C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Controls.ObjectListPublisher

This class publishes a list of objects through the ISilDataAccess interface. It defines a virtual property which contains a list of objects, and supports notifying changes to it. Other requests are passed through. This can be used to publish a list of objects for a BrowseViewer. In addition, it can implement the 'owning' property on which the virtual one is based. This is used for properties like "all wordforms" that don't have any logical object to be a virtual property of.
Inheritance: SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Application.DomainDataByFlidDecoratorBase, IClearValues
Datei anzeigen Open project: sillsdev/FieldWorks Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
SendPropChanged void

Public Methods

Method Description
CacheVecProp ( int hvoObj, int hvos ) : void

Determine absolutely what the new list of hvos will be.

ClearValues ( ) : void

Clear out the local m_values (typically during a Refresh, when they have become invalid, to prevent reuse of invalid values before they are properly restored).

ObjectListPublisher ( ISilDataAccessManaged domainDataByFlid, int flid ) : System

Make one, wrapping some other ISilDataAccessManged (typically the main DomainDataByFlid).

Replace ( int hvo, int ivMin, int insertions, int cvDel ) : void

Replaces the specified hvo.

Replace ( int hvoObj, int tag, int ihvoMin, int ihvoLim, int _rghvo, int chvo ) : void

Override to allow clients to replace in our private property. We will automatically generate a PropChanged on the private property immediately (for private clients).

SetOwningPropInfo ( int destClass, string className, string fieldName ) : void

Set the properties that we will pretend the fake owning property has.

SetOwningPropValue ( int newValue ) : void

Set the values to be returned when asked for information about OwningFlid

VecProp ( int hvo, int tag ) : int[]

Get the Ids of the entire vector property.

get_VecItem ( int hvo, int tag, int index ) : int

Obtain one item from an object sequence or collection property. @error E_INVALIDARG if index is out of range.

get_VecSize ( int hvo, int tag ) : int

Get the length of the specified sequence or collection property.

Private Methods

Method Description
SendPropChanged ( int hvo, int ivMin, int cvIns, int cvDel ) : void

Method Details

CacheVecProp() public method

Determine absolutely what the new list of hvos will be.
public CacheVecProp ( int hvoObj, int hvos ) : void
hvoObj int The hvo.
hvos int The hvos.
return void

ClearValues() public method

Clear out the local m_values (typically during a Refresh, when they have become invalid, to prevent reuse of invalid values before they are properly restored).
public ClearValues ( ) : void
return void

ObjectListPublisher() public method

Make one, wrapping some other ISilDataAccessManged (typically the main DomainDataByFlid).
public ObjectListPublisher ( ISilDataAccessManaged domainDataByFlid, int flid ) : System
domainDataByFlid ISilDataAccessManaged The domainDataByFlid.
flid int The flid.
return System

Replace() public method

Replaces the specified hvo.
public Replace ( int hvo, int ivMin, int insertions, int cvDel ) : void
hvo int The hvo.
ivMin int The iv min.
insertions int The insertions.
cvDel int The cv del.
return void

Replace() public method

Override to allow clients to replace in our private property. We will automatically generate a PropChanged on the private property immediately (for private clients).
public Replace ( int hvoObj, int tag, int ihvoMin, int ihvoLim, int _rghvo, int chvo ) : void
hvoObj int
tag int
ihvoMin int
ihvoLim int
_rghvo int
chvo int
return void

SetOwningPropInfo() public method

Set the properties that we will pretend the fake owning property has.
public SetOwningPropInfo ( int destClass, string className, string fieldName ) : void
destClass int
className string
fieldName string
return void

SetOwningPropValue() public method

Set the values to be returned when asked for information about OwningFlid
public SetOwningPropValue ( int newValue ) : void
newValue int
return void

VecProp() public method

Get the Ids of the entire vector property.
public VecProp ( int hvo, int tag ) : int[]
hvo int
tag int
return int[]

get_VecItem() public method

Obtain one item from an object sequence or collection property. @error E_INVALIDARG if index is out of range.
public get_VecItem ( int hvo, int tag, int index ) : int
hvo int
tag int
index int Indicates the item of interest. <b>Zero based</b>.
return int

get_VecSize() public method

Get the length of the specified sequence or collection property.
public get_VecSize ( int hvo, int tag ) : int
hvo int
tag int
return int