C# Class RssDictionarySample.TrivialRssReader

An extremely simple RSS reader. This keeps a URL => data mapping in a persistent dictionary and supports updates, adding a URL and printing a summary of the RSS entries.
Datei anzeigen Open project: ayende/managed-esent

Public Methods

Method Description
Main ( string args ) : void

A trivial RSS reader with local caching.

Private Methods

Method Description
Add ( string urls ) : void

Add the specified urls to the RSS dictionary.

ParseAndPrintRssData ( string rssdata ) : void

Parse and print some RSS data. This doesn't do a particularily good job of parsing/printing.

Print ( ) : void

Print all the RSS data in the dictionary.

Update ( ) : void

Get the latest RSS for all the URLs in the dictionary.

Method Details

Main() public static method

A trivial RSS reader with local caching.
public static Main ( string args ) : void
args string /// No arguments: print the RSS. '-update': update all the RSS feeds in the /// dictionary. Otherwise add all arguments to the dictionary as URLs. ///
return void