C# Class Net.Pkcs11Interop.HighLevelAPI41.Pkcs11

High level PKCS#11 wrapper
Inheritance: IDisposable
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Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void

Disposes object

GetInfo ( ) : LibraryInfo

Gets general information about loaded PKCS#11 library

GetSlotList ( bool tokenPresent ) : List

Obtains a list of slots in the system

Pkcs11 ( string libraryPath, bool useOsLocking ) : System

Loads and initializes PCKS#11 library

Pkcs11 ( string libraryPath, bool useOsLocking, bool useGetFunctionList ) : System

Loads and initializes PCKS#11 library

WaitForSlotEvent ( bool dontBlock, bool &eventOccured, uint &slotId ) : void

Waits for a slot event, such as token insertion or token removal, to occur

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Disposes object

Method Details

Dispose() public method

Disposes object
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

Disposes object
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool Flag indicating whether managed resources should be disposed
return void

GetInfo() public method

Gets general information about loaded PKCS#11 library
public GetInfo ( ) : LibraryInfo
return LibraryInfo

GetSlotList() public method

Obtains a list of slots in the system
public GetSlotList ( bool tokenPresent ) : List
tokenPresent bool Flag indicating whether the list obtained includes only those slots with a token present (true), or all slots (false)
return List

Pkcs11() public method

Loads and initializes PCKS#11 library
public Pkcs11 ( string libraryPath, bool useOsLocking ) : System
libraryPath string Library name or path
useOsLocking bool Flag indicating whether PKCS#11 library can use the native operation system threading model for locking. Should be set to true in all multithreaded applications.
return System

Pkcs11() public method

Loads and initializes PCKS#11 library
public Pkcs11 ( string libraryPath, bool useOsLocking, bool useGetFunctionList ) : System
libraryPath string Library name or path
useOsLocking bool Flag indicating whether PKCS#11 library can use the native operation system threading model for locking. Should be set to true in all multithreaded applications.
useGetFunctionList bool Flag indicating whether cryptoki function pointers should be acquired via C_GetFunctionList (true) or via platform native function (false)
return System

WaitForSlotEvent() public method

Waits for a slot event, such as token insertion or token removal, to occur
public WaitForSlotEvent ( bool dontBlock, bool &eventOccured, uint &slotId ) : void
dontBlock bool Flag indicating that method should not block until an event occurs - it should return immediately instead. See PKCS#11 standard for full explanation.
eventOccured bool Flag indicating whether event occured
slotId uint PKCS#11 handle of slot that the event occurred in
return void