C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.TypeExtensions

Datei anzeigen Open project: nickharris/Microsoft.Azure.Zumo.MicroFramework Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
IsNullOrEmpty ( this value ) : bool
ToRoundtripDateString ( this date ) : string

Convert a date to the ISO 8601 roundtrip format supported by the server.

ToUriConstant ( object id ) : string

Convert the value into a URI id literal for URIs like {app-uri}/tables/{table}/{id}.

Method Details

IsNullOrEmpty() public static method

public static IsNullOrEmpty ( this value ) : bool
value this
return bool

ToRoundtripDateString() public static method

Convert a date to the ISO 8601 roundtrip format supported by the server.
public static ToRoundtripDateString ( this date ) : string
date this The date to convert.
return string

ToUriConstant() public static method

Convert the value into a URI id literal for URIs like {app-uri}/tables/{table}/{id}.
public static ToUriConstant ( object id ) : string
id object The id to convert.
return string