C# Class Radegast.InventoryConsole

Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Datei anzeigen Open project: radegastdev/radegast Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddBase System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
AddDir System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
AddFolderFromStore void
AddItem System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
Appearance_AppearanceSet void
Exec_OnInventoryObjectAdded void
Exec_OnInventoryObjectUpdated void
InventoryConsole_Disposed void
Inventory_InventoryObjectAdded void
Inventory_InventoryObjectRemoved void
Inventory_InventoryObjectUpdated void
NotecardCreated void
Objects_AttachmentUpdate void
Objects_KillObject void
OnInvContextClick void
OnLabelEditTimer void
PerformClipboardOperation void
PerformLinkOperation void
PerformRecursiveSearch void
ScriptCreated void
StartTraverseNodes void
TraverseAndQueueNodes void
TraverseNodes void
TreeUpdateTimerTick void
TreeView_AfterExpand void
UpdateItemInfo void
UpdateNodeLabel void
UpdateStatus void
UpdateWornLabels void
btnInvSearch_Click void
btnProfile_Click void
cacheNode void
cbNextOwnerUpdate_CheckedChanged void
cbSrchName_CheckedChanged void
cbSrchWorn_CheckedChanged void
copyInitialOutfitsToolStripMenuItem_Click void
ctxInv_Opening void
fetchFolder void
findNodeForItem System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
invTree_AfterLabelEdit void
invTree_BeforeLabelEdit void
invTree_DragDrop void
invTree_DragEnter void
invTree_DragOver void
invTree_ItemDrag void
invTree_KeyUp void
invTree_MouseClick void
invTree_NodeMouseDoubleClick void
lstInventorySearch_DrawItem void
lstInventorySearch_KeyDown void
lstInventorySearch_MouseClick void
lstInventorySearch_MouseDoubleClick void
lstInventorySearch_RetrieveVirtualItem void
lstInventorySearch_SizeChanged void
rbSrchAll_CheckedChanged void
reloadInventoryToolStripMenuItem_Click void
removeNode void
saveAllTToolStripMenuItem_Click void
tbtbSortByName_Click void
tbtnSortByDate_Click void
tbtnSystemFoldersFirst_Click void
txtAssetID_Enter void
txtInvID_Enter void
txtItemDescription_Leave void
txtItemName_Leave void
txtSearch_KeyDown void
txtSearch_TextChanged void

Public Methods

Method Description
AttachedTo ( InventoryItem item ) : AttachmentPoint
AttachmentAt ( AttachmentPoint point ) : InventoryItem
GetDirImageIndex ( string t ) : int
GetItemImageIndex ( string t ) : int
Init1 ( ) : void
Init2 ( ) : void
InventoryConsole ( Radegast.RadegastInstance instance ) : ThreadPoolUtil
IsAttached ( InventoryItem item ) : bool
IsFullPerm ( InventoryItem item ) : bool
IsWorn ( InventoryItem item ) : bool
ItemLabel ( InventoryBase invBase, bool returnRaw ) : string

Returns text of the label

ReloadInventory ( ) : void
SelectInventoryNode ( UUID itemID ) : void

Finds and higlights inventory node

UpdateSearch ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddBase ( TreeNode parent, InventoryBase obj ) : TreeNode
AddDir ( TreeNode parentNode, InventoryFolder f ) : TreeNode
AddFolderFromStore ( TreeNode parent, InventoryFolder f ) : void
AddItem ( TreeNode parent, InventoryItem item ) : TreeNode
Appearance_AppearanceSet ( object sender, AppearanceSetEventArgs e ) : void
Exec_OnInventoryObjectAdded ( InventoryBase obj ) : void
Exec_OnInventoryObjectUpdated ( InventoryBase oldObject, InventoryBase newObject ) : void
InventoryConsole_Disposed ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
Inventory_InventoryObjectAdded ( object sender, OpenMetaverse.InventoryObjectAddedEventArgs e ) : void
Inventory_InventoryObjectRemoved ( object sender, OpenMetaverse.InventoryObjectRemovedEventArgs e ) : void
Inventory_InventoryObjectUpdated ( object sender, OpenMetaverse.InventoryObjectUpdatedEventArgs e ) : void
NotecardCreated ( bool success, InventoryItem item ) : void
Objects_AttachmentUpdate ( object sender, PrimEventArgs e ) : void
Objects_KillObject ( object sender, KillObjectEventArgs e ) : void
OnInvContextClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
OnLabelEditTimer ( object sender ) : void
PerformClipboardOperation ( InventoryFolder dest ) : void
PerformLinkOperation ( InventoryFolder dest ) : void
PerformRecursiveSearch ( int level, UUID folderID ) : void
ScriptCreated ( bool success, InventoryItem item ) : void
StartTraverseNodes ( ) : void
TraverseAndQueueNodes ( InventoryNode start ) : void
TraverseNodes ( InventoryNode start ) : void
TreeUpdateTimerTick ( Object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
TreeView_AfterExpand ( object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e ) : void
UpdateItemInfo ( InventoryItem item ) : void
UpdateNodeLabel ( UUID itemID ) : void
UpdateStatus ( string text ) : void
UpdateWornLabels ( ) : void
btnInvSearch_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
btnProfile_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
cacheNode ( TreeNode node ) : void
cbNextOwnerUpdate_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
cbSrchName_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
cbSrchWorn_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
copyInitialOutfitsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
ctxInv_Opening ( object sender, CancelEventArgs e ) : void
fetchFolder ( UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool force ) : void
findNodeForItem ( UUID itemID ) : TreeNode
invTree_AfterLabelEdit ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.NodeLabelEditEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_BeforeLabelEdit ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.NodeLabelEditEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_DragDrop ( object sender, DragEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_DragEnter ( object sender, DragEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_DragOver ( object sender, DragEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_ItemDrag ( object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_KeyUp ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_MouseClick ( object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e ) : void
invTree_NodeMouseDoubleClick ( object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e ) : void
lstInventorySearch_DrawItem ( object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e ) : void
lstInventorySearch_KeyDown ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void
lstInventorySearch_MouseClick ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
lstInventorySearch_MouseDoubleClick ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
lstInventorySearch_RetrieveVirtualItem ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e ) : void
lstInventorySearch_SizeChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
rbSrchAll_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
reloadInventoryToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
removeNode ( TreeNode node ) : void
saveAllTToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tbtbSortByName_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tbtnSortByDate_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
tbtnSystemFoldersFirst_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
txtAssetID_Enter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
txtInvID_Enter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
txtItemDescription_Leave ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
txtItemName_Leave ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
txtSearch_KeyDown ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void
txtSearch_TextChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

AttachedTo() public method

public AttachedTo ( InventoryItem item ) : AttachmentPoint
item OpenMetaverse.InventoryItem
return AttachmentPoint

AttachmentAt() public method

public AttachmentAt ( AttachmentPoint point ) : InventoryItem
point AttachmentPoint
return OpenMetaverse.InventoryItem

GetDirImageIndex() public static method

public static GetDirImageIndex ( string t ) : int
t string
return int

GetItemImageIndex() public static method

public static GetItemImageIndex ( string t ) : int
t string
return int

Init1() public method

public Init1 ( ) : void
return void

Init2() public method

public Init2 ( ) : void
return void

InventoryConsole() public method

public InventoryConsole ( Radegast.RadegastInstance instance ) : ThreadPoolUtil
instance Radegast.RadegastInstance
return ThreadPoolUtil

IsAttached() public method

public IsAttached ( InventoryItem item ) : bool
item OpenMetaverse.InventoryItem
return bool

IsFullPerm() public static method

public static IsFullPerm ( InventoryItem item ) : bool
item OpenMetaverse.InventoryItem
return bool

IsWorn() public method

public IsWorn ( InventoryItem item ) : bool
item OpenMetaverse.InventoryItem
return bool

ItemLabel() public method

Returns text of the label
public ItemLabel ( InventoryBase invBase, bool returnRaw ) : string
invBase OpenMetaverse.InventoryBase Inventory item
returnRaw bool Should we return raw text, or if false decorated text with (worn) info, and (no copy) etc. permission info
return string

ReloadInventory() public method

public ReloadInventory ( ) : void
return void

SelectInventoryNode() public method

Finds and higlights inventory node
public SelectInventoryNode ( UUID itemID ) : void
itemID UUID Inventory of ID of the item to select
return void

UpdateSearch() public method

public UpdateSearch ( ) : void
return void