C# Class NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver

Main entry point to NAnt that is called by the ConsoleStub.
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Public Methods

Method Description
GetBuildFileName ( string directory, string searchPattern, bool findInParent ) : string

Gets the file name for the build file in the specified directory.

Main ( string args ) : int

Starts NAnt. This is the Main entry point.

ShowProjectHelp ( XmlDocument buildDoc ) : void

Prints the projecthelp to the console.

buildDoc is loaded and transformed with ProjectHelp.xslt, which is an embedded resource.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddBuildListeners ( CommandLineOptions cmdlineOptions, Project project ) : void

Add the listeners specified in the command line arguments, along with the default listener, to the specified project.

CreateListener ( string typeName ) : IBuildListener
CreateLogger ( string typeName ) : IBuildLogger
LoadExtensionAssemblies ( StringCollection extensionAssemblies, Project project ) : void

Loads the extension assemblies in the current AppDomain and scans them for extensions.

ShowHelp ( CommandLineParser parser ) : void

Spits out generic help info to the console.

WriteException ( Exception cause ) : void

Write the message of the specified Exception and the inner exceptions to Console.Error.

Method Details

GetBuildFileName() public static method

Gets the file name for the build file in the specified directory.
public static GetBuildFileName ( string directory, string searchPattern, bool findInParent ) : string
directory string The directory to look for a build file. When in doubt use Environment.CurrentDirectory for directory.
searchPattern string Look for a build file with this pattern or name. If null look for a file that matches the default build pattern (*.build).
findInParent bool Whether or not to search the parent directories for a build file.
return string

Main() public static method

Starts NAnt. This is the Main entry point.
public static Main ( string args ) : int
args string Command Line args, or whatever you want to pass it. They will treated as Command Line args.
return int

ShowProjectHelp() public static method

Prints the projecthelp to the console.
buildDoc is loaded and transformed with ProjectHelp.xslt, which is an embedded resource.
public static ShowProjectHelp ( XmlDocument buildDoc ) : void
buildDoc System.Xml.XmlDocument The build file to show help for.
return void