C# Class PathfindingTest.UI.Menus.Multiplayer.MPLoadScreen

Inheritance: XNAInterfaceComponents.Components.XNAPanel
Datei anzeigen Open project: Wotuu/RTS_XNA_v2

Public Properties

Property Type Description
loadingLabel XNAInterfaceComponents.ChildComponents.XNALabel
loadingWhatLabels XNAInterfaceComponents.ChildComponents.XNALabel[]
progressBars XNAProgressBar[]

Public Methods

Method Description
MPLoadScreen ( ) : System
SetLoadingWhat ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user, String what ) : void

Sets what the user is currently loading.

SetPercentageDone ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user, int percentage ) : void

Sets the amount done for a certain user.

Method Details

MPLoadScreen() public method

public MPLoadScreen ( ) : System
return System

SetLoadingWhat() public method

Sets what the user is currently loading.
public SetLoadingWhat ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user, String what ) : void
user SocketLibrary.Users.User The user.
what String What said user is loading.
return void

SetPercentageDone() public method

Sets the amount done for a certain user.
public SetPercentageDone ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user, int percentage ) : void
user SocketLibrary.Users.User The user to set.
percentage int The percentage to set to
return void

Property Details

loadingLabel public_oe property

public XNALabel,XNAInterfaceComponents.ChildComponents loadingLabel
return XNAInterfaceComponents.ChildComponents.XNALabel

loadingWhatLabels public_oe property

public XNALabel[],XNAInterfaceComponents.ChildComponents loadingWhatLabels
return XNAInterfaceComponents.ChildComponents.XNALabel[]

progressBars public_oe property

public XNAProgressBar[] progressBars
return XNAProgressBar[]