C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.StaticVirtualChannel

Base class for Static Virtual Channel
Datei anzeigen Open project: Microsoft/WindowsProtocolTestSuites Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
Sender SendSVCData
channelId System.UInt16
channelName string
channelOptions Channel_Options
decompressedBuffer List
maxChunkSize uint
mppcCompressor Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.Compression.Mppc.Compressor
mppcDecompressor Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.Compression.Mppc.Decompressor

Public Methods

Method Description
ReceivePackets ( StackPacket packet ) : void

Process received static virtual channel packet

Send ( byte data ) : void

Send data from this channel

StaticVirtualChannel ( UInt16 id, string name, Channel_Options options, uint chunkSize, CompressionType compressType, CompressionType decompressType, SendSVCData sender ) : System


Protected Methods

Method Description
ProcessSVCData ( byte data ) : void

Process Static virtual channel data

Private Methods

Method Description
SplitToChunks ( byte completeData, int maxBit = 16 ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.ChannelChunk[]

Split and compress the complete virtual channel data into chunk data.

Method Details

ProcessSVCData() protected method

Process Static virtual channel data
protected ProcessSVCData ( byte data ) : void
data byte
return void

ReceivePackets() public abstract method

Process received static virtual channel packet
public abstract ReceivePackets ( StackPacket packet ) : void
packet StackPacket
return void

Send() public method

Send data from this channel
public Send ( byte data ) : void
data byte
return void

StaticVirtualChannel() public method

public StaticVirtualChannel ( UInt16 id, string name, Channel_Options options, uint chunkSize, CompressionType compressType, CompressionType decompressType, SendSVCData sender ) : System
id System.UInt16 Channel ID
name string Channel Name
options Channel_Options Channel Options
chunkSize uint Max chunk size
compressType CompressionType Compress Type
decompressType CompressionType Decompress Type
sender SendSVCData Method used to send packet
return System

Property Details

Sender protected_oe property

Method used to send SVC data
protected SendSVCData Sender
return SendSVCData

channelId protected_oe property

Channel ID of this static virtual channel
protected UInt16,System channelId
return System.UInt16

channelName protected_oe property

Channel Name of this static virtual channel
protected string channelName
return string

channelOptions protected_oe property

Channel options
protected Channel_Options channelOptions
return Channel_Options

decompressedBuffer protected_oe property

Contains the decompressed data.
protected List decompressedBuffer
return List

maxChunkSize protected_oe property

How much data could be put into a chunk
protected uint maxChunkSize
return uint

mppcCompressor protected_oe property

protected Compressor,Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.Compression.Mppc mppcCompressor
return Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.Compression.Mppc.Compressor

mppcDecompressor protected_oe property

protected Decompressor,Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.Compression.Mppc mppcDecompressor
return Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.Compression.Mppc.Decompressor