C# Class Saimoe.Core.ContestantService

@author: Tsinghua . @description: Manage all business relate to contestant
Datei anzeigen Open project: quietlynn/gplus.saimoe Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddContestant ( Contestant contestant ) : void

Add a contestant to database

ContestantService ( ContestantRepository contestantRepository = null ) : System
GetContestant ( string googlePlusId ) : Contestant

Get contestant registration info by given google plus id

UpdateContestantProfile ( string googlePlusId, Profile profile ) : void

Update profile of contestant

Method Details

AddContestant() public method

Add a contestant to database
public AddContestant ( Contestant contestant ) : void
contestant Saimoe.Models.Contestant
return void

ContestantService() public method

public ContestantService ( ContestantRepository contestantRepository = null ) : System
contestantRepository Saimoe.Repository.ContestantRepository
return System

GetContestant() public method

Get contestant registration info by given google plus id
public GetContestant ( string googlePlusId ) : Contestant
googlePlusId string
return Saimoe.Models.Contestant

UpdateContestantProfile() public method

Update profile of contestant
public UpdateContestantProfile ( string googlePlusId, Profile profile ) : void
googlePlusId string
profile Saimoe.Models.Profile
return void