C# Class PathfindingTest.UI.Menus.Multiplayer.GameLobby

Inheritance: XNAInterfaceComponents.Components.XNAPanel
Datei anzeigen Open project: Wotuu/RTS_XNA_v2

Public Properties

Property Type Description
userDisplayPanels CustomArrayList

Private Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
AddMessageToLog ( String message ) : void

Adds a message to the log.

GameLobby ( ) : System
GetDisplayPanel ( int index ) : UserDisplayPanel

Gets a user display panel by index.

GetDisplayPanelByUserId ( int userID ) : UserDisplayPanel

Gets a display panel by user ID.

GetDisplayPanelCount ( ) : int

Gets the amount of display panels in this lobby.

GetDisplayPanelIndexByUserID ( int userID ) : int

Gets the index of a dispaly panel by user.

IsCurrentUserHost ( ) : System.Boolean

Checks whether the current user is host or not.

IsFull ( ) : System.Boolean

Whether the game is full or not.

LeaveGame ( XNAButton source ) : void

Leave the game.

OnKeyPressed ( XNAInputLibrary.KeyboardInput.KeyEvent e ) : void

User pressed a key in the message textfield.

StartGame ( XNAButton source ) : void

Pressed the start game button!

UserExists ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user ) : System.Boolean

Checks whether the user exists in this lobby.

UserExists ( int userID ) : System.Boolean

Checks whether the user exists in this lobby.

UserJoined ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user ) : void

When a player joined, call this one.

UserLeft ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user ) : void

Call this when a player left.

Method Details

AddMessageToLog() public method

Adds a message to the log.
public AddMessageToLog ( String message ) : void
message String The message to add
return void

GameLobby() public method

public GameLobby ( ) : System
return System

GetDisplayPanel() public method

Gets a user display panel by index.
public GetDisplayPanel ( int index ) : UserDisplayPanel
index int The index to get.
return PathfindingTest.UI.Menus.Multiplayer.Panels.UserDisplayPanel

GetDisplayPanelByUserId() public method

Gets a display panel by user ID.
public GetDisplayPanelByUserId ( int userID ) : UserDisplayPanel
userID int The user ID to get the panel from.
return PathfindingTest.UI.Menus.Multiplayer.Panels.UserDisplayPanel

GetDisplayPanelCount() public method

Gets the amount of display panels in this lobby.
public GetDisplayPanelCount ( ) : int
return int

GetDisplayPanelIndexByUserID() public method

Gets the index of a dispaly panel by user.
public GetDisplayPanelIndexByUserID ( int userID ) : int
userID int The user id
return int

IsCurrentUserHost() public method

Checks whether the current user is host or not.
public IsCurrentUserHost ( ) : System.Boolean
return System.Boolean

IsFull() public method

Whether the game is full or not.
public IsFull ( ) : System.Boolean
return System.Boolean

LeaveGame() public method

Leave the game.
public LeaveGame ( XNAButton source ) : void
source XNAInterfaceComponents.AbstractComponents.XNAButton The button source
return void

OnKeyPressed() public method

User pressed a key in the message textfield.
public OnKeyPressed ( XNAInputLibrary.KeyboardInput.KeyEvent e ) : void
e XNAInputLibrary.KeyboardInput.KeyEvent The event
return void

StartGame() public method

Pressed the start game button!
public StartGame ( XNAButton source ) : void
source XNAInterfaceComponents.AbstractComponents.XNAButton
return void

UserExists() public method

Checks whether the user exists in this lobby.
public UserExists ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user ) : System.Boolean
user SocketLibrary.Users.User The user to check
return System.Boolean

UserExists() public method

Checks whether the user exists in this lobby.
public UserExists ( int userID ) : System.Boolean
userID int
return System.Boolean

UserJoined() public method

When a player joined, call this one.
public UserJoined ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user ) : void
user SocketLibrary.Users.User The user that joined.
return void

UserLeft() public method

Call this when a player left.
public UserLeft ( SocketLibrary.Users.User user ) : void
user SocketLibrary.Users.User The user that left.
return void

Property Details

userDisplayPanels public_oe property

public CustomArrayList userDisplayPanels
return CustomArrayList