C# Class Project290.Physics.Dynamics.Joints.LineJoint

A line joint. This joint provides two degrees of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in body1 and rotation in the plane. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to drive the motion or to model joint friction.
Inheritance: Joint
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
LocalAnchorA Vector2
LocalAnchorB Vector2

Public Methods

Method Description
GetReactionForce ( float inv_dt ) : Vector2
GetReactionTorque ( float inv_dt ) : float
LineJoint ( Body bodyA, Body bodyB, Vector2 localAnchorA, Vector2 localAnchorB, Vector2 axis ) : System

Initialize the bodies, anchors, axis, and reference angle using the local anchor and world axis. This requires defining a line of motion using an axis and an anchor point. Uses local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.

Private Methods

Method Description
InitVelocityConstraints ( TimeStep &step ) : void
SolvePositionConstraints ( ) : bool
SolveVelocityConstraints ( TimeStep &step ) : void

Method Details

GetReactionForce() public method

public GetReactionForce ( float inv_dt ) : Vector2
inv_dt float
return Vector2

GetReactionTorque() public method

public GetReactionTorque ( float inv_dt ) : float
inv_dt float
return float

LineJoint() public method

Initialize the bodies, anchors, axis, and reference angle using the local anchor and world axis. This requires defining a line of motion using an axis and an anchor point. Uses local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.
public LineJoint ( Body bodyA, Body bodyB, Vector2 localAnchorA, Vector2 localAnchorB, Vector2 axis ) : System
bodyA Body The first body.
bodyB Body The second body.
localAnchorA Vector2 The first body anchor.
localAnchorB Vector2 The second body anchor.
axis Vector2 The axis.
return System

Property Details

LocalAnchorA public_oe property

The local anchor point relative to body1's origin.
public Vector2 LocalAnchorA
return Vector2

LocalAnchorB public_oe property

The local anchor point relative to body2's origin.
public Vector2 LocalAnchorB
return Vector2