C# Class OxyPlot.Tests.SvgAssert

Provides methods to assert against the svg schema.
Datei anzeigen Open project: andreasjacobsen93/XamarinThirdpartySamples Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
IsValidDocument ( string content ) : void

Asserts that the specified string is a valid svg document (including ?xml and !DOCTYPE).

IsValidElement ( string content ) : void

Asserts that the specified string is a valid svg element (...).

IsValidFile ( string path ) : void

Asserts that the specified file is a valid svg file.

Method Details

IsValidDocument() public static method

Asserts that the specified string is a valid svg document (including ?xml and !DOCTYPE).
public static IsValidDocument ( string content ) : void
content string The svg document.
return void

IsValidElement() public static method

Asserts that the specified string is a valid svg element (...).
public static IsValidElement ( string content ) : void
content string The svg element.
return void

IsValidFile() public static method

Asserts that the specified file is a valid svg file.
public static IsValidFile ( string path ) : void
path string The path to the svg file.
return void