C# Class Migrator.Providers.TransformationProvider

Base class for every transformation providers. A 'tranformation' is an operation that modifies the database.
Inheritance: ITransformationProvider
Datei anzeigen Open project: asynchrony/Migrator.NET

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_connection IDbConnection
_connectionString string
_dialect Dialect

Public Methods

Method Description
AddCheckConstraint ( string name, string table, string checkSql ) : void
AddColumn ( string table, Migrator.Framework.Column column ) : void
AddColumn ( string table, string sqlColumn ) : void
AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type ) : void

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)

AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, ColumnProperty property ) : void

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)

AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, int size ) : void

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)

AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, int size, ColumnProperty property ) : void

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)

AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, int size, ColumnProperty property, object defaultValue ) : void

Add a new column to an existing table.

AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, object defaultValue ) : void
AddForeignKey ( string name, string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn ) : void

Append a foreign key (relation) between two tables. tables.

AddForeignKey ( string name, string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn, Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint constraint ) : void
AddPrimaryKey ( string name, string table ) : void

Append a primary key to a table.

AddTable ( string name ) : void

Add a new table

AddTable ( string name, string engine ) : void

Add a new table

AddTable ( string table, string engine, string columns ) : void
AddUniqueConstraint ( string name, string table ) : void
BeginTransaction ( ) : void

Starts a transaction. Called by the migration mediator.

ChangeColumn ( string table, Migrator.Framework.Column column ) : void
ChangeColumn ( string table, string sqlColumn ) : void
ColumnExists ( string table, string column ) : bool
Commit ( ) : void

Commit the current transaction. Called by the migrations mediator.

ConstraintExists ( string table, string name ) : bool

Determines if a constraint exists.

Delete ( string table ) : int
Delete ( string table, string columns, string values ) : int
Dispose ( ) : void
ExecuteNonQuery ( string sql ) : int
ExecuteQuery ( string sql ) : IDataReader

Execute an SQL query returning results.

ExecuteScalar ( string sql ) : object
ExecuteSchemaBuilder ( Migrator.Framework.SchemaBuilder.SchemaBuilder builder ) : void
GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string refTable ) : void
GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string refTable, Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint constraint ) : void
GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn ) : void

Guesses the name of the foreign key and add it

GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn, Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint constraint ) : void

Guesses the name of the foreign key and add it

GetColumnByName ( string table, string columnName ) : Migrator.Framework.Column
GetColumns ( string table ) : Migrator.Framework.Column[]
GetCommand ( ) : IDbCommand
GetPrimaryKeys ( IEnumerable columns ) : List
GetTables ( ) : string[]
Insert ( string table, string columns, string values ) : int
IsThisProvider ( string provider ) : bool
JoinColumnsAndValues ( string columns, string values ) : string
MigrationApplied ( long version ) : void

Marks a Migration version number as having been applied

MigrationUnApplied ( long version ) : void

Marks a Migration version number as having been rolled back from the database

PrimaryKeyExists ( string table, string name ) : bool
QuoteValues ( string values ) : string
QuoteValues ( string values ) : string[]
RemoveColumn ( string table, string column ) : void
RemoveConstraint ( string table, string name ) : void
RemoveForeignKey ( string table, string name ) : void
RemoveTable ( string name ) : void
RenameColumn ( string tableName, string oldColumnName, string newColumnName ) : void
RenameTable ( string oldName, string newName ) : void
Rollback ( ) : void

Rollback the current migration. Called by the migration mediator.

Select ( string what, string from ) : IDataReader
Select ( string what, string from, string where ) : IDataReader
SelectScalar ( string what, string from ) : object
SelectScalar ( string what, string from, string where ) : object
TableExists ( string table ) : bool
Update ( string table, string columns, string values ) : int
Update ( string table, string columns, string values, string where ) : int
this ( string provider ) : ITransformationProvider

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateSchemaInfoTable ( ) : void
EnsureHasConnection ( ) : void
JoinColumns ( IEnumerable columns ) : string
JoinColumnsAndIndexes ( IEnumerable columns ) : string
JoinIndexes ( IEnumerable columns ) : string
TransformationProvider ( Dialect dialect, string connectionString ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
BuildCommand ( string sql ) : IDbCommand

Method Details

AddCheckConstraint() public method

public AddCheckConstraint ( string name, string table, string checkSql ) : void
name string
table string
checkSql string
return void

AddColumn() public method

public AddColumn ( string table, Migrator.Framework.Column column ) : void
table string
column Migrator.Framework.Column
return void

AddColumn() public method

public AddColumn ( string table, string sqlColumn ) : void
table string
sqlColumn string
return void

AddColumn() public method

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)
public AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type ) : void
table string
column string
type DbType
return void

AddColumn() public method

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)
public AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, ColumnProperty property ) : void
table string
column string
type DbType
property ColumnProperty
return void

AddColumn() public method

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)
public AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, int size ) : void
table string
column string
type DbType
size int
return void

AddColumn() public method

AddColumn(string, string, Type, int, ColumnProperty, object)
public AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, int size, ColumnProperty property ) : void
table string
column string
type DbType
size int
property ColumnProperty
return void

AddColumn() public method

Add a new column to an existing table.
public AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, int size, ColumnProperty property, object defaultValue ) : void
table string Table to which to add the column
column string Column name
type DbType Date type of the column
size int Max length of the column
property ColumnProperty Properties of the column, see ColumnProperty,
defaultValue object Default value
return void

AddColumn() public method

public AddColumn ( string table, string column, DbType type, object defaultValue ) : void
table string
column string
type DbType
defaultValue object
return void

AddForeignKey() public method

Append a foreign key (relation) between two tables. tables.
public AddForeignKey ( string name, string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn ) : void
name string Constraint name
primaryTable string Table name containing the primary key
primaryColumn string Primary key column name
refTable string Foreign table name
refColumn string Foreign column name
return void

AddForeignKey() public method

public AddForeignKey ( string name, string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn, Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint constraint ) : void
name string
primaryTable string
primaryColumn string
refTable string
refColumn string
constraint Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint
return void

AddPrimaryKey() public method

Append a primary key to a table.
public AddPrimaryKey ( string name, string table ) : void
name string Constraint name
table string Table name
return void

AddTable() public method

Add a new table
public AddTable ( string name ) : void
name string Table name
return void

AddTable() public method

Add a new table
public AddTable ( string name, string engine ) : void
name string Table name
engine string the database storage engine to use
return void

AddTable() public method

public AddTable ( string table, string engine, string columns ) : void
table string
engine string
columns string
return void

AddUniqueConstraint() public method

public AddUniqueConstraint ( string name, string table ) : void
name string
table string
return void

BeginTransaction() public method

Starts a transaction. Called by the migration mediator.
public BeginTransaction ( ) : void
return void

ChangeColumn() public method

public ChangeColumn ( string table, Migrator.Framework.Column column ) : void
table string
column Migrator.Framework.Column
return void

ChangeColumn() public method

public ChangeColumn ( string table, string sqlColumn ) : void
table string
sqlColumn string
return void

ColumnExists() public method

public ColumnExists ( string table, string column ) : bool
table string
column string
return bool

Commit() public method

Commit the current transaction. Called by the migrations mediator.
public Commit ( ) : void
return void

ConstraintExists() public abstract method

Determines if a constraint exists.
public abstract ConstraintExists ( string table, string name ) : bool
table string Table owning the constraint
name string Constraint name
return bool

CreateSchemaInfoTable() protected method

protected CreateSchemaInfoTable ( ) : void
return void

Delete() public method

public Delete ( string table ) : int
table string
return int

Delete() public method

public Delete ( string table, string columns, string values ) : int
table string
columns string
values string
return int

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

EnsureHasConnection() protected method

protected EnsureHasConnection ( ) : void
return void

ExecuteNonQuery() public method

public ExecuteNonQuery ( string sql ) : int
sql string
return int

ExecuteQuery() public method

Execute an SQL query returning results.
public ExecuteQuery ( string sql ) : IDataReader
sql string The SQL command.
return IDataReader

ExecuteScalar() public method

public ExecuteScalar ( string sql ) : object
sql string
return object

ExecuteSchemaBuilder() public method

public ExecuteSchemaBuilder ( Migrator.Framework.SchemaBuilder.SchemaBuilder builder ) : void
builder Migrator.Framework.SchemaBuilder.SchemaBuilder
return void

GenerateForeignKey() public method

public GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string refTable ) : void
primaryTable string
refTable string
return void

GenerateForeignKey() public method

public GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string refTable, Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint constraint ) : void
primaryTable string
refTable string
constraint Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint
return void

GenerateForeignKey() public method

Guesses the name of the foreign key and add it
public GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn ) : void
primaryTable string
primaryColumn string
refTable string
refColumn string
return void

GenerateForeignKey() public method

Guesses the name of the foreign key and add it
public GenerateForeignKey ( string primaryTable, string primaryColumn, string refTable, string refColumn, Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint constraint ) : void
primaryTable string
primaryColumn string
refTable string
refColumn string
constraint Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint
return void

GetColumnByName() public method

public GetColumnByName ( string table, string columnName ) : Migrator.Framework.Column
table string
columnName string
return Migrator.Framework.Column

GetColumns() public method

public GetColumns ( string table ) : Migrator.Framework.Column[]
table string
return Migrator.Framework.Column[]

GetCommand() public method

public GetCommand ( ) : IDbCommand
return IDbCommand

GetPrimaryKeys() public method

public GetPrimaryKeys ( IEnumerable columns ) : List
columns IEnumerable
return List

GetTables() public method

public GetTables ( ) : string[]
return string[]

Insert() public method

public Insert ( string table, string columns, string values ) : int
table string
columns string
values string
return int

IsThisProvider() public method

public IsThisProvider ( string provider ) : bool
provider string
return bool

JoinColumns() protected method

protected JoinColumns ( IEnumerable columns ) : string
columns IEnumerable
return string

JoinColumnsAndIndexes() protected method

protected JoinColumnsAndIndexes ( IEnumerable columns ) : string
columns IEnumerable
return string

JoinColumnsAndValues() public method

public JoinColumnsAndValues ( string columns, string values ) : string
columns string
values string
return string

JoinIndexes() protected method

protected JoinIndexes ( IEnumerable columns ) : string
columns IEnumerable
return string

MigrationApplied() public method

Marks a Migration version number as having been applied
public MigrationApplied ( long version ) : void
version long The version number of the migration that was applied
return void

MigrationUnApplied() public method

Marks a Migration version number as having been rolled back from the database
public MigrationUnApplied ( long version ) : void
version long The version number of the migration that was removed
return void

PrimaryKeyExists() public method

public PrimaryKeyExists ( string table, string name ) : bool
table string
name string
return bool

QuoteValues() public method

public QuoteValues ( string values ) : string
values string
return string

QuoteValues() public method

public QuoteValues ( string values ) : string[]
values string
return string[]

RemoveColumn() public method

public RemoveColumn ( string table, string column ) : void
table string
column string
return void

RemoveConstraint() public method

public RemoveConstraint ( string table, string name ) : void
table string
name string
return void

RemoveForeignKey() public method

public RemoveForeignKey ( string table, string name ) : void
table string
name string
return void

RemoveTable() public method

public RemoveTable ( string name ) : void
name string
return void

RenameColumn() public method

public RenameColumn ( string tableName, string oldColumnName, string newColumnName ) : void
tableName string
oldColumnName string
newColumnName string
return void

RenameTable() public method

public RenameTable ( string oldName, string newName ) : void
oldName string
newName string
return void

Rollback() public method

Rollback the current migration. Called by the migration mediator.
public Rollback ( ) : void
return void

Select() public method

public Select ( string what, string from ) : IDataReader
what string
from string
return IDataReader

Select() public method

public Select ( string what, string from, string where ) : IDataReader
what string
from string
where string
return IDataReader

SelectScalar() public method

public SelectScalar ( string what, string from ) : object
what string
from string
return object

SelectScalar() public method

public SelectScalar ( string what, string from, string where ) : object
what string
from string
where string
return object

TableExists() public method

public TableExists ( string table ) : bool
table string
return bool

TransformationProvider() protected method

protected TransformationProvider ( Dialect dialect, string connectionString ) : System
dialect Dialect
connectionString string
return System

Update() public method

public Update ( string table, string columns, string values ) : int
table string
columns string
values string
return int

Update() public method

public Update ( string table, string columns, string values, string where ) : int
table string
columns string
values string
where string
return int

this() public method

public this ( string provider ) : ITransformationProvider
provider string
return ITransformationProvider

Property Details

_connection protected_oe property

protected IDbConnection _connection
return IDbConnection

_connectionString protected_oe property

protected string _connectionString
return string

_dialect protected_oe property

protected Dialect _dialect
return Dialect