C# Class SilverlightFX.UserInterface.Navigation.MvcPageLoader

A PageLoader that loads pages using the MVC pattern. The PageLoader finds a Controller matching the URI, invokes an Action on it, and then converts the ActionResult to a Page using a set of views.
Inheritance: PageLoader
Datei anzeigen Open project: nikhilk/silverlightfx

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreateController System.ComponentModel.Navigation.Controller

Protected Methods

Method Description
BeginLoadUri ( Uri uri, Page uriContext, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState ) : IAsyncResult
CreatePage ( object data ) : Page
EndLoadUri ( IAsyncResult asyncResult, Uri &redirectUri ) : object

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateController ( Type controllerType ) : Controller

Method Details

BeginLoadUri() protected method

protected BeginLoadUri ( Uri uri, Page uriContext, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState ) : IAsyncResult
uri System.Uri
uriContext Page
callback AsyncCallback
asyncState object
return IAsyncResult

CreatePage() protected method

protected CreatePage ( object data ) : Page
data object
return Page

EndLoadUri() protected method

protected EndLoadUri ( IAsyncResult asyncResult, Uri &redirectUri ) : object
asyncResult IAsyncResult
redirectUri System.Uri
return object