C# Class Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.FillMemoryStatement

Represents the initblk IL instruction, which fills a block of memory with repeated copies of a given fill value.
Inheritance: Statement, IFillMemoryStatement
Datei anzeigen Open project: visualmutator/visualmutator Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispatch ( ICodeVisitor visitor ) : void

Calls the visitor.Visit(IFillMemoryStatement).

FillMemoryStatement ( ) : System

Represents the initblk IL instruction, which fills a block of memory with repeated copies of a given fill value.

FillMemoryStatement ( IFillMemoryStatement fillMemoryStatement ) : System

Makes a shallow copy of a statement that represents initblk IL instruction, which fills a block of memory with repeated copies of a given fill value.

Method Details

Dispatch() public method

Calls the visitor.Visit(IFillMemoryStatement).
public Dispatch ( ICodeVisitor visitor ) : void
visitor ICodeVisitor
return void

FillMemoryStatement() public method

Represents the initblk IL instruction, which fills a block of memory with repeated copies of a given fill value.
public FillMemoryStatement ( ) : System
return System

FillMemoryStatement() public method

Makes a shallow copy of a statement that represents initblk IL instruction, which fills a block of memory with repeated copies of a given fill value.
public FillMemoryStatement ( IFillMemoryStatement fillMemoryStatement ) : System
fillMemoryStatement IFillMemoryStatement The IFillMemoryStatement instance to copy.
return System