C# Class Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.VIndividualDemographicsBase

Inheritance: System.IComparable, System.ICloneable, INotifyPropertyChanged
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Private Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
AcceptChanges ( ) : void

Accepts the changes made to this object by setting each flags to false.

CancelChanges ( ) : void

Revert all changes and restore original values. Currently not supported.

Clone ( ) : object

ICloneable.Clone() Member, returns the Deep Copy of this entity.

CompareTo ( object obj ) : int

Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication of their relative values. An object to compare to this instance, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

Copy ( ) : VIndividualDemographicsBase

Returns a Typed VIndividualDemographicsBase Entity

CreateVIndividualDemographics ( System _customerId, System _totalPurchaseYtd, System _dateFirstPurchase, System _birthDate, System _maritalStatus, System _yearlyIncome, System _gender, System _totalChildren, System _numberChildrenAtHome, System _education, System _occupation, System _homeOwnerFlag, System _numberCarsOwned ) : VIndividualDemographics

A simple factory method to create a new VIndividualDemographics instance.

Equals ( VIndividualDemographicsBase toObject ) : bool

Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.

Equals ( VIndividualDemographicsBase Object1, VIndividualDemographicsBase Object2 ) : bool

Determines whether the specified VIndividualDemographicsBase instances are considered equal.

GetPropertyValueByName ( VIndividualDemographics entity, string propertyName ) : object

Gets the property value by name.

GetPropertyValueByName ( string propertyName ) : object

Gets the property value by name.

MakeCopyOf ( object x ) : object

Returns a deep copy of the child collection object passed in.

MarkToDelete ( ) : void

Marks entity to be deleted.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a String that represents the current object.

VIndividualDemographicsBase ( ) : System

Creates a new VIndividualDemographicsBase instance.

VIndividualDemographicsBase ( System _customerId, System _totalPurchaseYtd, System _dateFirstPurchase, System _birthDate, System _maritalStatus, System _yearlyIncome, System _gender, System _totalChildren, System _numberChildrenAtHome, System _education, System _occupation, System _homeOwnerFlag, System _numberCarsOwned ) : System

Creates a new VIndividualDemographicsBase instance.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnPropertyChanged ( PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when a property is changed

OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void

Called when a property is changed

Method Details

AcceptChanges() public method

Accepts the changes made to this object by setting each flags to false.
public AcceptChanges ( ) : void
return void

CancelChanges() public method

Revert all changes and restore original values. Currently not supported.
This method is not currently supported and always throws this exception.
public CancelChanges ( ) : void
return void

Clone() public method

ICloneable.Clone() Member, returns the Deep Copy of this entity.
public Clone ( ) : object
return object

CompareTo() public method

Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication of their relative values. An object to compare to this instance, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
public CompareTo ( object obj ) : int
obj object
return int

Copy() public method

Returns a Typed VIndividualDemographicsBase Entity
public Copy ( ) : VIndividualDemographicsBase
return VIndividualDemographicsBase

CreateVIndividualDemographics() public static method

A simple factory method to create a new VIndividualDemographics instance.
public static CreateVIndividualDemographics ( System _customerId, System _totalPurchaseYtd, System _dateFirstPurchase, System _birthDate, System _maritalStatus, System _yearlyIncome, System _gender, System _totalChildren, System _numberChildrenAtHome, System _education, System _occupation, System _homeOwnerFlag, System _numberCarsOwned ) : VIndividualDemographics
_customerId System
_totalPurchaseYtd System
_dateFirstPurchase System
_birthDate System
_maritalStatus System
_yearlyIncome System
_gender System
_totalChildren System
_numberChildrenAtHome System
_education System
_occupation System
_homeOwnerFlag System
_numberCarsOwned System
return VIndividualDemographics

Equals() public method

Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
public Equals ( VIndividualDemographicsBase toObject ) : bool
toObject VIndividualDemographicsBase An object to compare to this instance.
return bool

Equals() public static method

Determines whether the specified VIndividualDemographicsBase instances are considered equal.
public static Equals ( VIndividualDemographicsBase Object1, VIndividualDemographicsBase Object2 ) : bool
Object1 VIndividualDemographicsBase The first to compare.
Object2 VIndividualDemographicsBase The second to compare.
return bool

GetPropertyValueByName() public static method

Gets the property value by name.
public static GetPropertyValueByName ( VIndividualDemographics entity, string propertyName ) : object
entity VIndividualDemographics The entity.
propertyName string Name of the property.
return object

GetPropertyValueByName() public method

Gets the property value by name.
public GetPropertyValueByName ( string propertyName ) : object
propertyName string Name of the property.
return object

MakeCopyOf() public static method

Returns a deep copy of the child collection object passed in.
public static MakeCopyOf ( object x ) : object
x object
return object

MarkToDelete() public method

Marks entity to be deleted.
public MarkToDelete ( ) : void
return void

OnPropertyChanged() protected method

Called when a property is changed
protected OnPropertyChanged ( PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
e System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs PropertyChangedEventArgs
return void

OnPropertyChanged() protected method

Called when a property is changed
protected OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void
propertyName string The name of the property that has changed.
return void

ToString() public method

Returns a String that represents the current object.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

VIndividualDemographicsBase() public method

Creates a new VIndividualDemographicsBase instance.
public VIndividualDemographicsBase ( ) : System
return System

VIndividualDemographicsBase() public method

Creates a new VIndividualDemographicsBase instance.
public VIndividualDemographicsBase ( System _customerId, System _totalPurchaseYtd, System _dateFirstPurchase, System _birthDate, System _maritalStatus, System _yearlyIncome, System _gender, System _totalChildren, System _numberChildrenAtHome, System _education, System _occupation, System _homeOwnerFlag, System _numberCarsOwned ) : System
_customerId System
_totalPurchaseYtd System
_dateFirstPurchase System
_birthDate System
_maritalStatus System
_yearlyIncome System
_gender System
_totalChildren System
_numberChildrenAtHome System
_education System
_occupation System
_homeOwnerFlag System
_numberCarsOwned System
return System