C# Class PathfindingTest.UI.Menus.Multiplayer.Panels.PlayerLocation.MapPlayerLocationGroup

Datei anzeigen Open project: Wotuu/RTS_XNA_v2 Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
buttons LinkedList

Public Methods

Method Description
GetIndexOfButton ( MapPlayerLocationButton button ) : int

Gets the index of a button.

GetMapLocationByButtonTextNumber ( int number ) : Point

Gets the map location by button text number ( 1, 2, 3 etc.)

MapPlayerLocationGroup ( XNAInterfaceComponents.Components.XNAPanel parent, Point offset, String mapname ) : System
MapToMiniMap ( Point mapCoordinates ) : Point

Converts map coordinates to mini map coordinates

OnMapSelectionChanged ( System.Boolean flag ) : void

Should be called when the map selection has changed

OnPlayerIndexChanged ( MapPlayerLocationButton clickedButton, int number ) : void

When a user clicks on an empty MapPlayerLocationButton, a number needs to appear.

OnPlayerIndexChangedMP ( int userID, int buttonIndex ) : void

Changes the index of a user on the map.

Unload ( ) : void

Unloads the group.

Method Details

GetIndexOfButton() public method

Gets the index of a button.
public GetIndexOfButton ( MapPlayerLocationButton button ) : int
button MapPlayerLocationButton The button to search for
return int

GetMapLocationByButtonTextNumber() public method

Gets the map location by button text number ( 1, 2, 3 etc.)
public GetMapLocationByButtonTextNumber ( int number ) : Point
number int The number
return Point

MapPlayerLocationGroup() public method

public MapPlayerLocationGroup ( XNAInterfaceComponents.Components.XNAPanel parent, Point offset, String mapname ) : System
parent XNAInterfaceComponents.Components.XNAPanel
offset Point
mapname String
return System

MapToMiniMap() public method

Converts map coordinates to mini map coordinates
public MapToMiniMap ( Point mapCoordinates ) : Point
mapCoordinates Point The map coordinates you want to convert
return Point

OnMapSelectionChanged() public method

Should be called when the map selection has changed
public OnMapSelectionChanged ( System.Boolean flag ) : void
flag System.Boolean Whether the flag was visible or not.
return void

OnPlayerIndexChanged() public method

When a user clicks on an empty MapPlayerLocationButton, a number needs to appear.
public OnPlayerIndexChanged ( MapPlayerLocationButton clickedButton, int number ) : void
clickedButton MapPlayerLocationButton
number int Number to display on the map
return void

OnPlayerIndexChangedMP() public method

Changes the index of a user on the map.
public OnPlayerIndexChangedMP ( int userID, int buttonIndex ) : void
userID int User ID to change
buttonIndex int The button index.
return void

Unload() public method

Unloads the group.
public Unload ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

buttons public_oe property

public LinkedList buttons
return LinkedList