C# Class Route_WebService.Route_WebServiceClass

Summary description for Form1.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Form
Datei anzeigen Open project: Esri/arcobjects-sdk-community-samples

Public Methods

Method Description
Route_WebServiceClass ( ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddTabAndControl ( TabPage tabPage, System controlToAdd ) : void

Add a tab page and a tab control

ConnectToWebService ( ) : void

Get NAServer Object from the web service

CreateLocationPropertyArray ( string name, string X, string Y, SpatialReference sr ) : PropertySetProperty[]

Create a property location array

CreateLocationPropertySet ( string name, string X, string Y, SpatialReference sr ) : PropertySet

Create a property set for NALocation

CreatePropertySetProperty ( string key, object value ) : PropertySetProperty


ExtractImpedanceName ( string impedanceUnits ) : string

Helper function to extract the impedance name in a string like "impedancename (impedanceunits)"

ExtractImpedanceUnits ( string impedanceUnits ) : string

Helper function to extract the impedance unit in a string like "impedancename (impedanceunits)"

Form1_Load ( object sender, System e ) : void

Load form

GeocodeAddress ( string StreetAddress, string City, string State, string ZipCode ) : PropertySet

Geocode an address based on the street name, city, state, and zip code Throws and exception and returns null if the address was unmatched.

GetNASolverSettings ( NAServerNetworkDescription networkDescription, NAServerSolverParams solverSettings ) : void

Get Default NASolverSettings controls (Cost Attributes, Restrictions Attributes. etc.)

GetNetworkAnalysisLayers ( ) : void

This function - gets all route network analysis layers - selects the first route network analysis layer - sets all controls for this route network analysis layer

GetServerSolverParams ( NAServerNetworkDescription networkDescription, NAServerSolverParams solverParams ) : void

Get ServerSolverParams controls (ReturnMap, SnapTolerance, etc.)

GetSolverSpecificInterface ( NAServerSolverParams solverParams ) : void

Set Default route solver controls (BestOrder, UseTimeWindows, UseStartTime, etc.)

GetstringToesriUnits ( string stresriUnits ) : esriNetworkAttributeUnits

Helper function to convert a string unit (e.g Miles) to an esriNetworkAnalystUnits (e.g esriNAUMiles)

HideTabs ( ) : void

Hide tabs

InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

IsStringInStringArray ( string inputString, string stringArray ) : bool
LoadLocations ( NAServerSolverParams solverParams ) : void

This function shows how to populate stop locations using two different options: 1) From Record Set using a Point Feature Class - Uncommented 2) From an Array of PropertySets - Commented out Uncomment the option, you would like to use

Main ( ) : void
MakeFramesEnabled ( NAServerSolverParams solverParams ) : void

Make frames Enabled

OutputDirections ( NAStreetDirections serverDirections ) : void

Output Directions if a TreeView control

OutputPolylines ( Polyline polylines ) : void

Output Route Geometries (Polylines) in a TreeView control

OutputRecSetToDataGrid ( RecordSet recSet, System outDataGrid ) : void

Generic function to output RecordSet (Stops, Barriers, or Routes) in a DataDrid Control

OutputResults ( NAServerSolverParams solverParams, NAServerSolverResults solverResults ) : void

Output Results Messages, Map, Route Geometries, Directions

OutputRouteResults ( NAServerRouteParams solverParams, NAServerRouteResults solverResults ) : void

Output Route Results according to the NAServerRouteParams

SetNASolverSettings ( NAServerSolverParams solverSettings ) : void

Set general solver settings (Impedance, Restrictions, Accumulates, etc.)

SetServerSolverParams ( NAServerSolverParams solverParams ) : void

Set server solver parameters (ReturnMap, SnapTolerance, etc.)

SetSolverSpecificInterface ( NAServerSolverParams solverParams ) : void

Set specific solver settings (FindBestSequence, UseTimeWindows, etc.)

cboNALayers_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void

This function sets all controls for the selected route network analysis layer

chkBestOrder_CheckedChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void

Enable chkPreserveFirst and chkPreserveFirst controls

chkUseStartTime_CheckedChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void

Enable the startTime control

cmdSolve_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void

This function - sets the server and solver parameters - populates the stops NALocations - gets and displays the server results (map, directions, etc.)

Method Details

Dispose() protected method

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

Route_WebServiceClass() public method

public Route_WebServiceClass ( ) : System
return System