C# Class Novell.Directory.Ldap.MessageAgent

Datei anzeigen Open project: EventStore/csharp-ldap Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Abandon void
AbandonAll void
InitBlock void
MessageAgent System
debugDisplayMessages void
getLdapMessage System.Object
getLdapMessage System.Object
getMessage Message
isComplete bool
isResponseReceived bool
isResponseReceived bool
merge void
sendMessage void
sleepersAwake void

Private Methods

Method Description
Abandon ( int msgId, LdapConstraints cons ) : void

Abandon the request associated with MsgId

AbandonAll ( ) : void

Abandon all requests on this MessageAgent

InitBlock ( ) : void
MessageAgent ( ) : System
debugDisplayMessages ( ) : void

Debug code to print messages in message vector

getLdapMessage ( Integer32 msgId ) : Object
getLdapMessage ( System msgId ) : Object

Returns a response queued, or waits if none queued

getMessage ( int msgid ) : Message

Returns the Message object for a given messageID

isComplete ( int msgid ) : bool

Indicates whether a specific operation is complete

isResponseReceived ( ) : bool

Returns true if any responses are queued for any of the agent's messages return false if no responses are queued, otherwise true

isResponseReceived ( int msgId ) : bool

Returns true if any responses are queued for the specified msgId return false if no responses are queued, otherwise true

merge ( MessageAgent fromAgent ) : void

merges two message agents

sendMessage ( Novell.Directory.Ldap.Connection conn, LdapMessage msg, int timeOut, LdapMessageQueue queue, BindProperties bindProps ) : void

Send a request to the server. A Message class is created for the specified request which causes the message to be sent. The request is added to the list of messages being managed by this agent.

sleepersAwake ( bool all ) : void

Wakes up any threads waiting for messages in the message agent