C# Class Revenj.TreePath

Structure for hierarchical modeling. Supports labels separated by dots. Only alphanumeric values allowed for labels. eg: Level1.Level2.Level3
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Empty TreePath

Public Methods

Method Description
Create ( string path ) : TreePath

Create path from string value, eg: top.middle.bottom

Equals ( object obj ) : bool

Check for equality. Same as checking for string representation equality.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Hash code is calculated of string representation

IsAncestor ( TreePath other ) : bool
IsDescendant ( TreePath other ) : bool
ToString ( ) : string

Return string representation of the value

TreePath ( string path ) : System

Construct path from string value, eg: top.middle.bottom

operator ( ) : TreePath

Concatenate two paths

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckParts ( string parts ) : void
Compare ( string left, string right, int count ) : bool
TreePath ( string value, string parts ) : System

Method Details

Create() public static method

Create path from string value, eg: top.middle.bottom
public static Create ( string path ) : TreePath
path string string representation
return TreePath

Equals() public method

Check for equality. Same as checking for string representation equality.
public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object string or TreePath
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Hash code is calculated of string representation
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

IsAncestor() public method

public IsAncestor ( TreePath other ) : bool
other TreePath
return bool

IsDescendant() public method

public IsDescendant ( TreePath other ) : bool
other TreePath
return bool

ToString() public method

Return string representation of the value
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

TreePath() public method

Construct path from string value, eg: top.middle.bottom
public TreePath ( string path ) : System
path string string representation
return System

operator() public static method

Concatenate two paths
public static operator ( ) : TreePath
return TreePath

Property Details

Empty public_oe static_oe property

Empty path
public static TreePath,Revenj Empty
return TreePath