C# Class QImageBlitz.Blitz

Inheritance: Object, IDisposable
Datei anzeigen Open project: 0xd34df00d/Qross Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
interceptor Qyoto.SmokeInvocation

Public Methods

Method Description
Antialias ( QImage img ) : QImage Antialiases an image. name="img" The image to process.
Blur ( QImage img ) : QImage
Blur ( QImage img, int radius ) : QImage A fast blur algorithm. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the blur. Larger values blur more.
ChannelIntensity ( QImage img, float percent, Blitz channel ) : QImage Modifies the intensity of an image's RGB channel. name="img" The image to process. name="percent" Percent value. Use a negative value to dim. name="channel" Which channel(s) should be modified. Only Red, Green, and Blue are valid.
Charcoal ( QImage img ) : QImage Produces a "charcoal" image effect. name="img" The image to process.
Contrast ( QImage img, bool sharpen ) : QImage
Contrast ( QImage img, bool sharpen, int weight ) : QImage High quality, fast HSV contrast. name="img" The image to process. name="sharpen" If true sharpness is increase, (spiffed). Otherwise it is decreased, (dulled). name="weight" How much to spiff or dull.
Convolve ( QImage img, int matrix_size, float &matrix ) : QImage Convolves an image using a convolution matrix, (kernel), and provides the basis for many different image filters and effects. name="img" The image to process. name="matrix_size" The size of one side of the convolution matrix, ie: a 3x3 matrix would be 3, not 9. name="matrix" The convolution matrix.
ConvolveEdge ( QImage img ) : QImage
ConvolveEdge ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
ConvolveEdge ( QImage img, float radius, Blitz quality ) : QImage Detects edges in an image using a convolution matrix. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
ConvolveInteger ( QImage img, int matrix_size, int &matrix ) : QImage
ConvolveInteger ( QImage img, int matrix_size, int &matrix, int divisor ) : QImage Same as above but with a faster integer matrix.
Desaturate ( QImage img ) : QImage
Desaturate ( QImage img, float desat ) : QImage Desaturate an image evenly. name="img" The image to process. name="desat" A value between 0 and 1 setting the degree of desaturation
Despeckle ( QImage img ) : QImage Minimizes speckle noise in the source image using the 8 hull algorithm. name="img" The image to process.
Dispose ( ) : void
Edge ( QImage img ) : QImage Detects edges in an image using the Sobel algorithm. name="img" The image to process.
Emboss ( QImage img ) : QImage
Emboss ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
Emboss ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma ) : QImage
Emboss ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma, Blitz quality ) : QImage Embosses an image. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="sigma" The standard deviation of the gaussian in pixels. Use 1.0, (recommended), for the default value. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
Equalize ( QImage img ) : bool Performs histogram equalization. name="img" The image to equalize.
Fade ( QImage img, float val, QColor color ) : QImage Fade an image to a certain background color. The number of colors will not be changed. name="img" The image to process. name="val" The strength of the effect. 0 <= val <= 1. name="color" The background color.
Flatten ( QImage img, QColor ca, QColor cb ) : QImage This recolors a pixmap. The most dark color will become color a, the most bright one color b, and in between. name="img" The image to process. name="ca" Color a name="cb" Color b
GaussianBlur ( QImage img ) : QImage
GaussianBlur ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
GaussianBlur ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma ) : QImage A high quality gaussian/convolve-based blur. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="sigma" The standard deviation of the gaussian in pixels. Use 1.0, (recommended), for the default value.
GaussianSharpen ( QImage img ) : QImage
GaussianSharpen ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
GaussianSharpen ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma ) : QImage
GaussianSharpen ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma, Blitz quality ) : QImage Sharpens an image. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="sigma" The standard deviation of the gaussian in pixels. Use 1.0, (recommended), for the default value. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
Gradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type ) : QImage Create a gradient from color a to color b of the specified type. name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="ca" Color a name="cb" Color b name="type" The type of gradient.
GrayGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type ) : QImage Creates an 8bit grayscale gradient suitable for use as an alpha channel using QImage.SetAlphaChannel(). name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="ca" The grayscale start value. name="cb" The grayscale end value. name="type" The type of gradient.
GrayUnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type ) : QImage
GrayUnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type, int xfactor ) : QImage
GrayUnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type, int xfactor, int yfactor ) : QImage Creates an 8bit grayscale gradient suitable for use as an alpha channel using QImage.SetAlphaChannel(). name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="type" The type of gradient. name="ca" The grayscale start value. name="cb" The grayscale end value. name="xfactor" The x decay length. Use a value between -200 and 200. name="yfactor" The y decay length.
Grayscale ( QImage img ) : bool
Grayscale ( QImage img, bool reduceDepth ) : bool Grayscales an image. name="img" The image to grayscale. name="reduceDepth" If true the result will be an 8bit palette image.
Implode ( QImage img ) : QImage
Implode ( QImage img, float amount ) : QImage Implodes an image by a specified percent. name="img" The QImage to process. name="amount" The extent of the implosion.
Intensity ( QImage img, float percent ) : QImage Either brighten or dim the image by a specified percent. For example, 0.50 will modify the colors by 50%. name="img" The image to process. name="percent" The percent value. Use a negative value to dim.
Invert ( QImage img ) : bool
Invert ( QImage img, QImage mode ) : bool Inverts an image. If the machine supports MMX this can do two pixels at a time, otherwise it's the same as QImage.InvertPixels(). name="img" The image to invert. name="mode" If to invert the alpha channel or not.
Modulate ( QImage img, QImage modImg, bool reverse, Blitz type, int factor, Blitz channel ) : QImage Modulate the image with a color channel of another image. name="img" The QImage to modulate and result. name="modImg" The QImage to use for modulation. name="reverse" Invert the meaning of image/modImage; result is image! name="type" The modulation Type to use. name="factor" The modulation amplitude; with 0 no effect [-200;200]. name="channel" The RBG channel of image2 to use for modulation.
Normalize ( QImage img ) : bool Normalizes the pixel values to span the full range of color values. This is a contrast enhancement technique. name="img" The image to normalize
OilPaint ( QImage img ) : QImage
OilPaint ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
OilPaint ( QImage img, float radius, Blitz quality ) : QImage Produces an oil painting effect. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
Sharpen ( QImage img ) : QImage
Sharpen ( QImage img, int radius ) : QImage A cheap, fast sharpen. name="radius" The radius. Larger values sharpen more.
SmoothScale ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz ) : QImage
SmoothScale ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage A fast smoothscale method with MMX support. name="img" The image to smoothscale. name="sz" The size to scale to. name="aspectRatio" What aspect ratio to use, if any.
SmoothScale ( QImage img, int dw, int dh ) : QImage
SmoothScale ( QImage img, int dw, int dh, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz ) : QImage
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, float blur ) : QImage
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, float blur, Blitz filter ) : QImage
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, float blur, Blitz filter, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage Smoothscales an image using a high-quality filter. name="img" The image to smoothscale. name="sz" The size to scale to. name="blur" A blur factor. Values greater than 1.0 blur while values less than 1.0 sharpen. name="filter" The filter type. name="aspectRatio" What aspect ratio to use, if any.
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY ) : QImage
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY, float blur ) : QImage
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY, float blur, Blitz filter ) : QImage
SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY, float blur, Blitz filter, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage
Swirl ( QImage img ) : QImage
Swirl ( QImage img, float degrees ) : QImage Swirls the image by a specified amount name="img" The image to process. name="degrees" The tightness of the swirl.
Threshold ( QImage img ) : QImage
Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue ) : QImage
Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue, Blitz channel ) : QImage
Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue, Blitz channel, uint aboveColor ) : QImage
Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue, Blitz channel, uint aboveColor, uint belowColor ) : QImage Thresholds an image based on a given channel and threshold value. name="img" The image to process. name="thresholdValue" The value that separates "on" colors from "off" ones. name="channel" The channel to use when thresholding. name="aboveColor" The color to use for values at or above the threshold. name="belowColor" The color to use for values below the threshold.
UnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type ) : QImage
UnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type, int xfactor ) : QImage
UnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type, int xfactor, int yfactor ) : QImage Create an unbalanced gradient. An unbalanced gradient is a gradient where the transition from color a to color b is not linear, but in this case exponential. name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="ca" Color a name="cb" Color b name="type" The type of gradient. name="xfactor" The x decay length. Use a value between -200 and 200. name="yfactor" The y decay length.
Wave ( QImage img ) : QImage
Wave ( QImage img, float amplitude ) : QImage
Wave ( QImage img, float amplitude, float frequency ) : QImage
Wave ( QImage img, float amplitude, float frequency, uint background ) : QImage Modifies the pixels along a sine wave. name="img" The image to process. name="amplitude" The amplitude of the sine wave. name="frequency" The frequency of the sine wave. name="background" An RGBA value to use for the background. After the effect some pixels may be "empty". This value is used for those pixels.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Blitz ( Type dummy ) : System
CreateProxy ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
Blitz ( ) : System

Method Details

Antialias() public static method

Antialiases an image. name="img" The image to process.
public static Antialias ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Blitz() protected method

protected Blitz ( Type dummy ) : System
dummy System.Type
return System

Blur() public static method

public static Blur ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Blur() public static method

A fast blur algorithm. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the blur. Larger values blur more.
public static Blur ( QImage img, int radius ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius int
return Qyoto.QImage

ChannelIntensity() public static method

Modifies the intensity of an image's RGB channel. name="img" The image to process. name="percent" Percent value. Use a negative value to dim. name="channel" Which channel(s) should be modified. Only Red, Green, and Blue are valid.
public static ChannelIntensity ( QImage img, float percent, Blitz channel ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
percent float
channel Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

Charcoal() public static method

Produces a "charcoal" image effect. name="img" The image to process.
public static Charcoal ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Contrast() public static method

public static Contrast ( QImage img, bool sharpen ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sharpen bool
return Qyoto.QImage

Contrast() public static method

High quality, fast HSV contrast. name="img" The image to process. name="sharpen" If true sharpness is increase, (spiffed). Otherwise it is decreased, (dulled). name="weight" How much to spiff or dull.
public static Contrast ( QImage img, bool sharpen, int weight ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sharpen bool
weight int
return Qyoto.QImage

Convolve() public static method

Convolves an image using a convolution matrix, (kernel), and provides the basis for many different image filters and effects. name="img" The image to process. name="matrix_size" The size of one side of the convolution matrix, ie: a 3x3 matrix would be 3, not 9. name="matrix" The convolution matrix.
public static Convolve ( QImage img, int matrix_size, float &matrix ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
matrix_size int
matrix float
return Qyoto.QImage

ConvolveEdge() public static method

public static ConvolveEdge ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

ConvolveEdge() public static method

public static ConvolveEdge ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
return Qyoto.QImage

ConvolveEdge() public static method

Detects edges in an image using a convolution matrix. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
public static ConvolveEdge ( QImage img, float radius, Blitz quality ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
quality Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

ConvolveInteger() public static method

public static ConvolveInteger ( QImage img, int matrix_size, int &matrix ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
matrix_size int
matrix int
return Qyoto.QImage

ConvolveInteger() public static method

Same as above but with a faster integer matrix.
public static ConvolveInteger ( QImage img, int matrix_size, int &matrix, int divisor ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
matrix_size int
matrix int
divisor int
return Qyoto.QImage

CreateProxy() protected method

protected CreateProxy ( ) : void
return void

Desaturate() public static method

public static Desaturate ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Desaturate() public static method

Desaturate an image evenly. name="img" The image to process. name="desat" A value between 0 and 1 setting the degree of desaturation
public static Desaturate ( QImage img, float desat ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
desat float
return Qyoto.QImage

Despeckle() public static method

Minimizes speckle noise in the source image using the 8 hull algorithm. name="img" The image to process.
public static Despeckle ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Edge() public static method

Detects edges in an image using the Sobel algorithm. name="img" The image to process.
public static Edge ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Emboss() public static method

public static Emboss ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Emboss() public static method

public static Emboss ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
return Qyoto.QImage

Emboss() public static method

public static Emboss ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
sigma float
return Qyoto.QImage

Emboss() public static method

Embosses an image. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="sigma" The standard deviation of the gaussian in pixels. Use 1.0, (recommended), for the default value. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
public static Emboss ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma, Blitz quality ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
sigma float
quality Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

Equalize() public static method

Performs histogram equalization. name="img" The image to equalize.
public static Equalize ( QImage img ) : bool
img Qyoto.QImage
return bool

Fade() public static method

Fade an image to a certain background color. The number of colors will not be changed. name="img" The image to process. name="val" The strength of the effect. 0 <= val <= 1. name="color" The background color.
public static Fade ( QImage img, float val, QColor color ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
val float
color Qyoto.QColor
return Qyoto.QImage

Flatten() public static method

This recolors a pixmap. The most dark color will become color a, the most bright one color b, and in between. name="img" The image to process. name="ca" Color a name="cb" Color b
public static Flatten ( QImage img, QColor ca, QColor cb ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
ca Qyoto.QColor
cb Qyoto.QColor
return Qyoto.QImage

GaussianBlur() public static method

public static GaussianBlur ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

GaussianBlur() public static method

public static GaussianBlur ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
return Qyoto.QImage

GaussianBlur() public static method

A high quality gaussian/convolve-based blur. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="sigma" The standard deviation of the gaussian in pixels. Use 1.0, (recommended), for the default value.
public static GaussianBlur ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
sigma float
return Qyoto.QImage

GaussianSharpen() public static method

public static GaussianSharpen ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

GaussianSharpen() public static method

public static GaussianSharpen ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
return Qyoto.QImage

GaussianSharpen() public static method

public static GaussianSharpen ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
sigma float
return Qyoto.QImage

GaussianSharpen() public static method

Sharpens an image. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="sigma" The standard deviation of the gaussian in pixels. Use 1.0, (recommended), for the default value. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
public static GaussianSharpen ( QImage img, float radius, float sigma, Blitz quality ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
sigma float
quality Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

Gradient() public static method

Create a gradient from color a to color b of the specified type. name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="ca" Color a name="cb" Color b name="type" The type of gradient.
public static Gradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca Qyoto.QColor
cb Qyoto.QColor
type Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

GrayGradient() public static method

Creates an 8bit grayscale gradient suitable for use as an alpha channel using QImage.SetAlphaChannel(). name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="ca" The grayscale start value. name="cb" The grayscale end value. name="type" The type of gradient.
public static GrayGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca ushort
cb ushort
type Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

GrayUnbalancedGradient() public static method

public static GrayUnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca ushort
cb ushort
type Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

GrayUnbalancedGradient() public static method

public static GrayUnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type, int xfactor ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca ushort
cb ushort
type Blitz
xfactor int
return Qyoto.QImage

GrayUnbalancedGradient() public static method

Creates an 8bit grayscale gradient suitable for use as an alpha channel using QImage.SetAlphaChannel(). name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="type" The type of gradient. name="ca" The grayscale start value. name="cb" The grayscale end value. name="xfactor" The x decay length. Use a value between -200 and 200. name="yfactor" The y decay length.
public static GrayUnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, ushort ca, ushort cb, Blitz type, int xfactor, int yfactor ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca ushort
cb ushort
type Blitz
xfactor int
yfactor int
return Qyoto.QImage

Grayscale() public static method

public static Grayscale ( QImage img ) : bool
img Qyoto.QImage
return bool

Grayscale() public static method

Grayscales an image. name="img" The image to grayscale. name="reduceDepth" If true the result will be an 8bit palette image.
public static Grayscale ( QImage img, bool reduceDepth ) : bool
img Qyoto.QImage
reduceDepth bool
return bool

Implode() public static method

public static Implode ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Implode() public static method

Implodes an image by a specified percent. name="img" The QImage to process. name="amount" The extent of the implosion.
public static Implode ( QImage img, float amount ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
amount float
return Qyoto.QImage

Intensity() public static method

Either brighten or dim the image by a specified percent. For example, 0.50 will modify the colors by 50%. name="img" The image to process. name="percent" The percent value. Use a negative value to dim.
public static Intensity ( QImage img, float percent ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
percent float
return Qyoto.QImage

Invert() public static method

public static Invert ( QImage img ) : bool
img Qyoto.QImage
return bool

Invert() public static method

Inverts an image. If the machine supports MMX this can do two pixels at a time, otherwise it's the same as QImage.InvertPixels(). name="img" The image to invert. name="mode" If to invert the alpha channel or not.
public static Invert ( QImage img, QImage mode ) : bool
img Qyoto.QImage
mode Qyoto.QImage
return bool

Modulate() public static method

Modulate the image with a color channel of another image. name="img" The QImage to modulate and result. name="modImg" The QImage to use for modulation. name="reverse" Invert the meaning of image/modImage; result is image! name="type" The modulation Type to use. name="factor" The modulation amplitude; with 0 no effect [-200;200]. name="channel" The RBG channel of image2 to use for modulation.
public static Modulate ( QImage img, QImage modImg, bool reverse, Blitz type, int factor, Blitz channel ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
modImg Qyoto.QImage
reverse bool
type Blitz
factor int
channel Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

Normalize() public static method

Normalizes the pixel values to span the full range of color values. This is a contrast enhancement technique. name="img" The image to normalize
public static Normalize ( QImage img ) : bool
img Qyoto.QImage
return bool

OilPaint() public static method

public static OilPaint ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

OilPaint() public static method

public static OilPaint ( QImage img, float radius ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
return Qyoto.QImage

OilPaint() public static method

Produces an oil painting effect. name="img" The image to process. name="radius" The radius of the gaussian, not counting the center pixel. Use 0, (recommended), and an appropriate one will be used. name="quality" Determines if to use a small or large convolution matrix.
public static OilPaint ( QImage img, float radius, Blitz quality ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius float
quality Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

Sharpen() public static method

public static Sharpen ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Sharpen() public static method

A cheap, fast sharpen. name="radius" The radius. Larger values sharpen more.
public static Sharpen ( QImage img, int radius ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
radius int
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScale() public static method

public static SmoothScale ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sz Qyoto.QSize
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScale() public static method

A fast smoothscale method with MMX support. name="img" The image to smoothscale. name="sz" The size to scale to. name="aspectRatio" What aspect ratio to use, if any.
public static SmoothScale ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sz Qyoto.QSize
aspectRatio Qyoto.Qt
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScale() public static method

public static SmoothScale ( QImage img, int dw, int dh ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
dw int
dh int
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScale() public static method

public static SmoothScale ( QImage img, int dw, int dh, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
dw int
dh int
aspectRatio Qyoto.Qt
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sz Qyoto.QSize
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, float blur ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sz Qyoto.QSize
blur float
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, float blur, Blitz filter ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sz Qyoto.QSize
blur float
filter Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

Smoothscales an image using a high-quality filter. name="img" The image to smoothscale. name="sz" The size to scale to. name="blur" A blur factor. Values greater than 1.0 blur while values less than 1.0 sharpen. name="filter" The filter type. name="aspectRatio" What aspect ratio to use, if any.
public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, Qyoto.QSize sz, float blur, Blitz filter, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
sz Qyoto.QSize
blur float
filter Blitz
aspectRatio Qyoto.Qt
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
dwX int
dwY int
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY, float blur ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
dwX int
dwY int
blur float
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY, float blur, Blitz filter ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
dwX int
dwY int
blur float
filter Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

SmoothScaleFilter() public static method

public static SmoothScaleFilter ( QImage img, int dwX, int dwY, float blur, Blitz filter, Qt aspectRatio ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
dwX int
dwY int
blur float
filter Blitz
aspectRatio Qyoto.Qt
return Qyoto.QImage

Swirl() public static method

public static Swirl ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Swirl() public static method

Swirls the image by a specified amount name="img" The image to process. name="degrees" The tightness of the swirl.
public static Swirl ( QImage img, float degrees ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
degrees float
return Qyoto.QImage

Threshold() public static method

public static Threshold ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Threshold() public static method

public static Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
thresholdValue ushort
return Qyoto.QImage

Threshold() public static method

public static Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue, Blitz channel ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
thresholdValue ushort
channel Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

Threshold() public static method

public static Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue, Blitz channel, uint aboveColor ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
thresholdValue ushort
channel Blitz
aboveColor uint
return Qyoto.QImage

Threshold() public static method

Thresholds an image based on a given channel and threshold value. name="img" The image to process. name="thresholdValue" The value that separates "on" colors from "off" ones. name="channel" The channel to use when thresholding. name="aboveColor" The color to use for values at or above the threshold. name="belowColor" The color to use for values below the threshold.
public static Threshold ( QImage img, ushort thresholdValue, Blitz channel, uint aboveColor, uint belowColor ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
thresholdValue ushort
channel Blitz
aboveColor uint
belowColor uint
return Qyoto.QImage

UnbalancedGradient() public static method

public static UnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca Qyoto.QColor
cb Qyoto.QColor
type Blitz
return Qyoto.QImage

UnbalancedGradient() public static method

public static UnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type, int xfactor ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca Qyoto.QColor
cb Qyoto.QColor
type Blitz
xfactor int
return Qyoto.QImage

UnbalancedGradient() public static method

Create an unbalanced gradient. An unbalanced gradient is a gradient where the transition from color a to color b is not linear, but in this case exponential. name="size" The desired size of the gradient. name="ca" Color a name="cb" Color b name="type" The type of gradient. name="xfactor" The x decay length. Use a value between -200 and 200. name="yfactor" The y decay length.
public static UnbalancedGradient ( Qyoto.QSize size, QColor ca, QColor cb, Blitz type, int xfactor, int yfactor ) : QImage
size Qyoto.QSize
ca Qyoto.QColor
cb Qyoto.QColor
type Blitz
xfactor int
yfactor int
return Qyoto.QImage

Wave() public static method

public static Wave ( QImage img ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
return Qyoto.QImage

Wave() public static method

public static Wave ( QImage img, float amplitude ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
amplitude float
return Qyoto.QImage

Wave() public static method

public static Wave ( QImage img, float amplitude, float frequency ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
amplitude float
frequency float
return Qyoto.QImage

Wave() public static method

Modifies the pixels along a sine wave. name="img" The image to process. name="amplitude" The amplitude of the sine wave. name="frequency" The frequency of the sine wave. name="background" An RGBA value to use for the background. After the effect some pixels may be "empty". This value is used for those pixels.
public static Wave ( QImage img, float amplitude, float frequency, uint background ) : QImage
img Qyoto.QImage
amplitude float
frequency float
background uint
return Qyoto.QImage

Property Details

interceptor protected_oe property

protected SmokeInvocation,Qyoto interceptor
return Qyoto.SmokeInvocation