archived
Allow_Deletes bool Flag indicates if DELETE METS can be processed from this incoming folder
Allow_Folders_No_Metadata bool Flag indicates if folders without any metadata should be processed from this incoming folder
BibID_Roots_Restrictions string Any restrictions on the incoming BibIDs that can be processed from this incoming folder
ModuleSetID int Primary key to the builder module set for this folder
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Builder_Get_Folder_Module_Sets() public static method

Gets the most recent updates for the builder including the builder settings and scheduled tasks
public static Builder_Get_Folder_Module_Sets ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return List

Builder_Get_Incoming_Folder() public static method

Gets the latest information about a builder source folder, by primary key
This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Get_Incoming_Folder' stored procedure
public static Builder_Get_Incoming_Folder ( int FolderID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Builder_Source_Folder
FolderID int Primary key for the builder incoming folder to retrieve
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return Builder_Source_Folder

Builder_Get_Recent_Updates() public static method

Gets the most recent updates for the builder including the builder settings and scheduled tasks
public static Builder_Get_Recent_Updates ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Builder_Status
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Builder.Builder_Status

Builder_Log_Search() public static method

Gets the matching builder logs, including a possible restriction by date range or bibid/vid
public static Builder_Log_Search ( System.DateTime StartDate, System.DateTime EndDate, string BibVidFilter, bool IncludeNoWorkFlag, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
StartDate System.DateTime Possibly the starting date for the log range
EndDate System.DateTime Possibly the ending date for the log range
BibVidFilter string Any search filter to see only particular BibID or BibID/VID
IncludeNoWorkFlag bool Flag indicates if 'No Work' entries should be included
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

DataTable_to_Extensions() public static method

Takes a datatable from the database holding extension information and converts it into a list of ExtensionInfo objects.
public static DataTable_to_Extensions ( DataTable Source ) : List
Source System.Data.DataTable Source datatable from the database
return List

Delete_Thematic_Heading() public static method

Deletes a thematic heading from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Delete_Thematic_Heading' stored procedure
public static Delete_Thematic_Heading ( int ThematicHeadingID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
ThematicHeadingID int Primary key for the thematic heading to delete
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Edit_Thematic_Heading() public static method

Saves a new thematic heading or updates an existing thematic heading
This calls the 'SobekCM_Edit_Thematic_Heading' stored procedure
public static Edit_Thematic_Heading ( int ThematicHeadingID, int ThemeOrder, string ThemeName, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : int
ThematicHeadingID int Primary key for the existing thematic heading, or -1 for a new heading
ThemeOrder int Order of this thematic heading, within the rest of the headings
ThemeName string Display name for this thematic heading
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return int

Get_Aggregation_Hierarchies() public static method

Method used to get the hierarchical relationship between all aggregationPermissions, to be displayed in the 'aggregationPermissions' tab in the internal screen
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Collection_Hierarchies' stored procedure

This is used by the Internal_HtmlSubwriter class
public static Get_Aggregation_Hierarchies ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_All_Browse_Paged() public static method

Gets the collection of all (public) items in the library
This calls either the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Browse_Paged' stored procedure
public static Get_All_Browse_Paged ( bool OnlyNewItems, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
OnlyNewItems bool Flag indicates to only pull items added in the last two weeks
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates if facets should be included in the final result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Get_All_Browse_Paged() public static method

Gets the collection of all (public) items in the library
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Browse_Paged2' stored procedure
public static Get_All_Browse_Paged ( string SinceDate, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
SinceDate string Date from which to pull the data
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates if facets should be included in the final result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Get_All_Coordinate_Points_By_Aggregation() public static method

Gets the list of unique coordinate points and associated bibid and group title for a single item aggregation
This calls the 'SobekCM_Coordinate_Points_By_Aggregation' stored procedure
public static Get_All_Coordinate_Points_By_Aggregation ( string AggregationCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_All_Template_DefaultMetadatas() public static method

Gets the dataset with all default metadata and all templates
This calls the 'mySobek_Get_All_Template_DefaultMetadatas' stored procedure
public static Get_All_Template_DefaultMetadatas ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_All_User_Groups() public static method

Gets the list of all user groups
This calls the 'mySobek_Get_All_User_Groups' stored procedure
public static Get_All_User_Groups ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return List

Get_All_Web_Skins() public static method

Datatable with the information for every html skin from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Web_Skins' stored procedure
public static Get_All_Web_Skins ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_Builder_Settings() public static method

Gets the list of modules and incoming folders for the builder
This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Get_Settings' stored procedure
public static Get_Builder_Settings ( bool IncludeDisabled, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
IncludeDisabled bool Flag indicates whether all the disabled modules should be returned
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_Codes_Item_Aggregations() public static method

Gets the datatable of all item aggregation codes
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Codes' stored procedure
public static Get_Codes_Item_Aggregations ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_GroupID_From_BibID() public static method

Returns the primary key for this item group, identified by bibliographic identifier
This calls the 'SobekCM_Manager_GroupID_From_BibID' stored procedure
public static Get_GroupID_From_BibID ( string BibID ) : int
BibID string Bibliographic identifier to pull the primary key from the database for
return int

Get_IP_Restriction_Ranges() public static method

Gets the list of all the IP ranges for restriction, including each single IP information in those ranges
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_IP_Restrictions' stored procedure
public static Get_IP_Restriction_Ranges ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_Item_Aggregation() public static method

Gets the database information about a single item aggregation
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation2'.
public static Get_Item_Aggregation ( string Code, bool IncludeCounts, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Complete_Item_Aggregation
Code string Code specifying the item aggregation to retrieve
IncludeCounts bool Flag indicates whether to pull the title/item/page counts for this aggregation
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Aggregations.Complete_Item_Aggregation

Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse_Paged() public static method

Gets the collection of all (public) items linked to an item aggregation
This calls either the 'SobekCM_Get_Aggregation_Browse_Paged' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse_Paged ( string AggregationCode, bool OnlyNewItems, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation of interest
OnlyNewItems bool Flag indicates to only pull items added in the last two weeks
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates if facets should be included in the final result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse_Paged() public static method

Gets the collection of all (public) items linked to an item aggregation
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Aggregation_Browse_Paged2' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse_Paged ( string AggregationCode, string SinceDate, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation of interest
SinceDate string Date from which to pull the data
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates if facets should be included in the final result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Get_Item_Aggregation_Counts() public static method

Adds the title, item, and page counts to this item aggregation object
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation2'.
public static Get_Item_Aggregation_Counts ( Complete_Item_Aggregation Aggregation, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Aggregation SobekCM.Core.Aggregations.Complete_Item_Aggregation Mostly built item aggregation object
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Get_Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse() public static method

Gets the list of all data for a particular metadata field in a particular aggregation
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Metadata_Browse' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse ( string AggregationCode, string MetadataCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation
MetadataCode string Metadata code for the field of interest
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return List

Get_Item_Details() public static method

Gets some basic information about an item before displaying it, such as the descriptive notes from the database, ability to add notes, etc..
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Details2' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Details ( string BibID, string Vid, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the volume to retrieve
Vid string Volume identifier for the volume to retrieve
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_Item_Group_Details() public static method

Gets some basic information about an item group before displaying it, such as the descriptive notes from the database, ability to add notes, etc..
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Details2' stored procedure, passing in NULL for the volume id
public static Get_Item_Group_Details ( string BibID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item group to retrieve
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_Item_Information() public static method

Gets brief information for an item which may be missing from the complete list of items
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Brief_Info' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Information ( string BibID, string Vid, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataRow
BibID string Bibliographic identifiers for the item of interest
Vid string Volume identifiers for the item of interest
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataRow

Get_Item_Information() public static method

Gets complete information for an item which may be missing from the complete list of items
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Brief_Info' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Information ( string BibID, string Vid, bool IncludeAggregations, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
BibID string Bibliographic identifiers for the item of interest
Vid string Volume identifiers for the item of interest
IncludeAggregations bool Flag indicates whether to include the aggregationPermissions
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_Item_Statistics_History() public static method

Returns the month-by-month usage statistics details by item and item group
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Statistics' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Statistics_History ( string BibID, string VID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item group of interest
VID string Volume identifier for the item of interest
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return List

Get_Item_Tracking_Work_History() public static method

Returns list of individual work history events and milestones for a single item
This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Work_History' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Tracking_Work_History ( string BibID, string VID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Item_Tracking_Details
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item group of interest
VID string Volume identifier for the item of interest
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Items.Item_Tracking_Details

Get_Item_Viewers() public static method

Gets the current list of item viewers, from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Viewers' stored procedure
public static Get_Item_Viewers ( string BibID, string Vid, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the volume to retrieve the item viewers for
Vid string Volume identifier for the volume to retrieve the item viewers for
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_Items_By_Coordinates() public static method

Performs geographic search for items within provided rectangular bounding box and linked to item aggregation of interest
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Items_By_Coordinates' stored procedure
public static Get_Items_By_Coordinates ( string AggregationCode, double Latitude1, double Longitude1, double Latitude2, double Longitude2, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation of interest
Latitude1 double Latitudinal portion of the first point making up the rectangular bounding box
Longitude1 double Longitudinal portion of the first point making up the rectangular bounding box
Latitude2 double Latitudinal portion of the second point making up the rectangular bounding box
Longitude2 double Longitudinal portion of the second point making up the rectangular bounding box
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates if facets should be included in the result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Get_Main_Aggregation() public static method

Gets the database information about the main aggregation, representing the entire web page
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Get_All_Groups'.
public static Get_Main_Aggregation ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Complete_Item_Aggregation
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Aggregations.Complete_Item_Aggregation

Get_Metadata_Fields() public static method

Gets the list of metadata fields searchable in the database, along with field number
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Metadata_Fields' stored procedure
public static Get_Metadata_Fields ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_Multiple_Volumes() public static method

Gets the list of all items within this item group, indicated by BibID
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Multiple_Volumes' stored procedure
public static Get_Multiple_Volumes ( string BibID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the title of interest
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return List

Get_Public_Folder_Browse() public static method

Get a browse of all items in a user's public folder
This calls the 'mySobek_Get_Public_Folder_Browse' stored procedure
public static Get_Public_Folder_Browse ( int UserFolderID, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Single_Paged_Results_Args
UserFolderID int Primary key for this user's folder which should be public in the database
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates if facets should be included in the final result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Single_Paged_Results_Args

Get_Random_Item() public static method

Gets a random item from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Random_Item' stored procedure
public static Get_Random_Item ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : string>.Tuple
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return string>.Tuple

Get_Settings_Complete() public static method

Gets all the setting information necessary for SobekCM
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Settings' stored procedure
public static Get_Settings_Complete ( bool IncludeAdminViewInfo, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
IncludeAdminViewInfo bool Flag indicates if the administrative view information should be included
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_Statistics_Lookup_Tables() public static method

Gets all the tables ued during the process of reading the statistics from the web iis logs and creating the associated commands
public static Get_Statistics_Lookup_Tables ( ) : DataSet
return System.Data.DataSet

Get_User() public static method

Gets basic user information by UserID
This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_By_UserID' stored procedure

This is called when a user's cookie exists in a web request
public static Get_User ( int UserID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : User_Object
UserID int Primary key for this user in the database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object

Get_User() public static method

Gets basic user information by the Shibboleth-provided user identifier
This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_By_UFID' stored procedure

This method is called when user's logon through the Gatorlink Shibboleth service
public static Get_User ( string ShibbolethID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : User_Object
ShibbolethID string Shibboleth ID (UFID) for the user
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object

Get_User() public static method

Gets basic user information by Username (or email) and Password
This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_By_UserName_Password' stored procedure

This is used when a user logs on through the mySobek authentication
public static Get_User ( string UserName, string Password, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : User_Object
UserName string UserName (or email address) for the user
Password string Plain-text password, which is then encrypted prior to sending to database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object

Get_User_Folder_Browse() public static method

Get a browse of all items in a user's folder
This calls the 'mySobek_Get_User_Folder_Browse' stored procedure
public static Get_User_Folder_Browse ( int UserID, string FolderName, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Single_Paged_Results_Args
UserID int Primary key for this user in the database
FolderName string Name of this user's folder
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates if facets should be included in the final result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Single_Paged_Results_Args

Get_User_Linked_Items_Stats() public static method

Gets the basic usage statistics for all items linked to a user
This calls the 'SobekCM_Stats_Get_User_Linked_Items_Stats' stored procedure
public static Get_User_Linked_Items_Stats ( int UserID, int Month, int Year, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
UserID int Primary key for the user of interest, for which to pull the item usage stats
Month int Month for which to pull the usage information
Year int Year for which to pull the usage information
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_Users_Linked_To_Items() public static method

Gets the list of all users that are linked to items which may have usage statistics
This calls the 'SobekCM_Stats_Get_Users_Linked_To_Items' stored procedure
public static Get_Users_Linked_To_Items ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Item_List() public static method

Gets the item dataset, usually used to populate the item list
This calls the 'SobekCM_Item_List_Web' stored procedure
public static Item_List ( bool IncludePrivate, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
IncludePrivate bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in this list
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Items_By_ALEPH_Number() public static method

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given ALEPH number
This calls the 'SobekCM_Items_By_ALEPH' stored procedure
public static Items_By_ALEPH_Number ( int AlephNumber, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int Sort, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
AlephNumber int ALEPH number to look for matching items
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Items_By_OCLC_Number() public static method

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given OCLC number
This calls the 'SobekCM_Items_By_OCLC' stored procedure
public static Items_By_OCLC_Number ( long OclcNumber, bool IncludePrivateItems, int ResultsPerPage, int Sort, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
OclcNumber long OCLC number to look for matching items
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Log_Sent_Email() public static method

Log the fact an email was sent via a different system than the databse mail
This calls the 'SobekCM_Log_Email' stored procedure.
public static Log_Sent_Email ( string Sender, string RecipientList, string SubjectLine, string EmailBody, bool IsHtml, bool IsContactUs, int ReplyToEmailID ) : bool
Sender string Name of the sender indicated in the sent email
RecipientList string List of recepients, seperated by a semi-colon
SubjectLine string Subject line for the email to log
EmailBody string Body of the email to log
IsHtml bool Flag indicates if the email body is HTML-encoded, or plain text
IsContactUs bool Flag indicates if this was sent from the 'Contact Us' feature of the library, rather than from a mySobek feature such as email your bookshelf
ReplyToEmailID int Primary key of the previous email, if this is a reply to a previously logged email
return bool

Online_Archived_Space() public static method

Gets the size of the online files and the size of the archived files, by aggregation
If two codes are passed in, then the values returned is the size of all items which exist in both the provided aggregationPermissions. Otherwise, it is just the size of all items in the primary aggregation.

This calls the 'SobekCM_Online_Archived_Space' stored procedure
public static Online_Archived_Space ( string AggregationCode1, string AggregationCode2, short OnlineStatsType, short ArchivalStatsType ) : DataSet
AggregationCode1 string Code for the primary aggregation
AggregationCode2 string Code for the secondary aggregation
OnlineStatsType short Flag indicates if online content reporting should be included ( 0=skip, 1=summary, 2=details )
ArchivalStatsType short Flag indicates if locally archived reporting should be included ( 0=skip, 1=summary, 2=details )
return System.Data.DataSet

Perform_Metadata_Exact_Search_Paged() public static method

Performs a metadata search for a piece of metadata that EXACTLY matches the provided search term and return one page of results
This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Exact_Search_Paged2' stored procedure
public static Perform_Metadata_Exact_Search_Paged ( string SearchTerm, int FieldID, bool IncludePrivateItems, string AggregationCode, long DateRangeStart, long DateRangeEnd, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
SearchTerm string Search condition string to be run against the databasse
FieldID int Primary key for the field to search in the database
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
AggregationCode string Code for the aggregation of interest ( or empty string to search all aggregationPermissions )
DateRangeStart long If this search includes a date range search, start of the date range, or -1
DateRangeEnd long If this search includes a date range search, end of the date range, or -1
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates whether to include facets in the result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Perform_Metadata_Search_Paged() public static method

Perform a metadata search against items in the database and return one page of results
This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Search_Paged' stored procedure
public static Perform_Metadata_Search_Paged ( int Link1, string Term1, int Field1, int Link2, string Term2, int Field2, int Link3, string Term3, int Field3, int Link4, string Term4, int Field4, int Link5, string Term5, int Field5, int Link6, string Term6, int Field6, int Link7, string Term7, int Field7, int Link8, string Term8, int Field8, int Link9, string Term9, int Field9, int Link10, string Term10, int Field10, bool IncludePrivateItems, string AggregationCode, long DateRangeStart, long DateRangeEnd, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
Link1 int Link for the first term, can only be used to NOT the first term ( 2=NOT )
Term1 string First search term for this metadata search
Field1 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link2 int Link between the first and second terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term2 string Second search term for this metadata search
Field2 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link3 int Link between the second and third search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term3 string Third search term for this metadata search
Field3 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link4 int Link between the third and fourth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term4 string Fourth search term for this metadata search
Field4 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link5 int Link between the fourth and fifth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term5 string Fifth search term for this metadata search
Field5 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link6 int Link between the fifth and sixth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term6 string Sixth search term for this metadata search
Field6 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link7 int Link between the sixth and seventh search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term7 string Seventh search term for this metadata search
Field7 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link8 int Link between the seventh and eighth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term8 string Eighth search term for this metadata search
Field8 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link9 int Link between the eighth and ninth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term9 string Ninth search term for this metadata search
Field9 int FIeld number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link10 int Link between the ninth and tenth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term10 string Tenth search term for this metadata search
Field10 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
AggregationCode string Code for the aggregation of interest ( or empty string to search all aggregationPermissions )
DateRangeStart long If this search includes a date range search, start of the date range, or -1
DateRangeEnd long If this search includes a date range search, end of the date range, or -1
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates whether to include facets
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Perform_Metadata_Search_Paged() public static method

Performs a basic metadata search over the entire citation, given a search condition, and returns one page of results
This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Basic_Search_Paged' stored procedure
public static Perform_Metadata_Search_Paged ( string SearchCondition, bool IncludePrivateItems, string AggregationCode, long DateRangeStart, long DateRangeEnd, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, bool IncludeFacets, List FacetTypes, bool ReturnSearchStatistics, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args
SearchCondition string Search condition string to be run against the databasse
IncludePrivateItems bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in the result set
AggregationCode string Code for the aggregation of interest ( or empty string to search all aggregationPermissions )
DateRangeStart long If this search includes a date range search, start of the date range, or -1
DateRangeEnd long If this search includes a date range search, end of the date range, or -1
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
IncludeFacets bool Flag indicates whether to include facets in the result set
FacetTypes List Primary key for the metadata types to include as facets (up to eight)
ReturnSearchStatistics bool Flag indicates whether to create and return statistics about the overall search results, generally set to TRUE for the first page requested and subsequently set to FALSE
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Results.Multiple_Paged_Results_Args

Plugin_Add_Update() public static method

Add or update information about a plug-in that exists in this system (but may not be enabled)
This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Add_Update' stored procedure
public static Plugin_Add_Update ( string Code, string Name, string CurrentVersion, string LicenseKey, string UpgradeUrl, string LatestVersion, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Code string Unique code for this plug-in
Name string Name of this plug-in
CurrentVersion string Currently installed version for this plug-in
LicenseKey string Any provided license key
UpgradeUrl string Upgrade URL
LatestVersion string Latest version of the plug-in that is available
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Plugin_Get_All() public static method

Gets the list of all the plug-ins from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Get_All' stored procedure
public static Plugin_Get_All ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return List

Plugin_Remove() public static method

Remove information about a (previously) installed plug-in
This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Remove' stored procedure
public static Plugin_Remove ( string Code, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Code string Unique code for this plug-in
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Plugin_Set_Enabled_Flag() public static method

Changes whether a plug-in is enabled or not within this system
This calls the 'SobekCM_Extensions_Set_Enable' stored procedure
public static Plugin_Set_Enabled_Flag ( string Code, bool NewEnabledFlag, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : string
Code string Unique code for this plug-in
NewEnabledFlag bool New flag to set for this plug-in enabled state
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return string

Populate_Aggregation_Aliases() public static method

Populates the lookup tables for aliases which point to live aggregationPermissions
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation_Aliases' stored procedure
public static Populate_Aggregation_Aliases ( string>.Dictionary AggregationAliasList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
AggregationAliasList string>.Dictionary List of aggregation aliases to populate from the database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_Code_Manager() public static method

Populates the code manager object for translating SobekCM codes to greenstone collection codes
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Item_Aggregation_AllCodes' stored procedure
public static Populate_Code_Manager ( Aggregation_Code_Manager Codes, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Codes SobekCM.Core.ApplicationState.Aggregation_Code_Manager Code object to populate with the all the code and aggregation information
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_Icon_List() public static method

Populates the dictionary of all icons from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Icon_List' stored procedure

The lookup values in this dictionary are the icon code uppercased.
public static Populate_Icon_List ( Wordmark_Icon>.Dictionary IconList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
IconList Wordmark_Icon>.Dictionary List of icons to be populated with a successful database pulll
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_Item_Lookup_Object() public static method

Populates the item lookup object with all the valid bibids and vids in the system
This calls the 'SobekCM_Item_List_Web' stored procedure
public static Populate_Item_Lookup_Object ( bool IncludePrivate, SobekCM.Engine_Library.ApplicationState.Item_Lookup_Object ItemLookupObject, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
IncludePrivate bool Flag indicates whether to include private items in this list
ItemLookupObject SobekCM.Engine_Library.ApplicationState.Item_Lookup_Object Item lookup object to directly populate from the database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_MIME_List() public static method

Populates the dictionary of all files and MIME types from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Mime_Types' stored procedure

The lookup values in this dictionary are the file extensions in lower case.
public static Populate_MIME_List ( Mime_Type_Info>.Dictionary MimeList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
MimeList Mime_Type_Info>.Dictionary List of files and MIME types to be populated with a successful database pulll
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_Statistics_Dates() public static method

Populates the date range from the database for which statistical information exists
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_By_Date_Range' stored procedure

This is used by the Statistics_HtmlSubwriter class
public static Populate_Statistics_Dates ( Statistics_Dates StatsDateObject, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
StatsDateObject SobekCM.Core.ApplicationState.Statistics_Dates Statistical range object to hold the beginning and ending of the statistical information
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_Thematic_Headings() public static method

Populates the collection of the thematic headings for the main home page
This calls the 'SobekCM_Manager_Get_Thematic_Headings' stored procedure
public static Populate_Thematic_Headings ( List ThematicHeadingList, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
ThematicHeadingList List List to populate with the thematic headings from the database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_Translations() public static method

Populates the translation / language support object for translating common UI terms
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Translation' stored procedure
public static Populate_Translations ( Language_Support_Info Translations, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Translations SobekCM.Core.ApplicationState.Language_Support_Info Translations object to populate from the database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Populate_URL_Portals() public static method

Populates the collection of possible portals from the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Portals' stored procedure
public static Populate_URL_Portals ( Portal_List Portals, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Portals SobekCM.Core.ApplicationState.Portal_List List of possible URL portals into this library/cms
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_Aggregation_Statistics() public static method

Save usage statistics for the aggregation-level web pages
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Aggregation' stored procedure
public static Save_Aggregation_Statistics ( int AggregationID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, int HomePageViews, int BrowseViews, int AdvancedSearchViews, int SearchResultViews, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
AggregationID int Primary key for this aggregation
Year int Year of this usage
Month int Month of this usage
Hits int Number of hits against this aggregation
Sessions int Number of sessions which used this aggregation
HomePageViews int Number of home page views
BrowseViews int Number of times users looked at browses under this aggregation
AdvancedSearchViews int Number of times users used the advanced search option
SearchResultViews int Number of times users viewed search results under this aggregation
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_Item_Aggregation() public static method

Save a new item aggregation or edit an existing item aggregation in the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Aggregation' stored procedure in the SobekCM database
public static Save_Item_Aggregation ( int AggregationID, string Code, string Name, string ShortName, string Description, SobekCM.Core.Aggregations.Thematic_Heading ThematicHeading, string Type, bool IsActive, bool IsHidden, string DisplayOptions, int MapSearch, int MapSearchBeta, int MapDisplay, int MapDisplayBeta, bool OaiFlag, string OaiMetadata, string ContactEmail, string DefaultInterface, string ExternalLink, int ParentID, string Username, string LanguageVariants, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
AggregationID int AggregationID if this is editing an existing one, otherwise -1
Code string Code for this item aggregation
Name string Name for this item aggregation
ShortName string Short version of this item aggregation
Description string Description of this item aggregation
ThematicHeading SobekCM.Core.Aggregations.Thematic_Heading Thematic heading for this item aggregation (or null)
Type string Type of item aggregation (i.e., Collection Group, Institution, Exhibit, etc..)
IsActive bool Flag indicates if this item aggregation is active
IsHidden bool Flag indicates if this item is hidden
DisplayOptions string Display options for this item aggregation
MapSearch int Map Search value indicates if there is a map search, and the type of search
MapSearchBeta int Map Search value indicates if there is a map search, and the type of search
MapDisplay int Map Display value indicates if there is a map display option when looking at search results or browses
MapDisplayBeta int Map Display value indicates if there is a map display option when looking at search results or browses
OaiFlag bool Flag indicates if this item aggregation should be available via OAI-PMH
OaiMetadata string Additional metadata about this collection, to be included in the set information in OAI-PMH
ContactEmail string Contact email for this item aggregation (can leave blank to use default)
DefaultInterface string Default interface for this item aggregation (particularly useful for institutional aggregationPermissions)
ExternalLink string External link for this item aggregation (used primarily for institutional item aggregationPermissions to provide a link back to the institution's actual home page)
ParentID int ID for the item aggregation parent
Username string Username saving this new item aggregation, for the item aggregation milestones
LanguageVariants string Details which language variants exist for this item aggregation
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_Item_Aggregation() public static method

Save a new item aggregation with the basic details provided in the new aggregation form
This calls the 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Aggregation' stored procedure in the SobekCM database
public static Save_Item_Aggregation ( string Code, string Name, string ShortName, string Description, int ThematicHeadingID, string Type, bool IsActive, bool IsHidden, string ExternalLink, int ParentID, string Username, string LanguageVariants, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Code string Code for this item aggregation
Name string Name for this item aggregation
ShortName string Short version of this item aggregation
Description string Description of this item aggregation
ThematicHeadingID int Thematic heading id for this item aggregation (or -1)
Type string Type of item aggregation (i.e., Collection Group, Institution, Exhibit, etc..)
IsActive bool Flag indicates if this item aggregation is active
IsHidden bool Flag indicates if this item is hidden
ExternalLink string External link for this item aggregation (used primarily for institutional item aggregationPermissions to provide a link back to the institution's actual home page)
ParentID int ID for the item aggregation parent
Username string Username saving this new item aggregation, for the item aggregation milestones
LanguageVariants string Details which language variants exist for this item aggregation
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_Item_Group_Statistics() public static method

Save usage statistics at the item level (BibID) level
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Item_Group' stored procedure
public static Save_Item_Group_Statistics ( int GroupID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
GroupID int Primary key for item group from the database
Year int Year of this usage
Month int Month of this usage
Hits int Number of hits against the item group (and not a child item/vid)
Sessions int Number of sessions that looked at this item group at the item group level
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_Item_Statistics() public static method

Save the item-level usage statistics
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Item' stored procedure
public static Save_Item_Statistics ( int ItemID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, int JpegViews, int ZoomableViews, int CitationViews, int ThumbnailViews, int TextSearchViews, int FlashViews, int GoogleMapViews, int DownloadViews, int StaticViews, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
ItemID int Primary key for the digital resource from the database
Year int Year of this usage
Month int Month of this usage
Hits int Number of hits against this digital resource
Sessions int Number of sessions that used this digital resource
JpegViews int Number of JPEG views
ZoomableViews int Number of zoomable JPEG2000 views
CitationViews int Number of citation views
ThumbnailViews int Number of thumbnail views
TextSearchViews int Number of text search views
FlashViews int Number of flash views
GoogleMapViews int Number of google map views
DownloadViews int Number of download views
StaticViews int Number of static views
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_New_Tracking_Box() public static method

Saves the tracking box information for a single item
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Tracking_Box'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Save_New_Tracking_Box ( int ItemID, string Tracking_Box ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate this tracking box with
Tracking_Box string New tracking box
return bool

Save_Portal_Statistics() public static method

Save the usage statistics for a single URL portal
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_Portal' stored procedure
public static Save_Portal_Statistics ( int PortalID, int Year, int Month, int Hits, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
PortalID int Primary key for this URL portal
Year int Year of this usage
Month int Month of this usage
Hits int Total number of hits for this month
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_TopLevel_Statistics() public static method

Save the top-level usage statistics for this instance for a single month
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_TopLevel' stored procedure
public static Save_TopLevel_Statistics ( int Year, int Month, int Hits, int Sessions, int RobotHits, int XmlHits, int OaiHits, int JsonHits, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Year int Year of this usage
Month int Month of this usage
Hits int Number of hits at the instance level
Sessions int Number of sessions at the instance level
RobotHits int Number of robot hits at the instance level
XmlHits int Number of XML hits at the instance level
OaiHits int Number of OAI-PMH hits at the instance level
JsonHits int Number of JSON hits at the instance level
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Save_WebContent_Statistics() public static method

Save usage statistics for top-level web content pages
This calls the 'SobekCM_Statistics_Save_WebContent' stored procedure
public static Save_WebContent_Statistics ( int Year, int Month, int Hits, int HitsComplete, string Level1, string Level2, string Level3, string Level4, string Level5, string Level6, string Level7, string Level8, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Year int Year of this usage
Month int Month of this usage
Hits int Number of hits on this page
HitsComplete int Number of hits on this page and all child pages
Level1 string Level 1 of the URL for this web content page
Level2 string Level 2 of the URL for this web content page
Level3 string Level 3 of the URL for this web content page
Level4 string Level 4 of the URL for this web content page
Level5 string Level 5 of the URL for this web content page
Level6 string Level 6 of the URL for this web content page
Level7 string Level 7 of the URL for this web content page
Level8 string Level 8 of the URL for this web content page
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

Search_Stop_Words() public static method

Gets the list of all search stop words which are ignored during searching ( such as 'The', 'A', etc.. )
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_Search_Stop_Words' stored procedure
public static Search_Stop_Words ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : List
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return List

Send_Database_Email() public static method

Send an email using database mail through the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Send_Email' stored procedure to send and log this email.
public static Send_Database_Email ( string RecipientList, string SubjectLine, string EmailBody, string FromAddress, string ReplyTo, bool IsHtml, bool IsContactUs, int ReplyToEmailID, int UserID ) : bool
RecipientList string List of recepients, seperated by a semi-colon
SubjectLine string Subject line for the email to send
EmailBody string Body of the email to send
FromAddress string Address this is FROM to override system
ReplyTo string Address this should have as REPLY TO from system
IsHtml bool Flag indicates if the email body is HTML-encoded, or plain text
IsContactUs bool Flag indicates if this was sent from the 'Contact Us' feature of the library, rather than from a mySobek feature such as email your bookshelf
ReplyToEmailID int Primary key of the previous email, if this is a reply to a previously logged email
UserID int UserID that sent this message. This is used to restrict the number of messages sent by the same user in the same day
return bool

Simple_Item_List() public static method

Gets the simple list of items for a single item aggregation, or the list of all items in the library
This calls the 'SobekCM_Simple_Item_List' stored procedure
public static Simple_Item_List ( string AggregationCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation of interest, or an empty string
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Test_Connection() public static method

Tests this instance. Test connectivity to the database
public static Test_Connection ( ) : bool
return bool

Test_Connection() public static method

Test connectivity to the database
public static Test_Connection ( string TestConnectionString ) : bool
TestConnectionString string
return bool

Tivoli_Add_File_Archive_Log() public static method

Add information about a single file to the archived TIVOLI
This calls the 'Tivoli_Add_File_Archive_Log' stored procedure
public static Tivoli_Add_File_Archive_Log ( string BibID, string Vid, string Folder, string FileName, long FileSize, System.DateTime LastWriteDate, int ItemID ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier
Vid string Volume identifier
Folder string Name of the folder
FileName string Name of the archived file
FileSize long Size of the archived file
LastWriteDate System.DateTime Last modified write date of the archived file
ItemID int Primary key for this item
return bool

Tivoli_Archive_Complete() public static method

Adds a worklog that items were archived (tivoli)'d for a specific item
This calls the 'Tracking_Archive_Complete' stored procedure
public static Tivoli_Archive_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier
Vid string Volume identifier
User string User linked to this progress ( usually blank since this is performed by the Tivoli Processor )
UserNotes string Notes about this process worklog
return bool

Tivoli_Complete_File_Request() public static method

Completes a given archive tivoli file request in the database
This calls the 'Tracking_Archive_Complete' stored procedure
public static Tivoli_Complete_File_Request ( int TivoliRequestID, string EmailBody, string EmailSubject, bool IsFailure ) : bool
TivoliRequestID int Primary key for the tivolie request which either completed or failed
EmailBody string Body of the response email
EmailSubject string Subject line to use for the response email
IsFailure bool Flag indicates if this represents a failure to retrieve the material from TIVOLI
return bool

Tivoli_Get_Archived_Files() public static method

Get the list of all archived TIVOLI files by BibID and VID
This calls the 'Tivoli_Get_File_By_Bib_VID' stored procedure
public static Tivoli_Get_Archived_Files ( string BibID, string Vid ) : DataTable
BibID string Bibliographic identifier
Vid string Volume identifier
return System.Data.DataTable

Tivoli_Outstanding_File_Requests() public static method

Gets the list of outstanding archive (tivoli) file requests
This calls the 'Tivoli_Outstanding_File_Requests' stored procedure
public static Tivoli_Outstanding_File_Requests ( ) : DataTable
return System.Data.DataTable

Tivoli_Request_File() public static method

Requests a package or file from the archives/tivoli
This calls the 'Tivoli_Request_File' stored procedure
public static Tivoli_Request_File ( string BibID, string Vid, string Files, string UserName, string EmailAddress, string RequestNote ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier (BibID) for the item to retrieve files for
Vid string Volume identifier (VID) for the item to retrieve files for
Files string Files to retrieve from archives/tivoli
UserName string Name of the user requesting the retrieval
EmailAddress string Email address for the user requesting the retrieval
RequestNote string Any custom request note, to be returned in the email once retrieval is complete
return bool

Tracking_Digital_Acquisition_Complete() public static method

Marks an item as been digitally acquired
This calls the 'Tracking_Digital_Acquisition_Complete' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Digital_Acquisition_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string Location, System.DateTime Date ) : bool
BibID string
Vid string
User string
Location string
Date System.DateTime
return bool

Tracking_Get_Aggregation_Private_Items() public static method

Gets the list of all private and dark items linked to an item aggregation
This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Aggregation_Privates' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Get_Aggregation_Private_Items ( string AggregationCode, int ResultsPerPage, int ResultsPage, int Sort, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : Private_Items_List
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation of interest
ResultsPerPage int Number of results to return per "page" of results
ResultsPage int Which page of results to return ( one-based, so the first page is page number of one )
Sort int Current sort to use ( 0 = default by search or browse, 1 = title, 10 = date asc, 11 = date desc )
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Tracer object keeps track of all executions that take place while meeting a user's request
return Private_Items_List

Tracking_Get_History_Archives() public static method

Gets the history and archive information about a single item from the tracking database
This calls the 'Tracking_Get_History_Archives' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Get_History_Archives ( int ItemID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
ItemID int Primary key for this item in the database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Tracking_Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse() public static method

Gets the collection of all items linked to an item aggregation
This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Aggregation_Browse' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse ( string AggregationCode ) : DataSet
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation of interest
return System.Data.DataSet

Tracking_Get_Milestone_Report() public static method

Gets the high level report of which items exist in which milestone for an aggregation
This calls the 'Tracking_Item_Milestone_Report' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Get_Milestone_Report ( string AggregationCode, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
AggregationCode string Code for the item aggregation of interest
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

Tracking_Image_Processing_Complete() public static method

Marks an item as been image processed
This calls the 'Tracking_Image_Processing_Complete' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Image_Processing_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string Location, System.DateTime Date ) : bool
BibID string
Vid string
User string
Location string
Date System.DateTime
return bool

Tracking_Items_By_ALEPH_Number() public static method

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given ALEPH number
This calls the 'Tracking_Items_By_ALEPH' stored procedure.

This is very similar to the Engine_Database.Items_By_ALEPH_Number method, except it returns more information, since the tracking application does not have basic information about each item/title in its cache, unlike the web server application, which does cache this information.
public static Tracking_Items_By_ALEPH_Number ( int AlephNumber, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
AlephNumber int ALEPH number to look for matching items
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Tracking_Items_By_OCLC_Number() public static method

Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given OCLC number
This calls the 'Tracking_Items_By_OCLC' stored procedure

This is very similar to the Engine_Database.Items_By_OCLC_Number method, except it returns more information, since the tracking application does not have basic information about each item/title in its cache, unlike the web server application, which does cache this information.
public static Tracking_Items_By_OCLC_Number ( long OclcNumber, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
OclcNumber long OCLC number to look for matching items
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

Tracking_Load_Metadata_Update_Complete() public static method

Marks an item as having a metadata update loaded by the bulk loader
This calls the 'Tracking_Load_Metadata_Update_Complete' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Load_Metadata_Update_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item to which to add the new history/worklog
Vid string Volume identifier for the item to which to add the new history/worklog
User string User who performed this work or initiated this work
UserNotes string Any notes generated during the work or by the work initiator
return bool

Tracking_Load_New_Complete() public static method

Marks an item as having been loaded as a new item by the bulk loader
This calls the 'Tracking_Load_New_Complete' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Load_New_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item to which to add the new history/worklog
Vid string Volume identifier for the item to which to add the new history/worklog
User string User who performed this work or initiated this work
UserNotes string Any notes generated during the work or by the work initiator
return bool

Tracking_Load_Replacement_Complete() public static method

Marks an item as having been loaded as a replacement item by the bulk loader
This calls the 'Tracking_Load_Replacement_Complete' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Load_Replacement_Complete ( string BibID, string Vid, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item to which to add the new history/worklog
Vid string Volume identifier for the item to which to add the new history/worklog
User string User who performed this work or initiated this work
UserNotes string Any notes generated during the work or by the work initiator
return bool

Tracking_Metadata_Exact_Search() public static method

Performs a metadata search for a piece of metadata that EXACTLY matches the provided search term
This calls the 'Tracking_Metadata_Exact_Search' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Metadata_Exact_Search ( string SearchTerm, int FieldID, string AggregationCode ) : DataSet
SearchTerm string Search condition string to be run against the databasse
FieldID int Primary key for the field to search in the database
AggregationCode string Code for the aggregation of interest ( or empty string to search all aggregationPermissions )
return System.Data.DataSet

Tracking_Metadata_Search() public static method

Perform a metadata search against items in the database
This calls the 'Tracking_Metadata_Search' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Metadata_Search ( string Term1, int Field1, int Link2, string Term2, int Field2, int Link3, string Term3, int Field3, int Link4, string Term4, int Field4, int Link5, string Term5, int Field5, int Link6, string Term6, int Field6, int Link7, string Term7, int Field7, int Link8, string Term8, int Field8, int Link9, string Term9, int Field9, int Link10, string Term10, int Field10, string AggregationCode ) : DataSet
Term1 string First search term for this metadata search
Field1 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link2 int Link between the first and second terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term2 string Second search term for this metadata search
Field2 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link3 int Link between the second and third search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term3 string Third search term for this metadata search
Field3 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link4 int Link between the third and fourth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term4 string Fourth search term for this metadata search
Field4 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link5 int Link between the fourth and fifth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term5 string Fifth search term for this metadata search
Field5 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link6 int Link between the fifth and sixth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term6 string Sixth search term for this metadata search
Field6 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link7 int Link between the sixth and seventh search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term7 string Seventh search term for this metadata search
Field7 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link8 int Link between the seventh and eighth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term8 string Eighth search term for this metadata search
Field8 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link9 int Link between the eighth and ninth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term9 string Ninth search term for this metadata search
Field9 int FIeld number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
Link10 int Link between the ninth and tenth search terms ( 0=AND, 1=OR, 2=AND NOT )
Term10 string Tenth search term for this metadata search
Field10 int Field number to search for (or -1 to search all fields)
AggregationCode string Code for the aggregation of interest ( or empty string to search all aggregationPermissions )
return System.Data.DataSet

Tracking_Metadata_Search() public static method

Performs a basic metadata search over the entire citation, given a search condition
This calls the 'Tracking_Metadata_Basic_Search' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Metadata_Search ( string SearchCondition, string AggregationCode ) : DataSet
SearchCondition string Search condition string to be run against the databasse
AggregationCode string Code for the aggregation of interest ( or empty string to search all aggregationPermissions )
return System.Data.DataSet

Tracking_Multiple_Volumes() public static method

Gets the list of all items within this item group, indicated by BibID, including additional information for the SMaRT tracking application
This calls the 'Tracking_Get_Multiple_Volumes' stored procedure

This is very similar to the Engine_Database.Get_Multiple_Volumes method, except it returns more information, since the tracking application does not have basic information about each item/title in its cache, unlike the web server application, which does cache this information.
public static Tracking_Multiple_Volumes ( string BibID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.Items.SobekCM_Items_In_Title
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the title of interest
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.Items.SobekCM_Items_In_Title

Tracking_Online_Edit_Complete() public static method

Marks an item as been editing online through the web interface
This calls the 'Tracking_Online_Edit_Complete' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Online_Edit_Complete ( int ItemID, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool
ItemID int Primary key for the item having a progress/worklog entry added
User string User name who did the edit
UserNotes string Any user notes about this edit
return bool

Tracking_Online_Submit_Complete() public static method

Marks an item as having been submitted online
This calls the 'Tracking_Online_Submit_Complete' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Online_Submit_Complete ( int ItemID, string User, string UserNotes ) : bool
ItemID int Primary key for the item having a progress/worklog entry added
User string User name who submitted this item
UserNotes string Any user notes about this new item
return bool

Tracking_Update_List() public static method

Gets the list of all items which have been modified in this library from the history/workflow information over the last week
This calls the 'Tracking_Update_List' stored procedure.
public static Tracking_Update_List ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataTable
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataTable

URL_Portals_DataSet() public static method

Returns the URL portals dataset
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_All_Portals' stored procedure
public static URL_Portals_DataSet ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

WebContent_Add_Milestone() public static method

Add a new milestone to an existing web content page
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Add_Milestone' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Add_Milestone ( int WebContentID, string Milestone, string MilestoneUser, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
WebContentID int Primary key to the existing web content page
Milestone string Text of the milestone to be added
MilestoneUser string User name for the milestone being added
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

WebContent_Add_Page() public static method

Add a new web content page
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Add' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Add_Page ( string Level1, string Level2, string Level3, string Level4, string Level5, string Level6, string Level7, string Level8, string Username, string Title, string Summary, string Redirect, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : int
Level1 string Level 1 of the URL for this web content page
Level2 string Level 2 of the URL for this web content page
Level3 string Level 3 of the URL for this web content page
Level4 string Level 4 of the URL for this web content page
Level5 string Level 5 of the URL for this web content page
Level6 string Level 6 of the URL for this web content page
Level7 string Level 7 of the URL for this web content page
Level8 string Level 8 of the URL for this web content page
Username string Name of the user that performed this ADD (or restored of a previously deleted page)
Title string Title for this new web page
Summary string Summary for this new web page
Redirect string If this is actually a redirect URL, this will be the URL that it should resolve to
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return int

WebContent_Delete_Page() public static method

Delete an existing web content page (and mark in the milestones)
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Delete' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Delete_Page ( int WebContentID, string Reason, string MilestoneUser, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
WebContentID int Primary key to the existing web content page
Reason string Optional reason for the deletion
MilestoneUser string User name for the milestone to be being added
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

WebContent_Edit_Page() public static method

Edit an existing web content page
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Edit' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Edit_Page ( int WebContentID, string Title, string Summary, string Redirect, string User, string MilestoneText, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
WebContentID int Primary key to the existing web content page
Title string New title for this web page
Summary string New summary for this new web page
Redirect string If this is actually a redirect URL, this will be the URL that it should resolve to
User string User who edited this page or redirect
MilestoneText string Specific text for the milestone
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

WebContent_Get_All() public static method

Gets the dataset of all global content pages AND redirects
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_All ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

WebContent_Get_All_Pages() public static method

Gets the dataset of all global content pages (excluding redirects)
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All_Pages' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_All_Pages ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

WebContent_Get_All_Redirects() public static method

Gets the dataset of all global redirects
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All_Redirects' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_All_Redirects ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

WebContent_Get_Milestones() public static method

Get the milestones / history for a single web content page
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Milestones' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_Milestones ( int WebContentID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.Single.Single_WebContent_Change_Report
WebContentID int Primary key to the web page in question
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.WebContent.Single.Single_WebContent_Change_Report

WebContent_Get_Page() public static method

Gets the basic information about a web content page, by primary key
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Page_ID' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_Page ( int WebContentID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.WebContent_Basic_Info
WebContentID int Primary key for this web content page in the database
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.WebContent.WebContent_Basic_Info

WebContent_Get_Page() public static method

Gets the basic information about a web content page, by the URL segments
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Page' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_Page ( string Level1, string Level2, string Level3, string Level4, string Level5, string Level6, string Level7, string Level8, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.WebContent_Basic_Info
Level1 string Level 1 of the URL for this web content page
Level2 string Level 2 of the URL for this web content page
Level3 string Level 3 of the URL for this web content page
Level4 string Level 4 of the URL for this web content page
Level5 string Level 5 of the URL for this web content page
Level6 string Level 6 of the URL for this web content page
Level7 string Level 7 of the URL for this web content page
Level8 string Level 8 of the URL for this web content page
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.WebContent.WebContent_Basic_Info

WebContent_Get_Recent_Changes() public static method

Get the global milestones of all changes to all top-level static html pages
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Recent_Changes' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_Recent_Changes ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

WebContent_Get_Usage() public static method

Get the usage statistics for a single web content page
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Get_Usage' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_Usage ( int WebContentID, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : SobekCM.Core.WebContent.Single.Single_WebContent_Usage_Report
WebContentID int Primary key to the web page in question
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return SobekCM.Core.WebContent.Single.Single_WebContent_Usage_Report

WebContent_Get_Usage_Report() public static method

Gets the usage report for all top-level web content pages between two dates
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Usage_Report' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Get_Usage_Report ( int Year1, int Month1, int Year2, int Month2, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : DataSet
Year1 int Year for the beginning of the range to pull stats for
Month1 int Month for the beginning of the range to pull stats for
Year2 int Year for the end of the range to pull stats for
Month2 int Month for the end of the range to pull stats for
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System.Data.DataSet

WebContent_Has_Usage() public static method

Flag indicates if there is usage logged for web content pages within the system
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_Usage_Report' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Has_Usage ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool

WebContent_Populate_All_Hierarchy() public static method

Gets the hierarchy of all global content pages AND redirects, used for looking for a match from a requested URL
This calls the 'SobekCM_WebContent_All_Brief' stored procedure
public static WebContent_Populate_All_Hierarchy ( WebContent_Hierarchy ReturnValue, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : bool
ReturnValue SobekCM.Core.WebContent.Hierarchy.WebContent_Hierarchy Web content hierarchy object to populate - should be pre-cleared
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return bool