C# Class Meyn.TestLink.TestCaseFromTestPlan

test cases as they are returned from a test plan
This is different from TestCase as it returns additional info from the testplan. Maybe this should be refactored with a testplandetails subclass
Inheritance: TL_Data
Datei anzeigen Open project: apetrovskiy/STUPS Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
active bool
assigned_build_id int
assigner_id int
exec_id int
exec_on_build int
exec_on_tplan int
exec_status TestCaseResultStatus
executed int
execution_notes string
execution_order int
execution_run_type string
execution_ts string
execution_type int
external_id string
feature_id int
importance int
linked_by int
linked_ts System.DateTime
name string
platform_id int
platform_name string
priority int
status string
summary string
tc_id int
tcversion_id int
tcversion_number int
tester_id int
testsuite_id int
tsuite_name string
type string
urgency int
user_id int
version int
z int

Public Methods

Method Description
GenerateFromResponse ( CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcStruct list ) : List

This is used for the call GetTestCasesForTestPlan using the returned list from TestLink, generate a list of data

Private Methods

Method Description
TestCaseFromTestPlan ( CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcStruct data ) : System

Method Details

GenerateFromResponse() public static method

This is used for the call GetTestCasesForTestPlan using the returned list from TestLink, generate a list of data
public static GenerateFromResponse ( CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcStruct list ) : List
list CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcStruct
return List

Property Details

active public_oe property

marks the test case as active
public bool active
return bool

assigned_build_id public_oe property

the build id the test case is assigned to
public int assigned_build_id
return int

assigner_id public_oe property

public int assigner_id
return int

exec_id public_oe property

public int exec_id
return int

exec_on_build public_oe property

build id where it was last executed on
public int exec_on_build
return int

exec_on_tplan public_oe property

test plan id where it was last executed
public int exec_on_tplan
return int

exec_status public_oe property

the last execution status
public TestCaseResultStatus exec_status
return TestCaseResultStatus

executed public_oe property

public int executed
return int

execution_notes public_oe property

public string execution_notes
return string

execution_order public_oe property

public int execution_order
return int

execution_run_type public_oe property

actual execution type on last run 1=manual, 2 = automatic
public string execution_run_type
return string

execution_ts public_oe property

timestamp when it was executed. blank if not yet executeed
public string execution_ts
return string

execution_type public_oe property

the execution type set in the test case 1=manual, 2 = automatic
public int execution_type
return int

external_id public_oe property

the id displayed on the UI, but without hte prefix
public string external_id
return string

feature_id public_oe property

public int feature_id
return int

importance public_oe property

public int importance
return int

linked_by public_oe property

public int linked_by
return int

linked_ts public_oe property

public DateTime,System linked_ts
return System.DateTime

name public_oe property

public string name
return string

platform_id public_oe property

public int platform_id
return int

platform_name public_oe property

public string platform_name
return string

priority public_oe property

//the priority assigned in the test case(?)
public int priority
return int

status public_oe property

not clear what this is. It is NOT the same as the status in the other test case classes
public string status
return string

summary public_oe property

public string summary
return string

tc_id public_oe property

public int tc_id
return int

tcversion_id public_oe property

public int tcversion_id
return int

tcversion_number public_oe property

public int tcversion_number
return int

tester_id public_oe property

public int tester_id
return int

testsuite_id public_oe property

public int testsuite_id
return int

tsuite_name public_oe property

public string tsuite_name
return string

type public_oe property

public string type
return string

urgency public_oe property

urgency set in test plan
public int urgency
return int

user_id public_oe property

public int user_id
return int

version public_oe property

public int version
return int

z public_oe property

public int z
return int